Items where Year is 2004

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 113.


Datta, Polly (2004) Centripetal Bias in the Federal Fiscal Relations in India, Growing Regional Disparity and Feeling of Discrimination: A Case Study of West Bengal.

Frey, Karsten (2004) Elite Perception and Biased Strategic Policy Making: The Case of India's Nuclear Build-up.

Spieß, Clemens (2004) One-Party-Dominance in Changing Societies: The African National Congress and Indian National Congress in Comparative Perspective: A Study in Party Systems and Agency in Post-Colonial India and Post-Apartheid South Africa.


BGM-Studiengruppe (2004) Opanayiko: Buddhistische Grundstudien.

(2004) Der Kammabegriff im Pali-Buddhismus.

Dutt, Binode Behari (2004) The R̥gveda-Saṁhitā according to the Śākala recension along with the Padapāṭha of Śākalya and Vedārthvinoda. Volume 1 (maṇḍala 1).

(2004) Economic and Political Relations Between Bhutan and Neighbouring Countries.

Giri, Seeta (2004) The Vital Link: Monpas and Their Forests.

Ngawang Pekar, Sewala Trulku (2004) Se-ba-la Chos-rje Sprul-sku Nag-dban-pad-dkar gyis mdzad pa'i rgyal sras Gdn-'dzin Sprul-sku'i rnam thar sa bon tsam bkod pa b'zugs so.

Pelzang, Sherab (2004) Hum ral brgyud 'dzin Pranadza Sri-bhadra (Ses-rab-dpal-bzan) gis mdzad pa'i Hum-ral Drun-drun yab sras kyi rnam thar mdo tsam glen ba rin po che'i do sal bzugs so.

Pursell, Garry ; Sattar, Zaidi (2004) Trade Policies in South Asia: An Overview.

Skoda, Uwe (2004) Wahlverwandtschaften: Zur Verbindung von Politik und Verwandtschaft im indischen Wahlkampf.

(2004) Wayo, Wayo: Voices from the Past.

Wischkowski-Mey, Anna (2004) Maske und Maß: Eine Untersuchung zur Ikonografie und Bedeutung singhalesischer Ritualmasken und -kostüme.

(2004) Zwischen Krieg und Frieden: Konflikte in Südasien.


(2004) Bibhaba, Vol. 26, no. 1 (1411).

(2004) Caturanga, Vol. 63, no. 3/4 (2004).

(2004) Caturanga, Vol. 64, no. 1 (2004).

Südasien-Institut (2004) SAI-Report 2004.


Ballard, Roger (2004) Challenging Paradigms: Popular Religion in Punjab.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Delivering migrant workers' remittances.

Ballard, Roger ; Parveen, Tahirah (2004) Minority Professionals' Experience of Marginalisation and Exclusion: The Rules of Ethnic Engagement.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Riste and Ristedari: the significance of marriage in the dynamics of transnational kinship networks.

Hasan, Zoya (2004) Die Wahlen in Indien 2004: Ein Rückschlag für die Ausgrenzungspolitik. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 20 (2004), Nr. 7. pp. 85-100. ISSN 0177-7521

Holdschlag, Arnd ; Fazlur-Rahman (2004) Hazards im Hohen Hindu Kush: Leben mit Naturgefahren in Chitral (Pakistan).

Nesbitt, Eleanor (2004) "My Dad's Hindu, my Mum's side are Sikhs": Issues in Religious Identity.

Schetter, Conrad (2004) Der Afghanistankrieg: Die Ethnisierung eines Konflikts.

Schetter, Conrad (2004) Hamid Karzai: ein Portrait.

Schetter, Conrad (2004) The "Bazaar Economy" of Afghanistan: a comprehensive approach.

Shaw, Alison ; Ahmed, Mushtaq (2004) Translating Genetics Leaflets Into Languages Other Than English: Lessons From an Assessment of Urdu Materials.

Stein, Carola (2004) Parlamentswahl in Sri Lanka. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 20 (2004), Nr. 5. pp. 101-116. ISSN 0177-7521

Wagner, Christian (2004) Frieden jetzt? Wahlen, internationale Entwicklung und die Folgen für den Friedensprozess in Sri Lanka von 1999 bis 2002.

