Items where Subject is "Economics"

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Number of items at this level: 183.


Agarwal, Aakash (2020) Macro and Micro Evidence: Labour Reforms Do Not Facilitate Growth in the Manufacturing Sector.

Ahmed, Ather Maqsood ; Ather, Robina (2014) Study on Tax Expenditures in Pakistan.

Ahmed, Faizuddin ; Trimble, Chris ; Yoshida, Nobuo (2013) The Transition from Underpricing Residential Electricity in Bangladesh: Fiscal and Distributional Impacts.

Ahmed, Sadiq (2008) Global Food Price Inflation: Implications for South Asia, Policy Reactions, and Future Challenges.

Ahsan, Ahmad ; Chapman, Ross (2003) Nepal: Trade and Competitiveness Study.

Akhlaque, Asya ; Heltberg, Rasmus ; Mengistae, Taye (2006) Pakistan Labor Market Study: Regulation, Job Creation, and Skills Formation in the Manufacturing Sector.

Ali, Zulfiqar ; Rahman, Atiur ; Rahman, Taifur (2003) Appetite for Nicotine: An Economic Analysis of Tobacco Control in Bangladesh.

Amin, Mohammad ; Mattoo, Aaditya (2008) Human Capital and the Changing Structure of the Indian Economy.

Aparicio, Gabriela ; Muzzini, Elisa (2013) Bangladesh: The Path to Middle-Income Status from an Urban Perspective.

Arshad (2018) China’s interventions in the Indian subcontinent: Challenges for Modi’s foreign policy.

Aryal, Saroj Kumar ; Nair, Adithyan (2021) 'SAARC's dysfunctionality and China's foot at South Asia's Door.

Aturupane, Harsha ; Shojo, Mari (2012) Expanding Access and Enhancing the Economic Benefits of Education in the Maldives: Challenges and Prospects. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 54 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Ayyagari, Meghana ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Maksimovic, Vojislav (2014) Does Local Financial Development Matter for Firm Lifecycle in India?


Bakshi, Rajni (2004) A Good Time for Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 200-214 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Ballard, Roger (2003) A Background Report On The Operation Of Informal Value Tranfer Systems (Hawala).

Ballard, Roger (2003) A case of capital-rich underdevelopment: The paradoxical consequences of successful transnational entrepreneurship from Mirpur.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Coalitions of reciprocity and the maintenance of financial integrity within informal value transmission systems: The operational dynamics of contemporary hawala networks.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Delivering migrant workers' remittances.

Ballard, Roger (2007) First Solution: a safety-first plan backfires.

Ballard, Roger (2006) Hawala: criminal haven or vital financial network?

Ballard, Roger (2003) Hawala Transformed: Remittance-driven Transnational Networks in the post-Imperial economic order.

Ballard, Roger (2006) HM Treasury Review of The Regulation of Money Service Businesses: A response from Dr. Roger Ballard.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Migration, Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Reflections on Some South Asian Developments.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Processes of consolidation and settlement in remittance-driven Hawala transactions between the UK and South Asia.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Remittances And Economic Development.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Remittances and Economic Development in India and Pakistan.

Ballard, Roger (2001) The Impact of Kinship on the Economic Dynamics of Transnational Networks: reflections on some South Asian developments.

Ballard, Roger (2008) The Implementation of Value Transfers in an Era of Financial Volatility: meeting the logistical challenge.

Ballard, Roger (1987) The political economy of migration: Pakistan, Britain, and the Middle East.

Bandyopadhyay, Saugata (2008) Microfinance in the Improvement of Living Standard and GNH. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 248-271 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Basu, Kaushik ; Eichengreen, Barry ; Gupta, Poonam (2014) From Tapering to Tightening: The Impact of the Fed's Exit on India.

Basu, Sweta (2020) Uzbekistan: India’s Strategic Gateway to Central Asia.

Baysan, Tercan ; Panagariya, Arvid ; Pitigala, Nihal (2006) Preferential Trading in South Asia.

Bell, Clive (2012) The Benefits of India's Rural Roads Program in the Spheres of Goods, Education and Health: Joint Estimation and Decomposition.

Bhattacharya, Ipshita (2020) The New Edge in India-Russia Relations: Probabilities.

Blom, Andreas ; Saeki, Hiroshi (2011) Employability and Skill Set of Newly Graduated Engineers in India.

Bluffstone, Randy ; Dannenberg, Astrid ; Martinsson, Peter ; Jha, Prakash ; Bista, Rajesh (2015) Cooperative Behavior and Common Pool Resources: Experimental Evidence from Community Forest User Groups in Nepal.

