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Number of items: 144.


Aguilar, Ana Milena ; Cortez, Rafael (2015) Family Planning: The Hidden Need of Married Adolescents in Nepal.

Ahmed, Faizuddin ; Trimble, Chris ; Yoshida, Nobuo (2013) The Transition from Underpricing Residential Electricity in Bangladesh: Fiscal and Distributional Impacts.

Ahsan, Ahmad ; Chapman, Ross (2003) Nepal: Trade and Competitiveness Study.

Akhlaque, Asya ; Heltberg, Rasmus ; Mengistae, Taye (2006) Pakistan Labor Market Study: Regulation, Job Creation, and Skills Formation in the Manufacturing Sector.

Andrés, Luis ; Biller, Dan ; Herrera Dappe, Matías (2013) Reducing Poverty by Closing South Asia's Infrastructure Gap.

Aspin, Jonathan (2014) Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Country Summary Report for Bangladesh.


Badgett, M. V. Lee (2014) The Economic Cost of Stigma and the Exclusion of LGBT People: A Case Study of India.

Bajracharya, Roshan Darshan ; Biletska, Nataliya ; Rajaram, Anand (2012) Reforms under Fiscal Stress: A Policy Note on the Priorities for Fiscal and Budget Reform in Nepal.

Ballard, Roger (2002) The Conceptual Foundations of the Hindu Cosmological Vision: An Introductory Glossar.

(1925) Thacker's Reduced Survey Map of India: Index.

Bashir, Sajitha (2002) India - Karnataka: Financing Education in the Context of Economic Restructuring.

Baumann, Martin (2004) Global Hindu Diaspora: A bibliography of books and main articles.

Baumann, Martin (1998) Hindus and Hindu Traditions in Europe: A Bibliography on the Hindu-European Diaspora.

Belli, Paolo ; Lee, Yi-Kyoung ; Heywood, Peter ; Pruthi, Himani (2004) Assam: Health Policy Note.

Belli, Paolo ; Heywood, Peter (2004) West Bengal: Health Policy Note.

Bender, Katrin (2019) „Rationale“ Reform und religiöses „revival“ im kolonialen Indien.

(2013) Bhutan Gender Policy Note.

Bienek, Edeltraud ; Burhan, Shara ; Wintersdorff, Eric (2009) Alphabetical Index of Place Names in the Sontheimer Slide Collection.

Bienek, Edeltraud (2009) Catalog of the Sontheimer Slide Collection in Numerical Order.

Bienek, Edeltraud (2009) List of Deities depicted in the Sontheimer Slide Collection.

Breitinger, Jan Carlos (2008) Identitätsbildung durch Erinnerung: die Great Indian Uprising von 1857 als (literarischer) Erinnerungsort.

Brunk, Tobias (2014) Kolonialismus - Imperialismus: Der Prozess der Europäisierung der Welt.

Buchholz, Jonas (2011) Benares: Notizen und Impressionen.

Buddhadasa <Bhikkhu> (2006) Sinnenobjekte, arammana, sind bloße Vorstellungen des Geistes.


Charlton, Jackie ; Cyan, Musharraf ; Hasnain, Zahid ; Manning, Nick ; Porter, Douglas ; Sharif, Hamid (2004) Devolution in Pakistan: An Assessment and Recommendations for Action.

Chauhan, R. K. ; Zaidi, Salman ; Glinskaya, Elena (2006) Monitoring Poverty in Uttar Pradesh: A Report on the Second Poverty and Social Monitoring Survey.

(2001) City Diagnostic Report for City Development Strategy: Kathmandu Metropolitan City.


Ellis, Peter ; Kopanyi, Mihaly ; Lee, Graeme ; Annez, Particia ; Clifford, Richard ; Hammond, Mary Ellen (2006) Property Taxes in the Punjab, Pakistan.

Ellis, Peter ; Dowall, David ; Vecvagare, Laura ; Goga, Soraya ; Arshad, Shahnaz ; Clifford, Richard (2006) Urban Land and Housing Markets in the Punjab, Pakistan.

Endlich, Marc (2006) Herrschaftslegitimation in Indien am Beispiel Ramachandras von Khurda, im Vergleich zur Herrschaftslegitimation im Europa des Mittelalters am Beispiel Karls des Großen und Ottos I.: eine Analyse nach Max Webers Theorie zur "Entstehung und Umbildung von charismatischen Autoritäten".


Faiz, Asif (2004) Bhutan: Transport Sector Note.

