Items where Author is "Wolf, Siegfried O."

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Number of items: 139.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) From Kabul to Kyiv, Pakistan’s persistent diplomatic course.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) Pakistan's new government challenges.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) Sri Lanka looks back to India.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) The end for Khan?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) A window of opportunity in India-Pakistan relations?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) After Kabul – What next for Pakistan?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Beijing’s expansionism in the Himalayas.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) From Taliban 2.0 to EU DisInfolab – The outreach of Global Jihadism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Gwadar protests and the peculiar role of Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) India-Pakistan relations and the upcoming Ankara conference on Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Intra-Afghan-Peace Talks (I): Pakistan’s growing influence in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Intra-Afghan-Peace Talks (II): Pakistan and the puzzle over the future of foreign military presence in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Intra-Afghan-Peace Talks (III): Pakistan’s push for an interim government in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Is Pakistan’s PM Khan losing his political grip?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) (Mis-)Judging the state? The crisis in Pakistan’s judiciary and its ramifications.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Out of sight, out of mind? Biden’s calamitous decision on Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Pakistan-Saudi Arabia relations in flux: Is Islamabad realigning its foreign policy?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Pakistan’s new civilian-military cordiality in perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Pakistan’s vision to reset its ties with the U.S. and the implications for the Afghan peace negotiations.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Remember Mumbai! - Europe must not appease the sponsorship of terrorism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Terrorism financing: Crypto-Taliban?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Tottering Taliban – leverage to improve the plight of the Afghan people?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) The threat of the Taliban’s rising to power in Afghanistan – Where will Pakistan stand?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Contextualising Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Eulogy of Osama Bin Laden.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) On the Asian Century, Pax Sinica & Beyond (X): The Sino Iranian Alliance: A roadmap for regional instability and authoritarianism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) On the Asian Century, Pax Sinica & Beyond (XIII): Pakistan’s state-terrorism and the plight of the Pashtuns.

Guarda, Susan ; Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Only an Afghan-led peace process can bring peace to Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Pakistan’s Pandemic Policies.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Pakistan’s bigger plans of narco-terrorism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Resurgent Rebellion in Balochistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2019) The myth of Pakistan acting as ‘protector’ of the Kashmiri people.

Wolf, Siegfried O. ; Guarda, Susan (2018) Coup d'état? Democracy and National Reconciliation in Sri Lanka once again at stake.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) Growing Nepal-China security cooperation and its ramifications for India.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) India-Thailand Security and Economic Co-operation and its Impacts on Regionalization.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) South Asia at the crossroads: Connectivity, security and sustainable development (Special issue).

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2017) Double Standards? Understanding China’s Diplomatic Support for Pakistan’s Cross-Border Terrorists.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2017) Genocide, exodus and exploitation for jihad: the urgent need to address the Rohingya crisis.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2017) Phoenix Pakistan? Putting claim and realities in the right equation.

Casaca, Paulo ; Wolf, Siegfried O. (2017) Waging Jihad by Other Means: Iran’s Drug Business and its Role within the International Crime-Terror Nexus.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Ansarullah Bangla Team: A Major Threat for Bangladesh’s Democracy.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) BREXIT: what does it mean for regional integration and South Asia?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Bangladesh's Counter-Terror Act : Need for a Political Solution.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Betwixt and Between: The FATA Reform Process and the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Change of Guards, Change of politics? A look at Pakistan’s latest reshuffle of its top brass.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its impact on Gilgit-Baltistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): feasibility and the need for an assessment of India’s role.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: An assessment of its feasibility and impact on regional cooperation.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Crackdown on Islamists: Bangladesh’s new campaign against Jihadi terror in perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Delusive Semblance of Democracy: CPEC, Military and The Latest Truncation of Democratic Transition in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The Fallacy of State Rhetoric: Pakistan, Haqqani Network and Terror in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From China to Turkey: The Uighurs in a Position of a New Asia’s Rising Force in the Global Jihad.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From Dhaka to Singapore: The Growing Involvement of Bangladesh in the "World of Global Jihad".