Burki, Shahid Javed ; Hasan, Parvez (2013) A Growth and Adjustment Strategy for Pakistan.


Calì, Massimiliano ; Farole, Thomas ; Kunaka, Charles ; Waglé, Swarnim (2014) Integrating Border Regions: Connectivity and Competitiveness in South Asia.

Carlin, Wendy ; Schaffer, Mark (2012) Understanding the Business Environment in South Asia.

Chartier, Joséphine (2021) European FDI to India and Covid-19.

Chartier, Josephine (2021) Sustainable development through trade – Case study: Pakistan’s GSP+ and the red meat market.

Chatterjee, Urmila ; Murgai, Rinku ; Rama, Martin (2015) Job Opportunities along the Rural-Urban Gradation and Female Labor Force Participation in India.

Chowdhury, Afra Rahman (2013) Low Female Labor Force Participation in Sri Lanka: Contributory Factors, Challenges and Policy Implications. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 68 (2013). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2013


Dahlmann, Carl ; Utz, Anuja (2005) India: India and the Knowledge Economy, Leveraging Strengths and Opportunities.

De Geest, Sarah (2016) The future of regional cooperation in South Asia: Lessons from the EU and ASEAN.

Deichmann, Uwe ; Shilpi, Forhad ; Vakis, Renos (2008) Spatial Specialization and Farm-Nonfarm Linkages.

Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce ; Bandyopadhyay, Sumana ; Harutyunian, Anahit ; Sarma, Hriday Ch. (2020) Prospects for Cooperation between India and Armenia.

Desmet, Klaus ; Ghani, Ejaz ; O'Connell, Stephen D. ; Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban (2012) The Spatial Development of India.

Dixon, Frank (2004) Improving Unsustainable Western Economic Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 105-120 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Dohmen, Arno (2020) India’s perception of the EU-India Free trade agreement and military cooperation within the EU-India strategic partnership.

Duranton, Gilles ; Ghani, Ejaz ; Goswami, Arti Grover ; Kerr, William (2015) The Misallocation of Land and Other Factors of Production in India.

Dutz, Mark A. ; O’Connell, Stephen D. (2013) Productivity, Innovation and Growth in Sri Lanka: An Empirical Investigation.


Eberhardt, Pia ; Kumar, Dharmendra (2010) Trade Invaders: How big business is driving the EU-India free trade negotiations.

Elapata, Deshika (2020) EU-Sri Lanka relations: A bond between trade and human rights.

(2020) EU-South Asia trade perspectives: State of play.


Fafchamps, Marcel ; Shilpi, Forhad (2002) The Spatial Division of Labor in Nepal.

Falk, Rahel (2005) Industrial Sickness in Indian Manufacturing.

Fonseka, Daminda ; Pinto, Brian ; Prasad, Mona ; Rowe, Francis (2012) Sri Lanka: From Peace Dividend to Sustained Growth Acceleration.

Friesenbichler, Klaus (2011) Employment Growth Patterns in South Asia: Some Evidence from Interim Enterprise Survey Data.


George, Geena (2021) Closing Gender Gaps in Education, Finance & Child Care – Unlocking the Full Potential of Women Entrepreneurship in India.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; Stanton, Christopher (2013) Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Anand, Rahul (2009) How Will Changes in Globalization Impact Growth in South Asia?

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; O’Connell, Stephen D. (2013) Political Reservations and Women’s Entrepreneurship in India.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; O'Connell, Stephen D. (2013) Promoting Women's Economic Participation in India.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; Tewari, Ishani (2014) Regional Diversity and Inclusive Growth in Indian Cities.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Goswami, Arti Grover ; Kerr, William R. (2014) Spatial Dynamics of Electricity Usage in India.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; Tewari, Ishani (2013) Specialization, Diversity, and Indian Manufacturing Growth.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; O’Connell, Stephen D. (2013) The Exceptional Persistence of India's Unorganized Sector.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; O’Connell, Stephen D. (2012) What Explains Big Gender Disparities in India? Local Industrial Structures and Female Entrepreneurship.

Gilani, Bilal Ijaz (2013) World Bank Client Satisfaction Study, Pakistan 2013: Executive Summary.

Giné, Xavier ; Mansuri, Ghazala (2014) Money or Ideas? A Field Experiment on Constraints to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan.

Glinskaya, Elena ; Lokshin, Michael (2005) Wage Differentials Between the Public and Private Sector in India.

Grover, Madhav ; Agarwal, Shivani (2019) India’s Growing Trade Relationship within South Asia: Reflections from Trends of the Recent Past.

