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Number of items: 274.


Datta, Polly (2004) Centripetal Bias in the Federal Fiscal Relations in India, Growing Regional Disparity and Feeling of Discrimination: A Case Study of West Bengal.

Enskat, Mike (2001) Indiens wirtschaftspolitische Reformen nach 1991: eine Fallstudie des Stromsektors.

Falk, Rahel (2005) Industrial Sickness in Indian Manufacturing.

Frey, Karsten (2004) Elite Perception and Biased Strategic Policy Making: The Case of India's Nuclear Build-up.

Klonner, Stefan (2001) Essays on rotating savings and credit associations.

Kropf, Marianna (2005) Rituelle Traditionen der Planetengottheiten (Navagraha) im Kathmandutal: Strukturen – Praktiken – Weltbilder.

Lehr, Peter (2003) 'Region Indischer Ozean': Illusion oder Realität?

Merz, Brigitte (2002) Bhakti und Shakti: göttliche und menschliche agency im Kontext des Heilkults der Göttin Harati in Nepal.

Ottinger, Peter Christian (2003) Rutschungen im südwestlichen Annapurna-Massiv des zentralen Nepal-Himalaya: Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Hazardforschung.

Reinelt, Kurt Joachim (2000) Das Vivekadarpana: Textanalyse und Erläuterungen zur Philosophie und praktischen Erlösungslehre der Nathayogis in Maharashtra.

Spieß, Clemens (2004) One-Party-Dominance in Changing Societies: The African National Congress and Indian National Congress in Comparative Perspective: A Study in Party Systems and Agency in Post-Colonial India and Post-Apartheid South Africa.

Steinmetz, Anne Margret (2003) Three Essays on Groundwater and Tenancy Contracts in Rural Economies.

Witzens, Udo (2000) Kritik der Thesen Karl A. Wittfogels über den „Hydraulischen Despotismus“ mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des historischen singhalesischen Theravada-Buddhismus.

Wohlschlegel, Ansgar (2002) The Economics of Corporate Bankruptcy Law.

Master's thesis

Al-Kebsi, Huda (2016) A qualitative study of Pakistani immigrant women's experiences of childbirth in Germany.

Anam, Mujibul (2010) Masculinity in Majma: An Ethnography of Street Healing in Bangladesh.

Beutner, Stephan (2009) Baigas und Briten: Bewar im kolonialpolitischen Kontext von 1861-1900 im Mandla Distrikt (Central Provinces / Indien).

Bhaskaran Nair, Hari Kumar (2010) Marunnum Mantravum - an ethnographic enquiry into the patterns of affliction and therapeutics in a traditional healing practice in Malabar, north Kerala.

Cyranski, Christoph (2008) HIV/AIDS und 'traditionelle' Medizin in Indien: Dynamiken des Spannungsfelds von globaler Epidemie und lokalem Handeln.

Dutta, Kaberi (2016) Puffed rice to potato chips: malnutrition & changing food culture in India.

Egressy, Kinga (2012) Out of control? A qualitative study of diabetes management among Pakistani migrants in North-West England.

Eisenlohr, Patrick (1994) Hindi-Englisch Code-Switching als soziale Praxis.

Framke, Maria (2007) Jawaharlal Nehrus Wahrnehmung des Faschismus und seine Auseinandersetzung mit dessen Folgen.

Frei, Oliver Fabian (2000) Musik im Kolam: Darstellung und Analyse der musikalischen Aspekte in einem singhalesischen Maskenspiel.

Geist, Janina (2008) Queer in Indien: Selbst- und Fremdkonstruktionen indischer Queers in Politik, Gesellschaft und Medien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Internets.

Goebel, Linde S. (2014) Shvetapradara: Negotiating Ayurveda and Biomedicine in Contemporary Ayurvedic Gynecology.

Hengst, Karen Tay (2023) Healthcare accessibility In Singapore: The experience and health-seeking behaviour among low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore.

Heidegger, Patrizia Irina (2006) Die Indo-Englische "Novel of Partition": Fiktionalisierte Erinnerungen, offizielle Geschichtsbilder und das Jahr 1947.

Hopf, Arian (2015) Die yunāni-Heilpraxis im medizinischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext des kolonialzeitlichen Südasien: Eine Analyse der diskursiven Verflechtungen vierer Werke Iḥsan ʿAlis.

Höfle, Alexandra (2016) Farmers' suicides in India: a methodological and thematic analysis in the state of Maharashtra.

