Tears and Laughter: Promoting Gross National Happiness Through the Rich Oral Traditions and Heritage of Bhutan

Evans, A. Steven

In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 637-659 . ISBN 9936-14-22-X

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Bhutan has a rich heritage in its folktales and famous masked dances, setting the stage for the promotion of Bhutan's Gross National Happiness through the time-honored traditions of oral communication. In an effort to contribute to the cross-fertilization of ideas from various disciplines and cross-sectors concerning operationalizing the concept of "Gross National Happiness," a national plan on promoting "Gross National Happiness" within the Kingdom by way of the rich oral traditions and heritage of Bhutan should be developed, with the implications of such a plan to be explored.

Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2010 14:13
ISBN: 9936-14-22-X
Faculties / Institutes: Research Organisations / Academies > Centre for Bhutan Studies
DDC-classification: Literatures of other languages
Controlled Keywords: Bhutan, Bruttonationalglück, Mündliche Überlieferung, Volksliteratur
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kulturelles Erbe, Bhutan , Gross National Happiness , Oral Traditions , Cultural Heritage
Subject (classification): Sociology
Countries/Regions: Bhutan