(2017) GSP, the mid-term review and Pakistan: The need to recalibrate.


Hamid Sheikh, Abdul (2020) The NSRI and the BRI: the Future of Central Asia.

Hauff, Michael /von (2009) Indiens ökonomische Entwicklung. In: Der Bürger im Staat, 59 (2009), Nr. 3-4. pp. 174-179. ISSN 0007-3121

Hevia, Constantino ; Loayza, Norman (2013) Saving and Growth in Sri Lanka.

Hoering, Uwe (2018) China’s Long March 2.0 - The Belt and Road Initiative as development model.

Hou, Xiaohui (2011) Challenges for Youth Employment in Pakistan: Are They Youth-Specific?


Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) India-Thailand Security and Economic Co-operation and its Impacts on Regionalization.

(2012) India - Uttarakhand Economic Assessment.

(2014) India: Women, Work and Employment.

(2006) Inflation in Bangladesh: Trends, Sources and Policy Options.

Iyer, Lakshmi ; Santos, Indhira (2012) Creating Jobs in South Asia’s Conflict Zones.


Jacoby, Hanan G. ; Dasgupta, Basab (2015) Changing Wage Structure in India in the Post-Reform Era: 1993-2011.

Jolly, Julius (1916) Land und Wasser als Staatseigentum. In: Aufsätze zur Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte vornehmlich des Orients, (1916), pp. 27-29

Jong, Hans Nicolas (2022) Bergbau in Indonesien: Der Preis des Wirtschaftswachstums.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1985) Entwicklung als nachholende Industrialisierung? In: Internationales Asienforum, 16 (1985), Nr. 3-4. pp. 363-368. ISSN 0020-9449

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1980) Unequal Relations between Comecon and Developing Countries in South Asia. In: Internationales Asienforum, 11 (1980), Nr. 3-4. pp. 379-383. ISSN 0020-9449


Kaewkhunok, Suppawit (2018) Public Participation and Ecotourism: The role and the right of people in Sikkim.

Kaminski, Bartlomiej ; Ng, Francis (2013) Increase in Protectionism and Its Impact on Sri Lanka's Performance in Global Markets.

Khakimov, Obid (2020) Economic cooperation towards peace in Afghanistan.

Khanna, Ashish ; Singh, Daljit ; Swain, Ashwini K. ; Narain, Mudit (2015) Transforming Electricity Governance in India: Has India’s Power Sector Regulation Enabled Consumers’ Power?

Klasen, Stephan ; Pieters, Janneke (2015) What Explains the Stagnation of Female Labor Force Participation in Urban India?

Klonner, Stefan (2001) Essays on rotating savings and credit associations.

Kojo, Naoko (2002) Bhutan - Hydropower Export Boom: Its Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Implications.

Kojo, Naoko C. (2005) Bhutan: Power Exports and Dutch Disease.

Kondo, Masanori (2001) The Political Economy of Commodity Export Policy: A Case Study of India.

Kuntiranont, Wallapa (2004) Small-scale Business Inspired by Timeless Simplicity: A Contribution Towards Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 247-251 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Lall, Somik V. ; Rodrigo, G. Chris (2000) Perspectives on the Sources of Heterogeneity in Indian Industry.

Lasagabaster, Esperanza ; Munzele Maimbo, Samuel ; Hulugalle, Sriyani (2005) Sri Lanka's Migrant Labor Remittances: Enhancing the Quality and Outreach of the Rural Remittance Infrastructure.

Leonte, Andreea (2020) China, the Belt & Road Initiative and waste management.

Levenson, Michael L. ; Jennings, Patricia A. ; D'Mello, Michelle ; Le, Thao ; Aldwin, Carolyn M. (2004) Happiness in the Midst of Change: A Human Development Approach to Studying GNH in the Context of Economic Development. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 450-460 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Lokshin, Michael ; Glinskaya, Elena (2008) The Effect of Male Migration for Work on Employment Patterns of Females in Nepal.

Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys ; Robertson, Raymond (2016) Stitches to riches?: Apparel employment, trade, and economic development in South Asia.

Lopez-Calix, José (2013) Pakistan: Path to Rapid Growth and Job Creation.

Lopez-Calix, José ; Touqeer, Irum (2013) Revisiting the Constraints to Pakistan's Growth.

López-Cálix, J. R. ; Srinivasan, T. G. ; Waheed, M. (2012) What Do We Know about Growth Patterns in Pakistan?

Luthra, Rajan (2020) Rural India: The Country's Untapped Growth Engine.