Kamat, Aditi (2024) Workplace violence against medical practitioners in India before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of their experiences, coping processes and the media on doctor-patient relationships.

Kaur, Mandeep (2023) Bodies, “Love” and Kidneys: The Regulation of Living Donor Donation in India and its Social Repercussions.

Klippel, Anne Lotta Elisabeth (2023) Telemedicine in Pakistan: On and under the Surface.

Kahl, Axel-Wolfgang (2020) Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen, liberalen Wirtschaftsordnung? - Eine Untersuchung zum institutionellen Wandel im Britischen Weltreich am Beispiel der Charter-Act-Verhandlungen (1811-1813).

Kramer, Max (2014) Sprachliche Imagination im Film: Tapori Hindi und die Verwendung sprachlicher Register im populären indischen Kino.

Kunwar, Rajiv (2010) Undocumented Migrants' Access to Healthcare in Germany: Limitations and Strategies.

Levatino, Antonina (2013) La Germania e l'avvento dell'Orientalismo: L'Indologia in terra tedesca.

Malek, Farjina (2010) Disability and Rehabilitation: An Ethnography of the "Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed" in Bangladesh.

Neukam, Gabriele (1990) Die Feinde des Göttlichen: Dämonenheilzeremonien in Sri Lanka.

Peshcherova, Daria (2023) Deconstructing pān: Betel quid’s journey from a medically beneficial snack to a cancerous drug.

Plessy, David (2023) Searching for a Master Plan: An Overview of the Art of Living Foundation and an Excursion into Its Social Initiatives.

Petney, Ariane (2010) Experiences with HIV/AIDS and the HIV/AIDS-related stigma among infected and affected children in India.

Priester-Lasch, Maximilian (2008) Tradition vs. Rationalität? Wahlentscheidungen und Strategien der Velar Tamil Nadus.

Rapp, Joachim (1997) National-religiöse Identität versus lokale Identitäten auf Sri Lanka.

Schmidt Stiedenroth, Kira Natalia (2010) Infertility in Pakistan: Experience and Health Seeking Behavior among Baloch Women in a Karachi Slum.

Sieler, Roman (2006) "Unberührbare Körper" - Ethnologische Überlegungen zu Kaste und embodiment.

Slouber, Michael J. (2007) The Cult of Khadgaravana.

Slouber, Michael J. (2011) Sankuka's Samhitasara: Edition and Translation of Verses 1-5, 75-85 and 129-154 with an Anonymous Commentary.

Stille, Max (2013) Metrik und Poetik der Josephsgeschichte Muhammad Sagirs.

Stocker, Stephanie (2009) Empowerment oder Entmachtung? Einfluss von Mikrofinanzprojekten auf die soziale Situation der Frau und das Geschlechterverhältnis in Südindien.

Studer, Genevieve (2010) Drowning in Enchanted Waters: The Role of Practiced Islam in Mental Health Nosology and Treatment Seeking Behaviors Demonstrated in Urban Bangladesh.

Trasarti, Francesca (2023) Meditation in Prison: Rehabilitating Prisoners from India to Bangladesh.

Tetzlaff, Stefan (2009) Entangled Boundaries: British India and the Persian Gulf Region during the Transition from Empires to Nation States, c. 1880-1935.

Tilker, Andreas (1988) Tanikama: Dämonologie und Exorzismus in Sri Lanka.

Weber, Fredy P. (2003) Transparenz visueller Repräsentation.

Weber, Hans-Jörg Luitgar (2007) Yogalehrende in Deutschland: eine humangeographische Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von netzwerktheoretischen, bildungs- und religionsgeographischen Aspekten.

Weigl, Constanze (2005) Der Umgang mit Krankheiten und deren Ursachen bei tamilischen Familien im Kreis Südliche Weinstrasse.

Wiegelmann, Gudrun (1990) Eine ideengeschichtliche Untersuchung des singhalesischen Maskenwesen.

Wischkowski, Anna (1987) Maskenschnitztradition in Sri Lanka.

Bachelor thesis

Bender, Katrin (2022) Tamilischer Kulturnationalismus. Ideologie und Identität im Wandel am Beispiel von Karunanidhis Drama Kalaiñarin Cilappatikāram. Nāṭakak Kāppiyam.


Lennartz, Thomas ; Butsch, Carsten ; Franz, Martin ; Kroll, Mareike, Hrsgg. (2013) Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 3. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 25./26. Januar 2013, Heidelberg.

Poerting, Julia ; Lennartz, Thomas, Hrsgg. (2014) Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 4. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 24./25. Januar 2014, Freiburg.