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From Feint to Strategy: Revealing the Taliban’s Rationale in Joining the Peace Talks.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Hindutva and Citizenship in India: Helping Refugees or Building Vote Banks?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) In the shadow of Syria: Contextualising Islamic State attacks against Shias in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Islamic State's Terror in Afghanistan: The Latest Killing of Hazara in Perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) More Cooperation, More Terror? Enhanced Kabul-New Delhi Military Ties, Increasing Taliban Attacks, and the Role of Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) New Civilian Cheekiness or back to Old Patterns? Cyril Almeida Case and Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Pakistan - Friend or Foe?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Rising Islamism in Bangladesh is a European concern too.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Trump’s Upcoming Presidency: Will South Asia witness a new US Af-Pak policy?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Will Pakistan Ever Change its Foreign Policy?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) The battle over Kunduz and its implications.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Finding an Enroute to a Better Life - The Plight of the Afghan Refugees. In: IndraStra, New York (2015), . ISSN 2381-3652

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Sri Lankan Presidential Elections 2015.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Pakistan’s political stiffness: The ‘social agreement’ for FATA’s North Waziristan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) 2015 Earthquake in Nepal: Mapping the Political Aftermath.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) In the Aftermath of Karzai: Any Improvement for Women and their Rights in Afghanistan?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Formal Institutionalization of Military Rule: The 21st Amendment in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Putting Pakistan’s Ban of the Haqqani Network into Perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) 2015 Senate Polls in Pakistan - Urgent need for Reforms and some Recommendations.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) The Killing of Avijit Roy: Silencing free-thinking and progressive conscience in Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Will North-Waziristan turn into a Jihadist hub after Operation Zarb-e-Azb again?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) The fruitlessness of unconditional aid for Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) 2015 Parliamentary Elections in Sri Lanka: A Referendum for Democracy.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Bangladesh War Trials: The Need to Stop the Culture of Impunity and the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Democracy and National Reconciliation in Sri Lanka: Towards a Peaceful Equation?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Hurting the Host: The Rationale of the Afghan Exodus.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) India's General Elections and the Role of Media: New Course or Entrenching old Patterns? In: Blue Chip, Nr. 119 Islamabad (2015),

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) It’s Not Only about Illegal Migration and International Law: The Uighur Conundrum. In: E-International Relations, Bristol (2015),

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Kunduz - beyond the battleground.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) The Lost Decade: The Situation of Women in Afghanistan after the End of the Karzai government. In: Blue Chip, Nr. 118 Islamabad (2015),

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2015) Pakistan: Between Coup and Constitutional Engineering.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Just Another Carte Blanche? EU GSP Plus Status and Human Rights in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) From Post- to Pre-Elections: Are new polls the way forward in Bangladesh?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) China’s Role in Pakistan: International and Domestic Implications. In: Mishra, Sylvia (Hrsg.): Studies in Pakistan: Responses, Articles. New Delhi, Foreign Policy Research Centre 2014

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) China’s Strategic Interests and its impacts on Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Drone Strikes and Terrorism in Pakistan: Rather a Part of the Problem than a Solution?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) EU-Pakistan Relations and GSP Plus: Towards an End of Europe’s ‘Whitewashing’? In: Mishra, Sylvia (Hrsg.): Studies in Pakistan: Responses, Articles. New Delhi, Foreign Policy Research Centre 2014

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) India-Nepal relations and the Impact of Hindu-Nationalism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Old Habits Die Hard!: First year of Nawaz Sharif's third tenure.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) The Rohingyas Crisis: A Security Perspective from Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Suffering from Statelessness: Rohingyas in Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Taliban Talks: The Completion of a Defeat?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Taliban and democracy: the unequal equation. In: The Independent, June 28, Dhaka (2013), p. 12

