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Aldwin, Carolyn M. (2004) Culture, Coping and Resilience to Stress. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 563-573 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Allison, Elizabeth (2004) Spiritually Motivated Natural Ressource Protection in Eastern Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 529-563 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Ardussi, John (2007) Stone Inscriptions: An Early Written Medium in Bhutan and its Public Uses. In: Media and public culture: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 4-18 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Ardussi, John (2004) The gDung Lineages of Central & Eastern Bhutan - A Reappraisal of their Origin, Based on Literary Sources. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 60-72 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X


Bakshi, Rajni (2004) A Good Time for Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 200-214 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Balasubramanian, N. ; Nidup, Jigme (2007) Role of Media in the Changing Socio-Political Situations in Bhutan. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 334-350 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Ballard, Roger (1990) Migration and kinship: the differential effect of marriage rules on the processes of Punjabi migration to Britain. In: South Asians Overseas: Contexts and Communities. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1990 219 – 249

Ballard, Roger (1999) Panth, Kismet, Dharm te Qaum: continuity and change in four dimensions of Punjabi religion. In: Punjabi Identity in a Global Context. New Delhi, Oxford University Press 1999 . ISBN 0-19-564864-1

Ballard, Roger (1994) The Emergence of Desh Pardesh: Introduction. In: Desh Pardesh: The South Asian Presence in Britain. London, Hurst and Co. 1994

Ballard, Roger (2002) The South Asian Presence in Britain and its Transnational Connections. In: Culture and Economy in the Indian Diaspora. London, Routledge 2002

Bandyopadhyay, Saugata (2008) Microfinance in the Improvement of Living Standard and GNH. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 248-271 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Basu, Nṛpendrakumāra (1961) Brakṣacarya Āśramera dinaguli. In: Gitabitan: Rabindra Satabarshiki edition. Kalikātā, Gitabitan Sangeet Siskshmalay 1961, pp. 125-208

Berger, Hermann (1953) Ai śaśa = dtsch. Hase. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1953, pp. 49-51

Berger, Hermann (1992) Das Burushaski - Schicksale einer zentralasiatischen Restsprache. In: Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 1. Heidelberg, Carl Winter 1992, pp. 3-25 . ISBN 978-3-533-04499-4

Berger, Hermann (1953) Der Akzent von εἷς, πᾶς und ἔγωγε. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1953, pp. 1-24

Berger, Hermann (1974) Der Name der Väddā auf Ceylon. In: Mayrhofer, Manfred ; Meid, Wolfgang (Hrsgg.): Antiquitates indogermanicae: Studien zur Indogermanischen Altertumskunde und zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der indogermanischen Völker. Innsbruck, Becvar 1974, pp. 449-450 . ISBN 978-3-85124-520-2

Berger, Hermann (1986) Die Zahlwörter in den neuindoarischen Sprachen. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1986, pp. 23-70

Berger, Hermann (1954) Eine eigentümliche Analogiebildung im Verbum des Shina. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1954, pp. 84-90

Berger, Hermann (1959) Eine indische Kommentatorenetymologie. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Bd. 14. München, Kitzinger 1959, pp. 53-54

Berger, Hermann (1968) Ein zigeunerisches Lehnwort im Baskischen. In: Heesterman, Jan C. (Hrsg.): Pratidanam: Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday. The Hague, Mouton 1968, pp. 321-322

Berger, Hermann (1983) Etymologische Bemerkungen zu einigen auf Geister und Geisterglaube bezügliche Wörter im Burushaski. In: Snoy, Peter (Hrsg.): Ethnologie und Geschichte: Festschrift für Karl Jettmar. Wiesbaden, Steiner 1983, pp. 29-33 (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung ; 86) . ISBN 978-3-515-04104-1

Berger, Hermann (1954) Futurisches gacchati im Pali. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1954, pp. 29-44

Berger, Hermann (1969) Gandhi und unsere politische Zukunft. In: Rothermund, Dietmar (Hrsg.): Mahatma Gandhi 1869/1969. Bonn, Inter Nationes 1969, pp. 57-66

Berger, Hermann (1964) Hermann Grassmann and Alfred Ludwig, the first German translators of the Rigveda. In: Rau, Heimo ; Dikshit, S. S. (Hrsgg.): Yearbook 1964. New Delhi, Lakherwal Press 1964, pp. 73-87

Berger, Hermann (1966) Hochsprache und Volkssprache in Indien. In: Jettmar, Karl (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch des Südasien-Instituts der Universität Heidelberg, Bd. 1. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 1966, pp. 24-34

Berger, Hermann (1955) Kautalya ist älter als Kautilya. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1955, pp. 27-29

Berger, Hermann (1974) Max Mueller - What can he Teach us? In: Rau, Heimo (Hrsg.): F. Max Mueller. What he can teach us. Bombay, Shakuntala Publishing House 1974

Berger, Hermann (1956) Mittelmeerische Kulturpflanzennamen aus dem Burušaski. In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. München, Kitzinger 1956, pp. 4-33

Berger, Hermann (1984) Mythologie der Zigeuner. In: Haussig, Hans Wilhelm (Hrsg.): Götter und Mythen des indischen Subkontinents. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta 1984, pp. 773-824 . ISBN 978-3-12-909850-9

Berger, Hermann (1966) Remarks on Shina Loans in Burushaski. In: Dill, Anwar S. (Hrsg.): Shahidullah presentation volume. Lahore, Linguistic Research Group of Pakistan 1966, pp. 79-88 (Publications of the Linguistic Research Group of Pakistan)

Berger, Hermann (1971) Skt. jāmbūnada „Beiname einer bestimmten Art von Gold, n. Gold". In: Schmitt-Brandt, Robert (Hrsg.): Donum Indogermanicum. Heidelberg, Winter 1971, pp. 67-69 . ISBN 978-3-533-02135-3