Felzer, Sharon ; Guo, Jing ; Cameron, Jessica ; Markova, Svetlana (2014) Maldives: The World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey FY 2014.

Frauenfeld, Katharina (2006) Pakistans ethnischer Flickenteppich und die Probleme der Verfassungsbildung.


Geyer, Robby (2001) Jawaharlal Nehru und Sozialismus:Überlegungen zu Nehrus Sozialismus-Konzept.

Geyer, Robby (2001) Klöster und Klosterleben in Pagan.

Gilani, Bilal Ijaz (2013) World Bank Client Satisfaction Study, Pakistan 2013: Executive Summary.

Gupta, Gaurav ; Ganguly, Antara (2011) A Gender Assessment of Mumbai's Public Transport.


Harder, Hans (2015) An Alternative World History from India? Ramavatar Sharma's puzzling Hindi narration Mudgarānand'caritāvalī of 1912-13.

Harral, Clel ; Sondhi, Jit ; Chen, Guang Zhe (2006) Highway and Railway Development in India and China, 1992-2002.

Hartwig, Nicolai (2009) Indigo - Reis - Opium: Der Anbau von "cash crops" in Bengalen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert.

Herzog, Richard (2016) Die Legende der Rani von Jhansi und ihre Verwendung in indischem Nationalismus.

Höfer, András (2014) Nepal: Tamang (West-Tamang, Dhading District) 1968 - 1983: Archiv András Höfer.

Howes, Stephen (2004) Stabilization and Fiscal Empowerment: The Twin Challenges Facing India's States.


(2014) Inclusive Heritage-Based City Development Program in India.

(2007) India - Development and Growth in Northeast India: The Natural Resources, Water, and Environment Nexus.

(2006) Inflation in Bangladesh: Trends, Sources and Policy Options.

Islam, Zafrul ; Campos, Jose E. (2007) Bangladesh - Civic Engagement in Procurement Reform: Policy Note.


Jagannātha <Paṇḍitarāja>, 1600-1660 (1796) Guṇagañjanāmā.

Johnstone, Alexander (2016) Religiöse Minderheiten im Indienhandel und ihre Handelspraxen: Untersuchung einiger Geschäftsbeziehungen der christlichen und jüdischen Indienhändler im Früh- und Hochmittelalter.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens ; Pappu, Rheka ; Patil, Benazir ; Weiland, Heribert (2006) Alternative Paths to Primary Education in Rural India: Five case studies of GAA-assisted educational projects.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2004) Still Shining? - India after the 2004 Elections.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (1986) Überwindung von Armut aus eigener Kraft: Selbsthilfeprojekte in Indien.


Kojo, Naoko (2002) Bhutan - Hydropower Export Boom: Its Macroeconomic Impacts and Policy Implications.

Konrad, Maximilian (2011) Der Nawab von Arcot als Beispiel einer ökonomisch motivierten Expansion des britischen Kolonialreiches.

Kulke, Hermann (2005) Bibliography of India History up to 1750.


Lesser Blumberg, Rae ; Dewhurst, Kara ; Sen, Soham G. (2013) Gender-inclusive Nutrition Activities in South Asia: Lessons from Global Experiences.


Mahul, Olivier ; Verma, Niraj (2011) Enhancing Crop Insurance in India.

Martini, Marco (2008) Die Fusion von Kaste und Rasse in Britisch-Indien: der koloniale Diskurs und seine Implikationen.

Merkel, Nicole (2006) India and South Asia in Germany.

Milne, Grant (2010) India Marine Fisheries: Issues, Opportunities and Transitions for Sustainable Development.

More, Parvin (2009) Sanitation Scenario in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh.

Mukherjee, Hena ; Sharma, C. B. (2015) Governance for Quality in Higher Education in Odisha, India.


(1892) Catalogue of Books registered in Punjab under Act XXV during 1892.

Raidāsa, 15. Jh. ; Nāmadeva, 1270-1350 (1675) Sūcīpatra - Sammelhandschrift.

Lāladāsa, 1540-1648 ; Nandadāsa, 16. Jh. (1666) Dadupanthi-Sammelhandschrift.

Narain, Urvashi ; Toman, Michael ; Jiang, Zhiyun (2014) Note on Green Growth for Bhutan.

Narayan, Ambar ; Vishwanath, Tara ; Zagha, N. Roberto (2001) Risk Management in South Asia: A Poverty Focused Approach.