Poerting, Julia ; Keck, Markus, Hrsgg. (2015) Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 5. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 23./24. Januar 2015, Göttingen.

Bollée, Willem (2020) Gone to the dogs in ancient India.

Burling, Robbins (2003) The Language of the Modhupur Mandi (Garo) Vol. II: The Lexicon ; Vol. III: Glossary.

Das, Rahul Peter (2020) Lehrbuch der modernen bengalischen Hochsprachen.

Guggenbühl, Claudia (2008) Mircea Eliade and Surendranath Dasgupta: the history of their encounter; Dasgupta's life, his philosophy and his works on Yoga; a comparative analysis of Eliade's chapter on Patanjali's Yogasutra and Dasgupta's Yoga as Philosophy and Religion.

Harder, Hans ; Zaidi, Nishat ; Tschacher, Torsten (2022) The Vernacular: Three Essays on an Ambivalent Concept and its Uses in South Asia.

Hariprasad, Pidaparty Purna Satya (2018) How ancient are Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha and Surya Siddhanta?

Hariprasad, Pidaparty Purna Satya (2016) Vishuvat Chalana (Procession of Equinoxes): a brief and authentic journey from Vedic times to the present.

Hariprasad, Pidaparty Purna Satya (2017) Vishuvat Chalana (Procession of Equinoxes): a brief and authentic journey from Vedic times to the present.

Hettige, Siri (2017) Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka: Prospects and Challenges.

Höfer, András (2018) Photoarchiv Höfer digital, Version 2016, Bildbeschreibungen.

Leighton-Langer, Peter (2001) In die Freiheit entlassen?: Ein Erfahrungsbericht über Indien und Pakistan 1947.

Müller, Gotelind (2021) All under Heaven and Shared Skies: Memorialisation of Aviators in Nanjing between "Patriotism" and "Internationalism".

Müller, Gotelind (2018) Challenging Dead: A Look into Foreigners’ Cemeteries in Macau, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Michaels, Axel (2018) Nepal in the World.

Mills, James P. (2009) J.P. Mills and the Chittagong Hill Tracts, 1926/27: Tour Diary, Reports, Photographs.

Mukherji, Rahul (2018) Governing India: What do we know and need to know?

Müller, Gotelind (2019) Ambivalent remains: China and the Russian cemeteries in Harbin, Dalian and Lüshun.

Müller, Gotelind (2018) Between History, Heritage, and Foreign Relations: Extant Westerners’ cemeteries in Guangzhou and Shanghai.

Müller, Gotelind (2021) Chinese Grave Problems: The Historical Trajectory of the Republican-Era Sun-Chiang-Soong Families as Mirrored in Their Tombs.

Peschke, Franz (2017) Der Heidelberger Indologe und Buddhologe Prof. Dr. Walleser und das Problem seines Ich: eine Biographie.

Pollock, Sheldon (2014) What is South Asian Knowledge Good For?

Rashid, Harun-or (2022) Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman (1920-75): His Political Thoughts and Ideals. In: South Asia Institute Papers, Bd. 1.2022 (2022). Heidelberg, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University 2022

Riemenschneider, Dieter (2024) The Indian Novel in English: Its Critical Discourse 1934-2023.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma / Myanmar Bibliographic Project: Articles in periodicals, Festschriften or other multi-author publications.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma during the Second World War: Articles in periodicals, multiauthor publications, etc.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma during the Second World War: Monographs, Multiauthor works, Series, Periodicals.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2008) Burma/Myanmar Bibliographic Project: A Collection of Publications in West-European Languages for Preparation a Burma/Myanmar Bibliography.

Sen, Amiya P. (2015) "Hinduism" and the Problem of Self-Actualisation in the Colonial Era: Critical Reflections.

Yule, Paul (2006) Early Historic Sites in Orissa.

Yule, Paul (1985) Metalwork of the Bronze Age in India.


(2012) SAI-Newsletter, no. 1 (February 2012).

(2012) SAI-Newsletter, no. 2 (November 2012).

(2013) SAI-Newsletter, no. 3 (July 2013).

(2014) SAI-Newsletter, no. 4 (January 2014).

(2015) SAI-Newsletter, no. 6 (January 2015).

(2017) SAI-Newsletter, no.10 (May 2017).

(2017) SAI-Newsletter, no.11 (November 2017).

(2018) SAI-Newsletter, no.12 (June 2018).

(2015) SAI-Newsletter, no.7 (July 2015).