Berger, Hermann (1971) The Ṛsyaśṛṅga Story - A Dravidian Rain Myth. In: Asher, Ronald E. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Second International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, Bd. 2. Madras, International Association of Tamil Research 1971, pp. 158-161

Berger, Hermann (1964) Vowel Assimilation in Bengali and Munda. In: Dandekar, R. N. (Hrsg.): Summaries of papers. Poona, Aryabhushan Press 1964, pp. 63-64

Bodt, Tim (2007) Role of the Media in Achieving a Sustainable Society. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 459-500 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Bracho, Frank (2004) Happiness as the Greatest Human Wealth. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 430-449 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Bunker Roy, Sanjit (2005) Barefoot College: Its Experience. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 183-185 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6


Caspari, Thomas (2004) Relevance of Soils for Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 692-705 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Colman, Ronald (2008) Measuring Progress towards Gross National Happiness: From GNH indicators to GNH national accounts. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 15-49 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Colman, Ron ; Sagebien, Julia (2004) Measuring Genuine Progress: Indicators for Enlightened Society. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 252-259 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Crins, Rieki (2004) Religion and Gender Values in a Changing World. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 581-597 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X


Daskon, Chandima D. (2008) Gross National Happiness: A New Paradigm. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 167-182 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Dendup, Tshewang (2007) Roar of the Thunder Dragon: The Bhutanese Audio-visual Industry and the Shaping and Representation of Contemporary Culture. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 137-153 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Dixon, Frank (2004) Improving Unsustainable Western Economic Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 105-120 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Donnelly, Suellen (2004) How Bhutan can Measure and Develop GNH. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 347-374 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Dorjee, Kinley (2007) Cultural Imperialism and Linguistic Change: Impact of Cultural Imperialism on Dzongkha Borrowing. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 121-136 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Dorji, Chencho (2004) Achieving Gross National Happiness Through Community-based Mental Health Services in Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 600-628 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Dorji, Chencho (2008) Bhutanese Health Care Reform: A Paradigm Shift in Health Care to Increase Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 413-436 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Dorji, Chencho (2005) The Myth Behind Alcohol Happiness. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 64-77

Dorji, Kinley (2007) Concluding Remarks: Perspectives on Bhutanese Media. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 501-506 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Dorji, Kinley ; Pek, Siok Sian (2005) The Bhutanese Media: In the Service of the Public. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 78-96

Dorji, Lektsho Yangden (2007) The Microsoft Unlimited Potential E-centers in Bhutan: Using ICT for development. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 154-171 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Dorji, Lopen Gem (2008) Happiness and Spirituality. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 26-30 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Dorji, Tandin (2004) The Spider, the Piglet and the vital Principle: A popular Ritual for Restoring the sRog. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 598-607 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Dorji, Tshering (2007) Attitude towards Mass Media and its role in promoting Environmental Consciousness: An Empirical Investigation. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 382-438 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Driem, George van (2004) Bhutan's Endangered Languages Documentation Programme under the Dzongkha Development Authority: The three rare Gems. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 294-326 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Dubgyur, Lungten (2004) Review of Judicial Reforms in Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 379-387 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X


Evans, A. Steven (2004) Tears and Laughter: Promoting Gross National Happiness Through the Rich Oral Traditions and Heritage of Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 637-659 . ISBN 9936-14-22-X


Faris, Christopher B. (2004) Information and Communications Technology and Gross National Happiness: Who Serves Whom? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 140-173 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Galay, Karma (2008) Time Use and Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 169-206 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Gandolfo, Romolo (2004) Bhutan and Tibet in European Cartography (1597-1800). In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 90-136 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Gayleg, Karma (2004) The Characteristics and Levels of Happiness in the Context of the Bhutanese Society. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 541-554 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Gurung, Dasho Meghraj (1999) Accountability and Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 134-144

Gyatso, Lungtaen (2004) Difficulty in Teaching Dzonghka in an English Medium System. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 264-293 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X


Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Accident and Edition - John Shore’s translation of the Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha. In: Steiner, Roland (Hrsg.): Highland Philology: Results of a Text-Related Kashmir Panel at the 31st DOT, Marburg 2010. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg 2012, pp. 143-154 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; 4) . ISBN 978-3-86977-040-6

Hanneder, Jürgen (2017) August Wilhelm Schlegel als Indienforscher. In: Juneja, Monica ; Kuhlmann-Hodick, Petra (Hrsgg.): Miniatur Geschichten. Die Sammlung indischer Malerei im Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinett. Sandstein Verlag 2017, pp. 87-93 . ISBN 978-3-95498-271-4

Hanneder, Jürgen (2017) August Wilhelm Schlegel und die Begründung der Indologie in Deutschland. In: Bamberg, Claudia ; Ilbrig, Cornelia (Hrsgg.): Aufbruch ins romantische Universum. August Wilhelm Schlegel. Freies Deutsches Hochstift – Frankfurter Goethe-Museum 2017, pp. 192-195

Hanneder, Jürgen (2008) Candradāsa’s Tārāstuti. In: Dimitrov, Dragomir ; Hahn, Michael ; Steiner, Roland (Hrsgg.): Essays and Studies on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. Dedicated to Claus Vogel by Colleagues, Students, and Friends.. Indica et Tibetica Verlag 2008, pp. 171-185 (Indica et Tibetica ; 36) . ISBN 978-3-923776-36-8

Hanneder, Jürgen (2016) Der Erste Indologe. In: Strobel, Jochen (Hrsg.): August Wilhelm Schlegel im Dialog. Epistolarität und Interkulturalität. Ferdinand Schöningh 2016, pp. 67-80 . ISBN 978-3-506-78593-0