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) General elections in Pakistan: Elections yes, democracy not yet! In: The Independent, May 24, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Will elections be enough for democracy in Pakistan? In: The Independent, May 10, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Bhutan Election 2013 - Happiness under stress? In: The Independent, April 26, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Imran Khan - a twist in the tale? In: The Independent, April 19, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) The burden of history: Political legacies and polarisation. In: The Independent, April 13, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) The international context of Bangladesh Liberation War. In: The Independent, March 29, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Gwadar Port - a potential game changer? In: The Independent, March 24, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) China's influence on Pakistan. In: The Independent, March 22, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Semblance of civilian control? Military, elections and the latest coup conspiracy in Pakistan. In: The Independent, February 22, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Rebel or stakeholder? No need for a Pakistani Tahrir Square for Qadri's people's democratic revolution. In: The Independent, February 8, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) FATA: Between backwater and black-site? In: The Independent, January 4, Dhaka (2013), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Bangladesh: Drifting into Islamic Fundamentalism?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Civil-military relations and democracy in Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Clouds over the Rainbow: LGBT Communities in Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Constitutional Assembly Elections in Nepal 2013: Some Pre-Poll Reflections.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Election Year in Bhutan - Litmus Test of Happiness? In: ISAS Insights, 211 (2013), pp. 1-6

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) The End of Technocracy? No Room for a "Bangladesh Option" in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) General Elections in Pakistan 2013: Some Reflections.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) On the Eve of Elections?: Mapping potential scenarios for Bangladesh uncertain political future.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) Towards a deep state? The intrinsic ties between Imran Khan and the Taliban.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2013) The emerging Islamist plexus in Bangladesh?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) From bad to worse: sectarian conflict, socio-economic neglect and political deprivation in Gilgit-Baltistan. In: The Independent, December 14, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Clash of the Paladins: India's Hindu-nationalism in decline? In: The Independent, November 30, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) From conflict to cooperation? India-Pakistan relations and the shadows of Mumbai. In: The Independent, November 16, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) No calm for Balochistan? Islamabad's political plexus , enduring anxieties and the fruitlessness of regional aspirations. In: The Independent, November 16, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Forgotten promises in Afghanistan. The situation of women and their rights since the fall of the Taliban. In: The Independent, October 5, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Can it muddle through? Some thoughts on future scenarios for Afghanistan. In: The Independent, September 7, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) In search of Pythagoras. The India-Afghanistan-Pakistan triangle under stress. In: The Independent, May 4, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Bhutan's peculiar road to democracy. In: The Independent, April 13, Dhaka (2012), pp. 25-26

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) India in Afghanistan - Looking for the right approach. In: The Independent, April 27, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) The Maldives in a stalemate. In: The Independent, March 30, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. ; Sauerborn, Djan (2012) The EU story: Can it offer inspiration for SAARC? In: The Independent, March 9, Dhaka (2012),

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Shifting or shirking responsibility? Bonn's Second Afghanistan Conference in Perspective. In: The Independent, January 20, Dhaka (2012), p. 26

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Betwixt and Between: Bangladesh Military in Business. A Comment from an International Perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Bhutan's Political Transition: Between Ethnic Conflict and Democracy.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Calling the Gravediggers? Hindu-Nationalism - India's Bêtes Noires under Stress.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) The Good Neighbour: China's alternative strategy in Afghanistan. In: The Independent, May 18, Dhaka (2012), p. 26

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Iran-Afghanistan Relations: A dangerous balancing act. In: The Independent, May 11, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Regional cooperation - a view from Bangladesh. In: The Independent, August 10, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Trapped in Old Patterns? The Future of Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations. In: The Independent, April 20, Dhaka (2012), pp. 25-26

Wolf, Siegfried O. ; Schultens, René (2009) Hindu-Nationalismus - (k)ein Ende in Sicht! In: Der Bürger im Staat, 59 (2009), Nr. 3-4. pp. 164-173. ISSN 0007-3121

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2009) Indien und Pakistan - verfeindete Brüder? In: Der Bürger im Staat, 59 (2009), Nr. 3-4. pp. 189-199. ISSN 0007-3121

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2008) Hindu-Nationalismus - Gefahr für die größte Demokratie? In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 22 (2008), pp. 26-32. ISSN 0479-611x

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