(2016) SAI-Newsletter, no.8 (February 2016).

(2016) SAI-Newsletter, no.9 (November 2016).

Part of a periodical

(2006) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 1, Nr. 1 (Juli 2006).

(2006) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 1, Nr. 2 (Oktober 2006).

(2007) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 2, Nr. 1 (Januar 2007).

(2007) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 2, Nr. 2 (April 2007).

(2007) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 2, Nr. 3 (Juli 2007).

(2007) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 2, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2007).

(2008) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 3, Nr. 1 (Januar 2008).

(2008) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 3, Nr. 2 (April 2008).

(2008) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 3, Nr. 3 (Juli 2008).

(2008) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 3, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2008).

(2009) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 4, Nr. 1 (Januar 2009).

(2009) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 4, Nr. 2 (April 2009).

(2009) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 4, Nr. 3 (Juli 2009).

(2009) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 4, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2009).

(2010) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 5, Nr. 1 (Januar 2010).

(2010) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 5, Nr. 2 (April 2010).

(2010) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 5, Nr. 3 (Juli 2010).

(2010) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 5, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2010).

(2011) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 6, Nr. 1 (Januar 2011).

(2011) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 6, Nr. 2 (April 2011).

(2011) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 6, Nr. 3 (Juli 2011).

(2011) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 6, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2011).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 1 (Januar 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 2 (April 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 3 (Juli 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2012).

(2013) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 8, Nr. 1 (Januar 2013).

(2013) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 8, Nr. 2 (April 2013).

(2013) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 8, Nr. 3 (Juli 2013).

(2013) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 8, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2013).


Altaf Qadeer, Bariah (2018) A South Asian strives for Social Justice and Environmental Justice.

Baumann, Martin (2003) Organising Hindu traditions in Europe, the case of Tamil Migrants from Sri Lanka.

Baumann, Martin (2000) Vows in Diasporic Context: Hindu Tamils in Germany.

Berkemer, Georg (2007) Banausia and Endo-History: European Concepts of Indian Historical Consciousness.

Berkemer, Georg (2006) Reader zur Einführung in Grundlagen und Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Geschichte Südasiens.

Berkemer, Georg (2006) A list of archival materials preserved at the Orissa State Archives concerning boundaries and boundary disputes mainly in and around Parlakhemundi.

Bhattacharya, Abhijit (2009) Archives of the Nation in Making: Public Institutions in the 19th Century and the Beginning of Modern Alternative Archives within a Contemporary Institutional Framework.

Bollée, Willem (2020) Stylistic repetition in Bāṇaʼs Harṣacaritam and Kādambarī / Appendix: Bibliography of Gonda, Jan, Stylistic Repetition in the Veda. Amsterdam, 1959 / List of Loci citati in Gonda’s Stylistic repetition.

Dohmen, Arno (2020) India’s perception of the EU-India Free trade agreement and military cooperation within the EU-India strategic partnership.

Gerritsen, Roos (2008) Cine-Addictions: Image Trails Running from the Intimate Sphere to the Public Eye.

Geyer, Robby ; Merkel, Nicole (2007) Savifa - die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien.

Gugler, Thomas K. (2009) Jihad, Da'wa and Hijra: Islamic Missionary Movements in Europe.

Gugler, Thomas K. (2009) Mugahidin islamischer Mission: Die Barelwi Tabligi Gama'at Da'wat-e Islami.

Haas, Dominik A. (2022) "Mantras: Sound, Materiality, and the Body": A Comprehensive Workshop Report.

Holdschlag, Arnd (2005) "... a curious and intricate ethnological puzzle": Diversität und rezente interkulturelle Interaktionsprozesse im Hochgebirge Nordwestpakistans.

Holdschlag, Arnd ; Fazlur-Rahman (2004) Hazards im Hohen Hindu Kush: Leben mit Naturgefahren in Chitral (Pakistan).

Jain, Kajri (2008) Archive, Repertoire or Warehouse? Producers of Indian Popular Images as Stakeholders in a Virtual Database.

Kulke, Hermann (2020) Bibliography (November 2020).

Lange, Gerrit (2024) Filming Feelings and Deities: The Drama of Incarnation and the Normalcy of Possession.

Manalapanacharoen, Suphot (2021) Die deutsche Community in Siam zwischen 1850 und 1917. Eine Geschichte von Transkulturation und Integration.

Manalapanacharoen, Suphot (2022) The German Community in Siam between 1850 and 1917. A History of Transculturation and Integration.