Wagner, Christian (2004) Großmacht im Wartestand? Indische Außenpolitik am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Yule, Paul ; Böhler, Wolfgang (2004) Sisupalgarh: An Early Historic Fortress in Coastal Orissa and its Cousins. In: Beiträge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie, 24 (2004), pp. 15-29

Book Section

Aldwin, Carolyn M. (2004) Culture, Coping and Resilience to Stress. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 563-573 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Allison, Elizabeth (2004) Spiritually Motivated Natural Ressource Protection in Eastern Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 529-563 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Ardussi, John (2004) The gDung Lineages of Central & Eastern Bhutan - A Reappraisal of their Origin, Based on Literary Sources. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 60-72 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Bakshi, Rajni (2004) A Good Time for Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 200-214 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Bracho, Frank (2004) Happiness as the Greatest Human Wealth. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 430-449 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Caspari, Thomas (2004) Relevance of Soils for Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 692-705 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Colman, Ron ; Sagebien, Julia (2004) Measuring Genuine Progress: Indicators for Enlightened Society. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 252-259 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Crins, Rieki (2004) Religion and Gender Values in a Changing World. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 581-597 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Dixon, Frank (2004) Improving Unsustainable Western Economic Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 105-120 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Donnelly, Suellen (2004) How Bhutan can Measure and Develop GNH. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 347-374 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Dorji, Chencho (2004) Achieving Gross National Happiness Through Community-based Mental Health Services in Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 600-628 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Dorji, Tandin (2004) The Spider, the Piglet and the vital Principle: A popular Ritual for Restoring the sRog. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 598-607 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Driem, George van (2004) Bhutan's Endangered Languages Documentation Programme under the Dzongkha Development Authority: The three rare Gems. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 294-326 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Dubgyur, Lungten (2004) Review of Judicial Reforms in Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 379-387 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Evans, A. Steven (2004) Tears and Laughter: Promoting Gross National Happiness Through the Rich Oral Traditions and Heritage of Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 637-659 . ISBN 9936-14-22-X

Faris, Christopher B. (2004) Information and Communications Technology and Gross National Happiness: Who Serves Whom? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 140-173 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Gandolfo, Romolo (2004) Bhutan and Tibet in European Cartography (1597-1800). In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 90-136 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Gayleg, Karma (2004) The Characteristics and Levels of Happiness in the Context of the Bhutanese Society. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 541-554 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Gyatso, Lungtaen (2004) Difficulty in Teaching Dzonghka in an English Medium System. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 264-293 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Hershock, Peter D. (2004) Trade, Development, and the Broken Promise of Interdependence: A Buddhist Reflection on the Possibility of Post-Market Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 51-76 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hewavitharana, Buddhadasa (2004) Framework For Operationalizing The Buddhist Concept Of Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 496-531 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hirata, Johannes (2004) Putting Gross National Happiness in the Service of Good Development: From Ethics to Politics. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 706-731 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Hylkema, Jean Karel (2004) Using Buddhist Insights in Implementing Gross International Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 532-537 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Johnson, Joseph (2004) Development as Freedom, Freedom as Happiness: Human Development and Happiness in Bhutan. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 457-471 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens ; Rösel, Jakob (2004) Unterschiedliche Reaktionsmuster auf innerstaatliche Konflikte und Gewalt: Indien, Pakistan und Sri Lanka im Vergleich. In: Indien 2004: Politik - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft. Hamburg, IFA 2004, pp. 153-170 . ISBN 3-88910-306-5

Karmay, Samten Gyaltsen (2004) Rare Buddhist Texts kept in Orgyan Chos Gling. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 350-354 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Kemchalerm, Wiboon (2004) Be Decent Be Happy: Apprehending the Truth of Sustainable Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 688-691 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Kuntiranont, Wallapa (2004) Small-scale Business Inspired by Timeless Simplicity: A Contribution Towards Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 247-251 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Leaming, Linda (2004) One Big Happy Family? Gross National Happiness and the Concept of Family in Bhutan. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 660-679 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Levenson, Michael L. ; Jennings, Patricia A. ; D'Mello, Michelle ; Le, Thao ; Aldwin, Carolyn M. (2004) Happiness in the Midst of Change: A Human Development Approach to Studying GNH in the Context of Economic Development. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 450-460 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Lokamitra, Dharmachari (2004) The Centrality of Buddhism and Education in Developing Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 472-482 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mancall, Mark (2004) Bhutan's Quadrilemma: To Join or Not To Join the WTO, That is the Question. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 260-270 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mancall, Mark (2004) Gross National Happiness and Development: An Essay. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 1-50 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Marks, Nic (2004) Towards Evidence Based Public Policy: The Power and Potential of using Well-being Indicators in a Political Context. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 319-346 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Mathou, Thierry (2004) Bhutan-China Relations: Towards a new Step in Himalayan Politics. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 388-411 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