Hanneder, Jürgen (2009) Dreams and other States of Consciousness in the Mokṣopāya. In: Bautze-Picron, Claudine (Hrsg.): The Indian Night: Sleep and Dreams in Indian Culture.. Rupa and Co. 2009, pp. 1-28 . ISBN 978-81-291-1388-7

Hanneder, Jürgen (1996) Kumārasaṃbhava 3 .15 - Kālidāsa's Sources for Śaiva Theology. In: Hahn, Michael ; Hartmann, Jens-Uwe ; Steiner, Roland (Hrsgg.): Suhr̥llekhāḥ. Festschrift für Helmut Eimer.. Swisttal-Odendorf, Indica et Tibetica Verlag 1996, pp. 43-48 (Indica et Tibetica ; 28) . ISBN 978-3-923776-28-3

Hanneder, Jürgen (2009) Modernes Sanskrit. Eine vergessene Literatur. In: Straube, Martin ; Steiner, Roland ; Soni, Jayandra ; Hahn, Michael ; Demoto, Mitsuyo (Hrsgg.): Pāsādikadānaṁ. Festschrift für Bhikkhu Pāsāsika.. Indica et Tibetica Verlag 2009, pp. 205-228 (Indica et Tibetica ; 52) . ISBN 978-3-923776-53-5

Hanneder, Jürgen (2011) Nachwort. In: Hanneder, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Johann Martin Honigberger: Als Leibarzt am Hofe des »Löwen vom Panjab« Ranjit Singh. Nachdruck der Reiseerlebnisse Wien 1853 mit einem Nachwort von Jürgen Hanneder. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg 2011, pp. 681-710 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; 3) . ISBN 978-3-86977-036-9

Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Prākkathanama. In: Hanneder, Jürgen ; Broo, Måns (Hrsgg.): Studies on Modern Sanskrit Writings: Papers Presented in the Section on Modern Sanskrit Writings. Gretil 2012, pp. 21-24 (Proceedings of the World Sanskrit Conference ; 15)

Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Präsenz in der indischen Philologie. In: Fielitz, Sonja (Hrsg.): Präsenz Interdisziplinär. Kritik und Entfaltung einer Intuition. Mit einem Vorwort von Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.. Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg 2012, pp. 287-303 (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte ; 301) . ISBN 978-3-8253-6043-6

Hanneder, Jürgen (2017) Pre-modern Sanskrit Authors, Editors and Readers. In: Vergiani, Vincenzo ; Cuneo, Daniele ; Formigatti, Camillo Alessio (Hrsgg.): Indic Manuscript Cultures through the Ages. Material, Textual, and Historical Investigations. De Gruyter 2017, pp. 223-238 . ISBN 978-3-11-054309-4

Hanneder, Jürgen (2001) Sāhib Kaul's Presentation of Pratyabhijñā Philosophy in his Devīnamavilāsa. In: Torella, Raffaele (Hrsg.): Le Parole e i Marmi. Studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli nel suo 70 compleanno.. Rom, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente 2001, pp. 399-418 (Serie Orientale Roma ; 92)

Hanneder, Jürgen (2019) The Indian Inculturation of European Textual Criticism. In: D’Intino, Silvia ; Pollock, Sheldon (Hrsgg.): The Space of Meaning. Approaches to Indian Philology. Publications de l’Institut de Civilisation Indienne du Collège de France 2019, pp. 495-513

Hanneder, Jürgen (2005) The Mokṣopāyasaṅgraha. In: Hanneder, Jürgen (Hrsg.): The Mokṣopāya, Yogavāsiṣṭha and Related Texts. Shaker Verlag 2005, pp. 105-112 (Indologica Halensis ; 7) . ISBN 978-3-8322-4265-7

Hanneder, Jürgen (2005) The Mokṣopāya: An Introduction. In: Hanneder, Jürgen (Hrsg.): The Mokṣopāya, Yogavāsiṣṭha and Related Texts. Shaker Verlag 2005, pp. 9-19 (Indologica Halensis ; 7) . ISBN 978-3-8322-4265-7

Hanneder, Jürgen (2015) To Edit or Not to Edit. In: Religions de l’Inde : études shivaïtes. 2015, pp. 51-58 (Annuaire EPHE. Sciences religieuses ; 124)

Hanneder, Jürgen (2007) Vasubandhus Viṃśatikā 1-2 anhand der Sanskrit- und tibetischen Fassungen. In: Klaus, Konrad ; Hartmann, Jens-Uwe (Hrsgg.): Indica et Tibetica. Festschrift für Michael Hahn zum 65. Geburtstag von Freunden und Schülern überreicht.. Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien 2007, pp. 207-214 (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde ; 66)

Hanneder, Jürgen (2014) Zum Konzept der religiösen Minderheit im Hinduismus. In: Franke, Edith (Hrsg.): Religiöse Minderheiten und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 28-35 . ISBN 978-3-447-10206-3

Hanneder, Jürgen (2006) Zur Darstellung des Hinduismus im Schulbuch. In: Bergunder, Michael (Hrsg.): Westliche Formen des Hinduismus in Deutschland. Verlag der Frankeschen Stiftungen zu Halle 2006, pp. 230-243 (Neue Hallesche Berichte ; 6) . ISBN 978-3-931479-76-3

Hanneder, Jürgen ; Slaje, Walter (2012) Zur indologischen Streitkultur. In: Steiner, Roland (Hrsg.): Highland Philology: Results of a Text-Related Kashmir Panel at the 31st DOT, Marburg 2010. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg 2012, pp. 143-154 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; 4) . ISBN 978-3-86977-040-6

Hauptmann, Andreas ; Hughes, Michael J. (1989) The Copper Hoards of the Indian Subcontinent: Preliminaries for an Interpretation with Appendix I and II by Andreas Hauptmann and Michael J. Hughes. In: Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz, Bd. 36. 1989, pp. 193-275