Manalapanacharoen, Suphot (2019) Die zweite Europareise Königs Chulalongkorn, der wiederholte Eklat der Ordensverleihung und die gescheiterte Bemühung Königs Edward VII. um „The new Entente Cordiale with Siam“. Eine Perspektive aus Siam.

Mann, Michael (2007) Rechtsauslegung im Kolonialen Indien: Islamisches Recht und Hindu Recht unter britischer Rechtssprechung.

Merkel, Nicole ; Geyer, Robby (2009) Clio-Online Guide Südasien.

Miller, Ina (2011) On the Systematization of Siddha Medicine.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Aspects of the Historical Development of Nominalizers in the Tamangic Languages.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Case Compounding in the Bodic Languages.

Noonan, Michael (2008) The Chantyal Language.

Noonan, Michael (2007) Complementation.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Contact-induced change in the Himalayas: the case of the Tamangic languages.

Noonan, Michael (1999) Converbal Constructions in Chantyal.

Noonan, Michael (2001) The 'Double Demonstratives' of Chantyal.

Noonan, Michael (1996) The Fall and Rise and Fall of the Chantyal Language.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Genetic Classification and Language Contact.

Noonan, Michael (2007) Grammar Writing for a Grammar-reading Audience.

Noonan, Michael (2003) Motion Events in Chantyal.

Noonan, Michael (2001) The Nar-Phu Language.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Nominalizations in Bodic Languages.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Patterns of development, patterns of syncretism of relational morphology in the Bodic languages.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Recent Adaptions of the Devanagari Script for the Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nepal.

Noonan, Michael (2006) The Rise of Ethnic Consciousness and the Politicization of Language in West-Central Nepal.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Spatial Reference in Chantyal.

Noonan, Michael (1997) Versatile Nominalizations.

Noonan, Michael ; Grunow-Harsta, Karen (2002) Posture Verbs in Two Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nepal.

Noonan, Michael ; Mihas, Elena (2007) Areal Dimensions in Case Syncretism: Ablatives and Genitives.

Oesterheld, Christina (2007) Literarische Satiren in Pakistan.

Oesterheld, Christina (2009) The neglected realm of popular writing: Ibne Safi's novels.

Otter, Felix (2011) Die sieben Leben einer "toten" Sprache: Überlegungen zur Didaktik des universitären Sanskritunterrichts.

Qadeer, Altaf (2011) The Socio-Cognitive Dynamics of Hindi/Urdu Lexemes in the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.

Qadeer, Altaf (2017) Urdu literature at the World Forum: Nobel Prize for literature and Urdu/Hindi recognition.

Ramaswamy, Sumathi (2008) When a Language Becomes a Mother / Goddess: An Image Essay on Tamil.

Rodriguez Stimson, Julio I. (2016) The Chipko movement: a pragmatic, material & spiritual reinterpretation.

Rösel, Jakob (2005) Indische Speiserituale und die Speise des Herrn der Welt.

Sack, Philipp (2011) "... all by a simple idea in Architecture": Panoptismus als Herrschaftsmittel einer "aufgeklärten Despotie" im Kontext der britischen Kolonialherrschaft in Indien.

Sarma, Ira (2019) Framing a Sikh Priest: A Bourke-White Photograph in Changing Contexts.

Thotempudi, Sree Ganesh (2018) Typological Features Template for Telugu.

Witzel, Michael (1999) Aryan and non-Aryan names in Vedic India: data for the linguistic situation, c. 1900 - 500 B.C.

Witzel, Michael (2000) The Home of the Aryans.

Witzel, Michael (1996) How to enter the Vedic mind? Strategies in Translating a Brahmana text.

Witzel, Michael (1995) The Kashmiri Brahmins.

Witzel, Michael (2000) The Languages of Harappa: Early Linguistic Data and the Indus civilization.

Witzel, Michael (1993) Nepalese hydronomy: towards a history of settlement in the Himalaya.

Witzel, Michael (1976) On the history and the present state of Vedic tradition in Nepal.

Witzel, Michael (1987) On the localisation of Vedic texts and schools: materials on Vedic Sakhas, 7.


Noonan, Michael (2003) Recent Language Contact in the Nepal Himalaya.

Witzel, Michael (1997) Introduction to "Inside the texts, beyond the texts: new approaches to the study of the Vedas".

Witzel, Michael (1997) The development of the Vedic canon and its schools: the social and political milieu.

Working paper

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From China to Turkey: The Uighurs in a Position of a New Asia’s Rising Force in the Global Jihad.