Maimbo, Samuel Munzele ; McKechnie, Alastair ; Ghani, Ejaz Syed ; Del Mar Pernia, Joseph ; Bell, Simon C. (2005) Migrant Labor Remittances in the South Asia Region.

Mancall, Mark (2004) Bhutan's Quadrilemma: To Join or Not To Join the WTO, That is the Question. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 260-270 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mani, Muthukumara ; Markandya, Anil ; Sagar, Aarsi ; Sahin, Sebnem (2012) India’s Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: What Are the Tradeoffs?

Masood, Asma (2018) Cultural exchange rate: role of India’s soft power in binding SAARC nations.

Menon, Nidhiya ; Van der Meulen Rodgers, Yana (2011) War and Women’s Work: Evidence from the Conflict in Nepal.

Milne, Grant (2010) India Marine Fisheries: Issues, Opportunities and Transitions for Sustainable Development.

Mohan, Deepanshu ; Raghunath, Tanuja ; Medipally, Sanjana (2017) Governing Dynamics of Cross-Border Trade: A Case Study from the Indo-Bhutan Border Region.

Mohan, Deepanshu (2016) Re-Engineering Ideas in Developmental Growth.

Mohan, Deepanshu ; Sinha, Samrat (2016) The Analytics of Conflict and Studying its Economic Impact.

Mukim, Megha (2012) Geography and Exporting Behavior: Evidence from India.

Müller, Harald ; Rauch, Carsten (2008) Indiens Weg zur Wirtschaftsmacht. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 22 (2008), pp. 7-13. ISSN 0479-611x


Nabiyeva, Komila (2019) Win-win or Win-lose? China-Kazakhstan Energy Cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative.

Nandy, Mrittika (2020) Coping up with the Corona Crisis: India Inc shows the way with Nobel Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives.

Narain, Urvashi ; Toman, Michael ; Jiang, Zhiyun (2014) Note on Green Growth for Bhutan.

Nikitin, Denis ; De Silva, Indralal ; Jayasekara, Tissa (2012) National Transfer Accounts Analysis for Sri Lanka. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 39 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Norberg-Hodge, Helena ; Gorelick, Steven (2004) Towards an Economics of Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 77-104 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X


Pankaj, Prabhat K. (2004) Linking Trade with the Environment in the Context of WTO: Why is this Option good for Bhutan? In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 466-528 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Papageorgiou, Chris ; Spatafora, Nikola ; Wang, Ke (2015) Diversification, Growth, and Volatility in Asia.

philippinenbüro e. V., Stiftung Asienhaus (2020) Corona in Asien: Menschenrechtsverletzungen und soziale Ungleichheit im Schatten der Pandemie-Bekämpfung.

Priesner, Stefan (1999) Gross National Happiness: Bhutan's Vision of Development and its Challenges. In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 24-52


Rahman, Aminur ; Kisunko, Gregory ; Kapoor, Kapil (2000) Estimating the Effects of Corruption: Implications for Bangladesh.

Reis, José Guilherme ; Taglioni, Daria (2013) Pakistan: Reinvigorating the Trade Agenda.

Reva, Anna (2015) Toward a More Business Friendly Tax Regime: Key Challenges in South Asia.

Richter, Kaspar ; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge (2009) Pakistan - Tax Policy Report: Tapping Tax Bases for Development.

Rieger, Hans Christoph (1998) Indiens Wirtschaft im Umbruch: Das Experiment einer gemischten Wirtschaft. In: Der Bürger im Staat, 48 (1998), Nr. 1. pp. 20-24. ISSN 0007-3121

Robalino, David ; Cho, Yoonyoung (2012) Labor Market Policies under a Youth Bulge: How to Benefit from Demographic Dividend in Pakistan.

Roychowdhary, Shrrijiet ; Agarwal, Shivani ; Singh, Mansi ; Singh, Vanshika (2020) An Ethnographic Insight on Border-Markets: Reflections from the Indo-Bhutan Border.


Saegert, Jannick ; Grossman, Gregor (2018) Human Rights Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains: International Developments and Chinese Efforts.

Saleman, Yannick ; Jordan, Luke (2014) The Implementation of Industrial Parks: Some Lessons Learned in India.

Sarraf, Maria ; Stuer-Lauridsen, Frank ; Dyoulgerov, Milen ; Bloch, Robin ; Wingfield, Susan ; Watkinson, Roy (2010) The Ship Breaking and Recycling Industry in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Shahbaz, Muhamm ; Aamir, Naveed (2008) Macroeconomic Determinants of the Happiness of the Poor: A Case Study of Pakistan. In: Towards Global Transformation: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, The Centre for Bhutan Studies 2008, pp. 367-389 . ISBN 99936-14-42-4

Sharma, Manohar ; Zaman, Hassan (2009) Who Migrates Overseas and is it Worth Their While? An Assessment of Household Survey Data from Bangladesh.