Hershock, Peter D. (2007) Media, Markets and Meaning: Placing Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation and Enrichment at Risk. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 351-380 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Hershock, Peter D. (2004) Trade, Development, and the Broken Promise of Interdependence: A Buddhist Reflection on the Possibility of Post-Market Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 51-76 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hewavitharana, Buddhadasa (2004) Framework For Operationalizing The Buddhist Concept Of Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 496-531 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hirata, Johannes (2004) Putting Gross National Happiness in the Service of Good Development: From Ethics to Politics. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 706-731 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hylkema, Jean Karel (2004) Using Buddhist Insights in Implementing Gross International Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 532-537 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Johnson, Joseph (2004) Development as Freedom, Freedom as Happiness: Human Development and Happiness in Bhutan. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 457-471 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2015) Chaotische Stabilität - Stabiles Chaos: Indiens Demokratie als fließendes Gleichgewicht extremer Heterogenität. In: Hauck, Gerhard ; Lenz, Ilse ; Wienold, Hanns (Hrsgg.): Entwicklung, Gewalt, Gedächtnis. Festschrift für Reinhart Kößler. Münster, Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 2015, pp. 142-156 . ISBN 978-3-89691-720-1

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1998) Die indische Union als Hindunation? Der Hindunationalismus als Faktor indischer Politik. In: Indien 1998: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg, IFA 1998, pp. 60-90

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2009) Die indische Demokratie - eine "funktionierende Anarchie". In: Indien - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven. Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag 2009, pp. 77-96 . ISBN 978-3-89518-720-9

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2007) "Ein Land, ein Volk, eine Kultur" - Ideologie und Politik hindunationaler Identität in Indien. In: Kulturen und Konflikte im Vergleich: Comparing Cultures and Conflicts: Festschrift für Theodor Hanft. Baden-Baden, Nomos 2007, pp. 623-647 . ISBN 3-8329-2400-0

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens ; Rösel, Jakob (2002) Entstehung und Struktur des indischen Parteiensystems unter der britischen Kolonialherrschaft. In: Indien: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg, Institut für Asienkunde 2002, pp. 39-65 . ISBN 978-3-88910-280-5

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens ; Rösel, Jakob (2002) Entstehung und Struktur des indischen Parteiensystems seit der Unabhängigkeit. In: Indien 2002: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Hamburg, IFA 2002, pp. 67-96 . ISBN 3-88910-280-8

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2003) India: A Westminster Model of Democracy? In: The Indian Parliament: A Comparative Perspective. Delhi, Konark Publishers 2003, pp. 42-55 . ISBN 81-220-0654-X

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1995) Koexistenz und Konflikt zwischen indischen Religionsgemeinschaften: Das Beispiel Ayodhya. In: Religion: Grundlage oder Hindernis des Friedens?. München, Kindt Verlag 1995, pp. 79-164 . ISBN 3-925412-17-4

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1998) Satyagraha - Das Festhalten an der Wahrheit als Lebensform: Individuelle Heilssuche und gesellschaftliches Handeln bei M. K. Gandhi. In: Satyagraha : ein indisches Konzept für Frieden und Entwicklung (zum 50. Todestag Gandhis). Iserlohn, Evangelische Akademie 1998, pp. 9-20 . ISBN 3-931845-27-3

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens ; Rösel, Jakob (2004) Unterschiedliche Reaktionsmuster auf innerstaatliche Konflikte und Gewalt: Indien, Pakistan und Sri Lanka im Vergleich. In: Indien 2004: Politik - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft. Hamburg, IFA 2004, pp. 153-170 . ISBN 3-88910-306-5

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2007) Zwischen Mehrheits- und Konsensdemokratie: Staat und Politik in Indien. In: Staat und Demokratie in Asien: Zur politischen Transformation einer Weltregion. Münster, Lit 2007, pp. 129-141 . ISBN 978-3-8258-8797-1


Kamal, Sultana (2010) Women's Role in Politics - Quantity and Quality. In: Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2010, pp. 209-228 . ISBN 978-99936-14-61-6

Kamruzzaman, Mohammad (2008) Religious Institution-based Community-hood and Identity of a 'Muslim Community' in a 'Remote' Rural Village in Bangladesh. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 257-276 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Karmay, Samten Gyaltsen (2004) Rare Buddhist Texts kept in Orgyan Chos Gling. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 350-354 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Kaul, Nitasha (2010) Democracy in the Non-West: Facts, Fictions and Frictions. In: Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2010, pp. 115-133 . ISBN 978-99936-14-61-6

Kemchalerm, Wiboon (2004) Be Decent Be Happy: Apprehending the Truth of Sustainable Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 688-691 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Kinga, Sonam ; Galay, Karma ; Rapten, Phuntsho ; Pain, Adam (1999) Gross National Happiness: an introductory editorial. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 1-6

Kinga, Sonam (2008) Reciprocal Exchange and Community Vitality: The Case of Gortshom Village in Eastern Bhutan. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 31-64 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Kinga, Sonam (2010) The Constitution – the King's Gift: Defiling and Sanctifying a Sacred Gift. In: Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2010, pp. 134-180 . ISBN 978-99936-14-61-6

Kulke, Hermann (2014) Der Maurya-Staat ( 4.-2. Jh. v. Chr.): Gesamtindisches Großreich oder Imperium? In: Imperien und Reiche in der Weltgeschichte - Epochenübergreifende und globalhistorische Vergleiche. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 503-514 (Imperien des Altertums, Mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Imperien ; 1)

Kulke, Hermann (1976) Kshatriyaization and social change: A Study in Orissa setting. In: Pillai, S. Devadas (Hrsg.): Aspects of Changing India: Studies in Honour of Prof. G. S. Ghurye. Bombay, Popular Prakashan 1976, pp. 398-409