Conference Item

Afsar, Rita (2008) Population Movement in the Fluid, Fragile and Contentious Borderland between Bangladesh and India.

Capstick, Tony (2008) Literacy, identity and citizenship: a rationale for using a New Literacy Studies approach to exploring language and education policy in Pakistan and the UK.

Gugler, Thomas K. (2008) Parrots of Paradise - Symbols of the Super-Muslim: Sunnah, Sunnaization and Self-Fashioning in the Islamic Missionary Movements Tablighi Jama'at, Da'wat-e Islami and Sunni Da'wat-e Islami.

Hanneder, Jürgen (2022) On the European Knowledge of Sanskrit.

Mey, Wolfgang (2016) Dying Demons, Rising Gods and the Rupavahini: An Essay on the Production of Identity in Sri Lanka.

Mey, Wolfgang (2008) Exegetical somersaults - Theories on the Kolam Dances of Sri Lanka.

Mittapalli, Rajeshwar (2008) Subaltern Subjectivity and Resistance: Dalit Social History in Postcolonial Indian Fiction in English.

Naseer, Sajjad (2008) Towards a new consensus in the wake of judicial crisis in Pakistan.

Noonan, Michael (2001) Direct Speech as a Rhetorical Style in Chantyal.

Oesterheld, Christina (2007) Okzidentalismus oder das Wissen vom Westen: Bilder des Westens in zeitgenössischer Urdu-Literatur aus Pakistan und Deutschland.

Osman, Ferdous Arfina (2008) Public-Private Partnership in Health Service Delivery: Lessons from Bangladesh.

Ranta-Tyrkkö, Satu (2008) Building critical citizenship through community theatre? : case of theatre group Natya Chetana.

Samanta, Soumyajit (2008) The Bengal Renaissance: a critique.

Setty, Govinda (2008) Some Aspects of Geography and the Fragmented Polity in Karnataka (16th to 18th century).

Shadaksharaiah (2008) Farming class and the fragmented polity: a study of Yalahanka Nada Prabhus of Karnataka.

Somashekhara, A. (2008) Harvesting and Management of Monsoon Waters as "Keredharma" for Irrigation: Legends and Myths Surrounding the Process.

Witzel, Michael (1983) Sur le chemin du ciel.


Yule, Paul (2009) Book Review of "Studies on Fortification in India" by Jean Deloche.


Baruah, Sanjib (2008) The Partition's Long Shadow: Legals, Illegals and a Hybrid Citizenship Regime in Assam, India.

Das Gupta, Amit (2004) Mythos deutsch-indische Freundschaft: Spannungen und Misstrauen in den Beziehungen 1949-1966.

Datta, Prabhat (2008) Rural Politics in Post-Colonial India: Changes and Challenges.

Desai, Radhika (2008) Hindutva as a Cultural Nationalism: Indian Origins of a Paradigm.

Dirks, Nicholas B. (2004) The Ethnographic State: The Ritualization of Caste in Colonial India.

Gelders, Raf (2008) Orientalism and the Indian Traditions: Continuities and Discontinuities in the European Discourse on India.

Gupta, Pawan Kumar (2003) Learnings - an educational experience in India.

Hussain, Naseem A. (2008) An Islamic Modernity? Religion, Civil Society and Contemporary Politics in Bangladesh.

Kishwar, Madhu (2002) No to Political Ghettoes: Mainstreaming Women's Issues.

Mann, Michael (2005) Ritualisierte Staatlichkeit: Die "Delhi Darbars" 1876-1912.

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Avatars of Hinduism.

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Ruins of Memory: Kanipayyur Sankaran Nambudiripad and the loss of a Brahmin Self.

Paina, Mihaela (2008) Ayurveda in India - past and present.

Paranjape, Makarand (2003) Unauthorized Modernities: the strange and familiar in contemporary India.

Sen, Aloka Parasher (2008) Basic concepts of Ayurveda and Siddha.

Sheriff, Abdul (2003) The Longue Durée in Socio-Cultural Integration in the Western Indian Ocean.


Ludden, David (2013) Asian histories of globalization: long distance mobility and territorial power in the longue durée.


Baumann, Martin (2004) Global Hindu Diaspora: A bibliography of books and main articles.

Baumann, Martin (1998) Hindus and Hindu Traditions in Europe: A Bibliography on the Hindu-European Diaspora.

Bender, Katrin (2019) „Rationale“ Reform und religiöses „revival“ im kolonialen Indien.

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