McKay, Alex (2004) British-Indian Medical Service Officers in Bhutan, 1905-1947: A Historical Outline. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 137-159 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Mederly, Peter ; Novacek, Pavel ; Topercer, Jan (2004) Quality and Sustainability of Life Indicators at International, National and Regional Levels. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 450-456 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Norberg-Hodge, Helena ; Gorelick, Steven (2004) Towards an Economics of Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 77-104 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Pain, Adam (2004) State, Economy and Space in Bhutan in the Early Part of the 19th Century. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 160-193 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Pankaj, Prabhat K. (2004) Linking Trade with the Environment in the Context of WTO: Why is this Option good for Bhutan? In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 466-528 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Pankaj, Prabhat ; Dorji, Tshering (2004) Measuring Individual Happiness in Relation to Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: Some Preliminary Results from Survey Data. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 375-389 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Pelgen, Ugyen ; Gyeltshen, Tshering (2004) The Underground "Fortress" of Bang Tsho Ruler. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 51-59 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Phuntsho, Karma (2004) Echoes of ancient Ethos: Reflections on some popular Bhutanese Social Themes. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 564-580 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Pommaret-Imaeda, Francoise (2004) The fascinating Life of Lama Chanchub Tsongru (1817-1856) According to his Biography. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 73-89 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Powdyel, Thakur S. (2004) Foundations and Scope of Gross National Happiness: A Layman's Perspectives. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu^, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 732-747 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Rowbotham, Michael (2004) Cherry Picking in Bhutan. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 174-199 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Sable, Trudy (2004) Building The Fire: Preserving Local Knowledge and Traditions in the Face of Globalization. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 680-687 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Sangay Dorji, Dungchen (2004) A brief Account of Hungrel Drung Drung. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 21-50 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Sivaraksa, Sulak (2004) Adding Spirit to Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 409-429 . ISBN 88936-14-22-X

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2004) Development of Cursive Bhutanese Writing. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 194-263 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2004) The Role of Buddhism in Achieving Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 483-495 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Tenzin, Pema (2004) Prolegomena to Pursuing Gross National Happiness: The Bhutanese Approach. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 555-559 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Thamrongwaranggoon, Tantip (2004) Beyond Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Health for all Through Sustainable Community Development. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 574-598 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Tideman, Sander G. (2004) Gross National Happiness: Towards a New Paradigm in Economics. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 222-246 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Ueda, Akiko (2004) Education System and the "Ladder of Success". In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 327-349 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Veenhoven, Ruut (2004) Happy Life Years: A Measure of Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 287-319 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Vitali, Roberto (2004) Glimpes of the History of the Rgya Clan with Reference to Nyang Stod, Lho Mon and Nearby Lands (7th-13th Century). In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 6-20 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Wangyel, Tashi (2004) Rhetoric and Reality: An Assessment of the Impact of WTO on Bhutan. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 413-465 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Whitecross, Richard W. (2004) The Thrimzhung Chenmo and the Emergence of the Contemporary Bhutanese Legal System. In: The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First Seminar on Bhutan Studies ,. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 355-378 . ISBN 99936-14-19-X

Whitehouse, Chris ; Winderl, Thomas (2004) National Happiness: Universalism, Cultural Relativism, or Both? An Assessment. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 389-408 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Willenswaard, Hans van (2004) Will 'Middle Way Economics' Emerge from the Gross National Happiness Approach of Bhutan? In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 214-221 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Worcester, Tracy (2004) Operationalising Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 121-139 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

Zangmo, Tashi (2004) Literacy For All: One of the Means to Achieve Gross National Happiness. In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 629-636 . ISBN 9936-14-22-X

Working paper

Alm, James ; Annez, Patricia ; Modi, Arbind (2004) Stamp Duties in Indian States: A Case for Reform.

Das Gupta, Monica ; Rani, Manju (2004) India's Public Health System: How Well Does It Function at the National Level?

Das, Jishnu ; Hammer, Jeffrey (2004) Strained Mercy: The Quality of Medical Care in Delhi.

Howes, Stephen ; Ravishankar, V. J. ; Wes, Marina (2004) State Fiscal Reforms in India: Progress and Prospects.

Mahindapala, Ranjith (2004) Medicinal Plants: Conservation and Sustainable Use in Sri Lanka.

Ramachandran, Vimala ; Jandhyala, Kameshwari ; Mehrotra, Nishi ; Krishnamurty, Lakshmi ; Periodi, Vani ; Saihjee, Aarti (2004) Snakes and Ladders: Factors Influencing Successful Primary School Completion for Children in Poverty Contexts.


Das Gupta, Amit (2004) Mythos deutsch-indische Freundschaft: Spannungen und Misstrauen in den Beziehungen 1949-1966.

Dirks, Nicholas B. (2004) The Ethnographic State: The Ritualization of Caste in Colonial India.


Baumann, Martin (2004) Global Hindu Diaspora: A bibliography of books and main articles.

Belli, Paolo ; Lee, Yi-Kyoung ; Heywood, Peter ; Pruthi, Himani (2004) Assam: Health Policy Note.

Belli, Paolo ; Heywood, Peter (2004) West Bengal: Health Policy Note.

Charlton, Jackie ; Cyan, Musharraf ; Hasnain, Zahid ; Manning, Nick ; Porter, Douglas ; Sharif, Hamid (2004) Devolution in Pakistan: An Assessment and Recommendations for Action.

Faiz, Asif (2004) Bhutan: Transport Sector Note.

Howes, Stephen (2004) Stabilization and Fiscal Empowerment: The Twin Challenges Facing India's States.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2004) Still Shining? - India after the 2004 Elections.

Van der Klaauw, Bas ; Wang, Limin (2004) Child Mortality in Rural India.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 01:49:38 2025 CET.