Kulke, Hermann (2010) Ritual Sovereignty and Ritual Policy - Some Historiographic Reflections. In: State, Power, and Violence. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2010, pp. 603-626 (Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual ; 3)

Kuntiranont, Wallapa (2004) Small-scale Business Inspired by Timeless Simplicity: A Contribution Towards Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 247-251 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Leaming, Linda (2004) One Big Happy Family? Gross National Happiness and the Concept of Family in Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 660-679 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Levenson, Michael L. ; Jennings, Patricia A. ; D'Mello, Michelle ; Le, Thao ; Aldwin, Carolyn M. (2004) Happiness in the Midst of Change: A Human Development Approach to Studying GNH in the Context of Economic Development. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 450-460 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Lokamitra, Dharmachari (2004) The Centrality of Buddhism and Education in Developing Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 472-482 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Mancall, Mark (2004) Bhutan's Quadrilemma: To Join or Not To Join the WTO, That is the Question. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 260-270 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mancall, Mark (2004) Gross National Happiness and Development: An Essay. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 1-50 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Marks, Nic (2004) Towards Evidence Based Public Policy: The Power and Potential of using Well-being Indicators in a Political Context. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 319-346 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mathew, George (2010) Grass Roots Democracy and Decentralisation. In: Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2010, pp. 189-208 . ISBN 978-99936-14-61-6

Mathou, Thierry (2004) Bhutan-China Relations: Towards a new Step in Himalayan Politics. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 388-411 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

McDonald, Ross (2007) Selling Desire and Dissatisfaction: Why Advertising should be banned From Bhutanese Television. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 188-207 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

McDonald, Ross (2008) The Future of Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 613-631 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

McKay, Alex (2004) British-Indian Medical Service Officers in Bhutan, 1905-1947: A Historical Outline. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 137-159 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Mederly, Peter ; Novacek, Pavel ; Topercer, Jan (2004) Quality and Sustainability of Life Indicators at International, National and Regional Levels. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 450-456 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mehboob, Ahmed (2010) Citizen's Assessment of Parliaments Performance. In: Beyond the Ballot Box: Report from the Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Asia. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2010, pp. 237-256 . ISBN 978-99936-14-61-6

Mehta, Sanjeev (2007) Role of Kuensel in Fostering Democracy in Bhutan. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 297-333 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Book-Procession of the Tibetan Llamas, as seen at Darjeeling. In: Anthropological papers Part IV Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 93-99

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Christian Cross with a Pahlavi Inscription recently discovered in the Travancore State. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 1-18

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) A Copper-plate Inscription of Khandesh. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 350-358

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Custom of Privileged Thefts. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 60-67

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A Devil-driving procession of the Tibetan Buddhists as seen at Darjeeling and a few thoughts suggested by it. In: Anthropological Papers, Part II: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay., Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 124-143

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) A Fârman of Emperor Jehangir in favour of two Parsees of the Dordi family of Naosari, with other cognate Documents of the Mogul times. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 98-169

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A few ancient Beliefs about the Eclipse and a few Superstitions based on those Beliefs. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 51-66

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A few Marriage songs of the Parsees at Nargol, Part II. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 213-225

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A few Marriage songs of the Parsees at Nargol. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 136-145

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) A Few Materials for a Chapter in the Early History of Bactria, collected from some Iranian Sources. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 106-118

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A few Notes from and on recent Anthropological Literature. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 74-92

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A Few Notes on Auspicious Horses. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 191-199

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A Few Notes on the Todâs of the Nilgiris. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 208-224

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) A few Notes on Broach from an Antiquarian point of view. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 42-67

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A Few Notes on the Ancient and Modern Folklore about the Peacock. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 47-56

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A few Notes on a Flying visit to Japan - Paper IV: The Torii of Japan and the Torans of India. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 249-278

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A few Notes on a Flying visit to Japan - Paper III: The Tea-Cult of the Japanese. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 233-248

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A few Notes on a Flying visit to Japan from an Anthropological point of view - Paper II: Religion. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 212-233

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A few Notes on a Flying visit to Japan from an Anthropological point of view - Paper I: History and Origin of the People. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 197-211

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A few Parsee Nîrangs (Incantations or religious formulae). In: Anthropological papers Part III Papers Read Before the Anthropology Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 52-71

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A few Persian Inscriptions of Kashmir. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 46-74

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A Few Stories of Witchcraft, Magic, &c., told by Niccolao Manucci in his "Storia do Mogor" or Mogul India (1653-1708). In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 16-30

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A few Superstitions common to Europe and India. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 23-33

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A few Tibetan customs and a few thoughts suggested by them. The prayer beads or rosaries. In: Anthropological Papers, Part II: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay., Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 92-109

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A few Tibetan Customs and a few Thoughts suggested by them. The Prayer-Wheels. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 85-91

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A few Tibetan Customs and a few Thoughts suggested by them. The Prayer-Flags. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 68-84

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) A Mahomedan View of Comets. The View of the ancient Irânians (Pishinigâns). In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 247-277

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) An Account of Comets as given by Mahomedan Historians and as contained in the books of the Pishinigan or the Ancient Persians referred to by Abul Fazl. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 68-105

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) An American Tribe and its Buffalo and an Asiatic Tribe and its Fish. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 130-135

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) An Avesta Amulet for Contracting Friendship. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 131-139

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) Ancient Pâtaliputra: Dr. D. B. Spooner's Recent Excavations at its site and the Question of the Influence of Ancient Persia upon India. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 211-286

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) A New Medal of King Behrâm Gour. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 1. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 235-240

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) An Instance of Royal Swayamvara as Described in the Shâh-Nâmeh of Firdousi. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 57-64

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) A Note of Correction for the Paper "A Persian Inscription of the Mogul times". In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 287-292