Sharrock, Guy (1999) Gross National Happiness: Can Environmental Economics Offer a Way Forward? In: Gross National Happiness: Discussion Papers. Thimpu 1999, pp. 116-134

Singh, Anoop ; Jamasb, Tooraj ; Nepal, Rabindra ; Toman, Michael (2015) Cross-Border Electricity Cooperation in South Asia.

Singh, Bawa (2017) Peace-making in Afghanistan: Heart of Asia is in Question?

Singh Maini, Tridivesh (2016) FDI in India: Do New Delhi and state governments need to re-think strategies?

Sinha, Nistha (2012) Demographic Transition and the Labor Market in Sri Lanka. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 41 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

(2007) South Asia - Policy Paper for Regional Energy Trade: Trading Arrangements and Risk Management in International Electricity Trade.

Steinmetz, Anne Margret (2003) Three Essays on Groundwater and Tenancy Contracts in Rural Economies.


McDonald, Ross, Hrsg. (2010) Taking Happiness Seriously: Eleven Dialogues on Gross National Happiness.

Weltbank (2009) The Service Revolution in South Asia.

The World Bank (2014) Bangladesh Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2014) Bhutan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2002) Bhutan: Private Sector Survey.

The World Bank (2008) Indian Road Construction Industry: Capacity Issues, Constraints and Recommendations.

The World Bank (2014) Nepal Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2008) Pakistan - Balochistan Economic Report : From Periphery to Core.

The World Bank (2014) Pakistan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

The World Bank (2005) Pakistan: Punjab Economic Report, Towards a Medium-Term Development Strategy.

The World Bank (2014) Sri Lanka Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

The World Bank (2009) The Service Revolution in South Asia.

Tideman, Sander G. (2004) Gross National Happiness: Towards a New Paradigm in Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 222-246 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Timilsina, Govinda R. ; Toman, Michael ; Karacsonyi, Jorge ; de Tena Diego, Luca (2015) How Much Could South Asia Benefit from Regional Electricity Cooperation and Trade?

Timilsina, Govinda R. ; Tiwari, Ujjal (2015) The Economic Viability of Jatropha Biodiesel in Nepal.

Trimble, Chris ; Yoshida, Nobuo ; Saqib, Mohammad (2011) Rethinking Electricity Tariffs and Subsidies in Pakistan.


Ura, Karma (2005) Beneficiary Labour Contribution (Woola).


Wade, Paul (2009) Pakistan: NWFP Growth Policy Note.

Wangyel, Tashi (2004) Rhetoric and Reality: An Assessment of the Impact of WTO on Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 413-465 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Werning, Rainer (2021) Krisenhilfe nur für Reiche – ökonomisches Verständnis, Bedeutung für Demokratie und Armutsbekämpfung in den Philippinen.

Wichterich, Christa (2018) Transnationale Geschäfte mit Wunschkindern.

Willenswaard, Hans van (2004) Will 'Middle Way Economics' Emerge from the Gross National Happiness Approach of Bhutan? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 214-221 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Wilson, John S. ; Otsuki, Tsunehiro (2007) Regional Integration in South Asia: What Role for Trade Facilitation?

Wohlschlegel, Ansgar (2002) The Economics of Corporate Bankruptcy Law.

Wolff, Joerg (2006) Indien: Ein Gewinner der Globalisierung. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 22 (2006), Nr. 10. pp. 40-56. ISSN 0177-7521

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2017) Genocide, exodus and exploitation for jihad: the urgent need to address the Rohingya crisis.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2021) Gwadar protests and the peculiar role of Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) South Asia at the crossroads: Connectivity, security and sustainable development (Special issue).

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2022) Sri Lanka looks back to India.


Yousef, Ambreen (2020) EU-India Summit: Vision and Mission.

Yousuf, Ambreen (2021) EU-India: Building bridges through High-Level Dialogue.


Zaidi, Salman ; Reaz, M. Masrur ; Barbour, Paul Antony (2015) Bangladesh: More and Better Jobs to Accelerate Shared Growth and End Extreme Poverty.

Zingel, Wolfgang-Peter (2015) Bangladesh - Bridge between South and Southeast Asia?

Zingel, Wolfgang-Peter (2009) Wirtschaft und Umwelt. In: Der Bürger im Staat, 59 (2009), Nr. 3-4. pp. 180-188. ISSN 0007-3121

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