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Note on an Egyptian Deed of conveyance about 2,330 Years old. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 68-73

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A Note on the Antiquity of Man: An Iranian View of the Creation of Man. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 218-233

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) A Note on "The Women's Hunt" (Jani-Sikar) among the Orâons of Chota Nagpur. In: Anthropological Papers, Part II: Papers read before the Anthropological Society in Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 196-200

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Note on the "Mystic Eyes" on Indian Boats. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 206-212

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Note on the Custom of the Interchange of Dress between Males and Females. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 151-160

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) A Note on two Chalukya Plates found at Dhamadachcha in the Naosari District. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 94-100

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) An Unpublished Mogul Inscription at the Margalla Pass near Rawalpindi. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 77-97

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) An Untranslated Chapter of the Bundehesh. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 217-234

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A Parsee Deed of Partition more than 150 Years old: A Form of Slavery referred to Therein. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 167-172

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) A Parsi Prayer, Presenting Passages, Parallel to those of two Greek and Chinese Anecdotes. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 225-230

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) A Persian Inscription of the Mogal times on a stone found in the District Judge's Court at Thana. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 149-173

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) Archery in Ancient Persia - A Few Extraordinary Feats. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 65-76

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Astôdan, or A Persian Coffin said to be 3,000 Years old, sent to the Museum of the Anthropological Society of Bombay, by Mr. Malcom, of Bushire. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 7-22

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) A Story of Shiva as described in a Panchi or Gaddhi Song, heard in 1899 at Dharmasâlâ. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 244-262

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) A visit to Nasik on the opening Days of the present Sinhast Pilgrimage. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 149-183

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) A Visit to the Great Wall of China. A Similar Wall of King Noshirwân (Chosroes I.) of Persia. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 195-214

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) Birth Customs and Ceremonies of the Parsees. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 57-67

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) Bombay, as seen by Dr. Edward Ives in the year 1754 A.D. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 17-41

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) Cashmere and the Ancient Persians. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 99-110

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Charms or Amulets for some Diseases of the Eye. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 43-50

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Eighteen remarkable Things or Events of the Reign (593-628 A.C.) of Khusru Parviz (Chosroes II) of Persia. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 19-45

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Exorcism of Spirit in India and Exorcism of Physical Impurity in Persia - A Parallel with Respect to the various Parts of the Body treated in the Exorcism. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 100-106

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) Firdousi on the Indian Origin of the Game of Chess. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 85-98

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) Goethe's Parsi-nameh or Buch des Parsen, i.e., the Book of the Parsees. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 119-148

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Haoma in the Avesta. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 225-243

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) India in the Avesta of the Parsis. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 201-210

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) Leprosy, an old Iranian view of it. The Legend suggesting Cow-Urine as its supposed preventive. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 93-114

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) Maçoudi on Volcanoes. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 1-8

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Mr. K. Enostranzav's Paper on the Ossuaries and Astodâns of Turkestan, with a few further Observations on the Astodân. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 295-306

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Nirang-I-Jashan-I-Burzigarân. A religious Formula used as a Charm on the Day of the Festival of the Cultivators. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 122-130

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Note on the Kolis of Bassein. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 263-267

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) Oaths among the ancient Iranians and the Persian Saogand-Nameh. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 72-92

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Omens among the Parsees. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 1-6

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) On the Chariot of the Goddess: A supposed Remedy for Driving out an Epidemic. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 96-103

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Parsee Life in Parsee Songs: Part 1, Cradle Songs. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 140-157

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Presidential Address: Cultural Anthropology as Observed in a Government House Reception. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 161-185

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) Recorded instances of children having been nourished by Wolves and Birds of Prey. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 196-200

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) References to China in the Ancient Books of the Parsees. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 241-254

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Rustam Manock (1635-1721 A.C.), The Broker of the English East India Company (1699 A.C.) and the Persian Qisseh (History) of Rustam Manock. A Study. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 101-320

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) Sex in Birth and Sex after Death. In: Anthropological Papers, Part II: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay., Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 201-217

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Some Parsee Marriage Customs. How far they borrowed from the Hindus? In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 307-312

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) Some Prayer-gestures of the Babylonians and Assyrians. Their Parallels among the ancient Iranians and modern Parsees. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 170-194

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) St. Michael of the Christians and Mithra of the Zoroastrians - A Comparison. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 173-190

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Suicides and Old Age. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 268-282

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) The Afghanistan of the Amir and the ancient Mazdayacnâns. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 215-224

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Aghukhoh of Sema Nagas of the Assam Hills and the Chah of the Kabulis. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 184-191

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Ancient Name of Sanjan. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 210-216

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) The Ancient History of the Suez Canal from the times of the Ancient Egyptian Kings. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 175-195

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Antiquity of the Custom of Sati. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 109-121

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Baby Language among the Parsees. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 107-108

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Bas-relief of Beharam Gour (Beharam V.) at Naksh-i-Rustam, and His Marriage with an Indian Princess. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 67-84

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Belief about the Future of the Soul among the ancient Egyptians and Iranians. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 137-146

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Belief about the Dubbâ or the Drowning Spirit in India. Its Parallel in ancient Irân. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 146-150

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Bombardement of Paris from a Distance of 60 Miles, supposed to be a Mystery. An Instance of a somewhat similar Mystery in the ancient History of Persia. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 1-7

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Cities of Iran as described in the old Pahlavi Treatise of Shatroiha-i-Airan. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 147-182

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Cock as a sacred Bird in ancient Iran. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 104-121

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) The Date of the Death of Nizam. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 9-16

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Dhangurs and the Dhavars of Mâhâbleshwar. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 67-80

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Divine Comedy of Dante and the Virâf-nâmeh of Ardâi Virâf. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 31-44

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1917) The Early History of the Huns and their Inroads in India and Persia. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 2. Bombay, The Times Press 1917, pp. 293-349

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Etymology of a Few Towns of Central and Western Asia, as given by Eastern Writers. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 183-200

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Game of Ball-Bat (Chowgan-gui) among the Ancient Persians, as described in the Epic of Firdousi. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 23-30

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Germ of the Evolution Theory in old Iranian Literature. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 30-41

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Gruz (Mace) as a Symbol among the Zoroastrians. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 313-329

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Horse in ancient Iran. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 81-95

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Indian Custom of a Husband or Wife not Naming his Wife or her Husband. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 114-129

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Irish Story of Cucullin and Conloch and the Persian Story of Rustam and Sohrab. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 53-66

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Kashas of the Iranian Barashnum and the Boundary Lines of the Roman Lustrum. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 330-339

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Khutba of the Mahomedans and the Dasturi of the Parsees. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 191-197

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Kiss of Peace among the Bene-Israels of Bombay and the Hamazor among the Persees. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 283-294

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) The Mogul Emperors at Kashmir: Jehangir's Inscriptions at Virnâg. An inscription on the Dâl Lake. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, 1-50a

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Monastic Institution of Burma and its Phongys, the Buddhist Priests. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 130-149

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Norsemen Story of Balder the Beautiful and the Iranian Story of Asfandyar the Brazen-Bodied (Ruin-Tan). In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 55-59

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Owl in Folklore. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 42-54

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Persian Mâr-Nâmeh or, The Book for Taking Omens from Snakes. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 34-42

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) The Persian Origin of the Kurds and the Tajiks. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 40-46

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1924) The Physical Character of the Arabs: Their Relations with ancient Persians. In: Anthropological papers, Part III: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1924, pp. 8-51

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Rat Problem and the Ancients. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 355-365

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The River Karun. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society 1905, pp. 1-22

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Root-Idea at the Bottom of Nudity Spells. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 122-129

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The So-called Pahlavi Origin of the Sindibâd-nâmeh, or, The Story of the Seven Wise Masters. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 45-52

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The social Life of a Christian of Mediaeval England and the social Life of a Parsee of Modern India. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 1-29

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) "The Story of the King and the Gardener" - Emperor in the Waki'âti Jehangiri of Jehangir and its Parallels. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 51-56

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Story of Alexander the Great and the Poison-Damsel of India. A Trace of it in Firdousi's Shāh-Nāmeh. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 4. Bombay, Times of India Press 1929, pp. 75-93

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Thâkûrs of Matheran. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 158-166

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) The Vadâris of the Villages round the Deolali Camp in the Nasik District. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 1-15

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) The Veneration paid to the Plane-Tree in Persia. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 200-207

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) The Vish Kanya or Poison Damsel of ancient India. Illustrated by the Story of Susan Ramashgar in the Persian Burzo-Nameh. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 226-239

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1918) The Wedding Sand in Knutsford (Cheshire, England) and the Wedding Sand in India. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1918, pp. 31-39

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1914) Tibetan salutations and a few thoughts suggested by them. In: Anthropological Papers, Part II: Papers read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 2. Bombay, The British India Press 1914, pp. 110-123

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1911) Two Iranian Incantations for Burying Hair and Nails. In: Anthropological Papers: Papers (mostly on Parsee Subjects) read before the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Bd. 1. Bombay, The British India Press 1911, pp. 340-354

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Was there any Institution in ancient Iran like that of Caste in India? In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 199-205

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1927) Wine among the ancient Persians. In: Asiatic Papers: Mostly Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bd. 3. Bombay, The British India Press 1927, pp. 231-246

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1929) Zest in Life. In: Anthropological papers, Part IV: Papers Read Before the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bombay, British India Press 1929, pp. 186-198

Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji (1905) The Antiquity of the Avesta. In: Asiatic Papers: Papers read before the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay, Bombay Education Society's Press 1905, pp. 111-136

Murugan, Seema (2007) Gross National Happiness through ICTs for Development: A Case Study of the Jakar Community Multimedia Center. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 172-187 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6


Nirenberg, John (2008) Between Earth and Sky: Formal Organizations as Instruments in Creating Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 351-367 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Norberg-Hodge, Helena ; Gorelick, Steven (2004) Towards an Economics of Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 77-104 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Ohashi, Terue (2008) The Analysis of Results of Research into 'the Ideal Society' in Japan, Sweden and Bhutan: Using the indicator of Human Satisfaction Measure (HSM). In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 49-87 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4


Pain, Adam (2004) State, Economy and Space in Bhutan in the Early Part of the 19th Century. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 160-193 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Pankaj, Prabhat K. (2008) Conglomerate Radar of Happiness in Bhutan. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 110-129 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Pankaj, Prabhat K. (2004) Linking Trade with the Environment in the Context of WTO: Why is this Option good for Bhutan? In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 466-528 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Pankaj, Prabhat ; Dorji, Tshering (2004) Measuring Individual Happiness in Relation to Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Some Preliminary Results from Survey Data. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 375-389 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Pankaj, Prabhat K. ; Debnath, Roma Mitra (2008) Optimal Condition of Happiness: Application of Taguchi Robust Parameter Design on Evidences from India. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 582-610 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Pek-Dorji, Siok Sian (2008) Opening the Gates in Bhutan: Media Gatekeepers and the Agenda of Change. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 88-109 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Pelgen, Ugyen ; Gyeltshen, Tshering (2004) The Underground "Fortress" of Bang Tsho Ruler. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 51-59 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Penjore, Dorji (2005) Folktales and Education: The Role of Bhutanese Folktales in Value Transmission. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 258-277 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

Penjore, Dorji (2008) Is National Environment Conservation Success a Rural Failure? The Other Side of Bhutan's Conservation Story. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 66-87 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Phuntsho, Karma (2004) Echoes of ancient Ethos: Reflections on some popular Bhutanese Social Themes. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 564-580 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Phuntsho, Karma (2007) The Marriage of the Media and Religion: For Better or Worse. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 19-30 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Phuntsok Tashi, Khenpo (2008) Role of Meditation in Achieving Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 218-228 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Pommaret, Françoise (2007) Dances in Bhutan: A Traditional Medium of Information. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 31-39 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Pommaret-Imaeda, Francoise (2004) The fascinating Life of Lama Chanchub Tsongru (1817-1856) According to his Biography. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 73-89 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Powdyel, Thakur S. (2004) Foundations and Scope of Gross National Happiness: A Layman's Perspectives. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu^, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 732-747 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Powdyel, Thakur S. (1999) Gross National Happiness: A Tribute. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 59-63

Powdyel, Thakur S. (2007) Media and the Maverick Mind: Need for Media Literacy: A Lay View. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 246-273 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Powdyel, Thakur S. (2005) The University as an Instrument of Gross National Happiness: Some reflections. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 166-182 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

Prakke, Diederik (1999) Development with sparks: Placing the hamburger in the mandala. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 64-103

Priesner, Stefan (1999) Gross National Happiness: Bhutan's Vision of Development and its Challenges. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 24-52


Rinchen, Kinley (2007) Media and Public Culture: Media Whitewashing. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 208-245 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Rinzin, Wangchuk (2007) Relationship between Media and Buddhist Culture: The Case of Conch and its Colour. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 109-120 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Rowbotham, Michael (2004) Cherry Picking in Bhutan. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 174-199 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Sable, Trudy (2004) Building The Fire: Preserving Local Knowledge and Traditions in the Face of Globalization. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 680-687 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Sangay Dorji, Dungchen (2004) A brief Account of Hungrel Drung Drung. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 21-50 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Schreven, Anne-Marie (2008) Good Organisational Practice and Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 331-350 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Shahbaz, Muhamm ; Aamir, Naveed (2008) Macroeconomic Determinants of the Happiness of the Poor: A Case Study of Pakistan. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 367-389 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Sharrock, Guy (1999) Gross National Happiness: Can Environmental Economics Offer a Way Forward? In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 116-134

Shrotryia, Vijay Kumar (2008) Shift in the Measures of Quality of Life viz-a-viz Happiness: A Study of Phongmey Gewog and Trashigang Town in Eastern Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 525-547 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Sivaraksa, Sulak (2004) Adding Spirit to Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 409-429 . ISBN 88936-14-22-X

Stehlik, Vladimir (1999) Gross National Happiness: a respite from a biblical economy or attaining Utopia? In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 52-58

Steiner, Karin (2019) Die Śaṅkarācāryas und das Śarannavarātrī-Fest von Śṛṅgerī: Zur Performanz von Sakralität und Macht in einer südindischen Tradition. In: Herbers, Klaus ; Nehring, Andreas ; Steiner, Karin (Hrsgg.): Sakralität und Macht. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag 2019, pp. 173-188 . ISBN 978-3-515-12161-3

Steiner, Karin (2017) Mensch, Held, Gott: "Fluid identities" in hinduistischen Traditionen. In: Heinzer, Felix ; Leonhard, Jörn ; von den Hoff, Ralf (Hrsgg.): Sakralität und Heldentum. Würzburg, Ergon Verlag 2017, pp. 129-142 . ISBN 978-3-95650-259-0

Stinzing, Sebastian (2014) Heiliger Rausch, berauschte Heilige. In: Wege zum Heil(igen)?: Sakralität und Sakralisierung im Hinduismus. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 187-194 . ISBN 978-3-447-10242-1

Stinzing, Sebastian (2015) Pretas und arme Seelen. Ein Beispiel für eine parallele Entwicklung religiöser Inhalte und Strukturen in Europa und Asien. In: "In ihrer rechten Hand hielt sie ein silbernes Messer mit Glöckchen ...": Studien zur indischen Kultur und Literatur. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2015, pp. 337-344 . ISBN 978-3-447-10548-4


Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2004) Development of Cursive Bhutanese Writing. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 194-263 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntshok ; Prakke, Diederik ; Chettri, Saamdu (1999) Gross National Happiness: Concepts for the Debate. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 1999, pp. 104-115

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2005) The Positive Impact on Gomchen Tradition on Achieving and Maintaining Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 211-241 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2004) The Role of Buddhism in Achieving Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 483-495 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Tenzin, Pema (2004) Prolegomena to Pursuing Gross National Happiness: The Bhutanese Approach. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 555-559 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Thamrongwaranggoon, Tantip (2004) Beyond Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Health for all Through Sustainable Community Development. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 574-598 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Thapa, Pankaj (2007) Geographical Information System: As a Media Tool for Promoting Sustainable Development vis-à-vis Environmental Conservation. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 439-458 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

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Thinley, Dorji (2007) Cultural Maintenance and Promotion: The Print Media's Role in Providing Space for Knowledge and Discourse. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 70-106 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6

Thinley, Lyonpo Jigmi Y. (1999) Gross National Happiness and Human Development – Searching for Common Ground. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 7-11

Thinley, Lyonpo Jigmi Y. (1999) Values and Development: "Gross National Happiness". In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 12-23

Tideman, Sander G. (2004) Gross National Happiness: Towards a New Paradigm in Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 222-246 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Ueda, Akiko (2004) Education System and the "Ladder of Success". In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 327-349 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Ueda, Akiko (2008) Food Security and Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness: Practice and Measurement: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 568-581 . ISBN 978-99936-14-52-4

Ura, Karma (2007) Culture, Liberty and Happiness. In: Media and public culture: proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2007, pp. 40-69 . ISBN 99936-14-41-6


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