Noonan, Michael (2003) A crosslinguistic investigation of referential density.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Language Documentation and Language Endangerment in Nepal.

Noonan, Michael (2007) Nominalizers in Tamangic Languages.

Noonan, Michael (2008) Relative Clauses and Noun-Modifying Clauses in Chantyal.


Panth, Brajesh ; Hinchliffe, Keith (2001) Nepal: Priorities and Strategies for Education Reform.


Remi, Leopold ; Lhazom, Pema ; Al-Zayed Josh, Syed Rashed (2007) Education for all in Bangladesh: Where does Bangladesh Stand in Terms of Achieving the EFA Goals by 2015?

Riaz, Khalid ; Jansen, Hans G. P. ; Malik, Sohail (2010) Revealed Comparative Advantage of Pakistan's Agricultural Exports.

Richter, Kaspar ; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge (2009) Pakistan - Tax Policy Report: Tapping Tax Bases for Development.


Salinas, Emanuel ; Van Doorn, Ralph ; Redaelli, Silvia (2015) Maldives: Identifying Opportunities and Constraints to Ending Poverty and Promoting Shared Prosperity.

Sarraf, Maria ; Dasgupta, Susmita ; Roy, Subhendu ; Belle, Arati (2011) India - Vulnerability of Kolkata metropolitan area to increased precipitation in a changing climate.

Sarraf, Maria ; Stuer-Lauridsen, Frank ; Dyoulgerov, Milen ; Bloch, Robin ; Wingfield, Susan ; Watkinson, Roy (2010) The Ship Breaking and Recycling Industry in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Schmidt, Lars Peter ; Gaier, Malte (2013) Regionalwahlen in Delhi und anderen Bundesstaaten: Wegweiser für die Parlamentswahl 2014?

Schuler, Henning (2014) The political integration of Indian Ocean Ports-of-Trade.

Sen, Soham G. ; Hook, Mikael (2012) Gender-Inclusive Nutrition Activities in South Asia: Mapping Report.

Shekar, Meera ; Somanathan, Aparnaa ; Du, Lidan (2007) Malnutrition in Sri Lanka: Scale, Scope, Causes, and Potential Response.

Malik, Salma ; Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2011) A Situation Analysis of SALW in Pakistan and its Impact on Security.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2014) CAMP's Decade of Change in Pakistan, 2002-2013.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2012) Pakistan Afghanistan Relation & Regional Stability Scenario.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2008) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume II).

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2008) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume I).

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2009) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume III).

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2010) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume IV).

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2012) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume V).

Simonow, Joanna (2008) Die bengalische Hungersnot von 1943: Ansätze zur Ursachenklärung.

Singh, Deepak ; Jeffries, Andrew (2013) Cyclone Phailin in Odisha, October 2013: Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment Report.

Somanathan, Aparnaa ; Mahmud, Iffat (2008) Multisectoral Approaches to Addressing Malnutrition in Bangladesh: The Role of Agriculture and Microcredit.

(2003) Sri Lanka: Country Financial Accountability Assessment.

Subramanian, P. K. ; Points, Ronald ; Jacobs, Michael (2010) Public Sector Accounting and Auditing in South Asia: A Comparison to International Standards.

Suzuki, Hiroaki ; Amankwah-Ayeh, Kwabena ; Kawashima, Hiroaki ; Stevens, Gladys ; Menon, Bala (2000) City Development Strategy South Asia Region: Progress Report.


Tamang, Seira ; Malena, Carmen (2011) The Political Economy of Social Accountability in Nepal.

Textor, Christian (2003) Gandhis Kontakte zu chinesischen Repräsentanten in den 30er und 40er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts.

The World Bank (2009) Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism: Pakistan.

The World Bank (2005) Bangladesh: Updating Poverty Maps of Bangladesh.

The World Bank (2014) Bangladesh Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2008) Bhutan: Country Environmental Safeguard Review.

The World Bank (2014) Bhutan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2002) Bhutan: Private Sector Survey.

The World Bank (2013) Gender and Public Transport: Kathmandu, Nepal.

The World Bank (2008) Indian Road Construction Industry: Capacity Issues, Constraints and Recommendations.

The World Bank (2013) India, Uttarakand Disaster, June 2013: Joint Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment Report.

The World Bank (2007) Jharkhand : Addressing the Challenges of Inclusive Development.

The World Bank (2014) Local Service Delivery in Nepal.

The World Bank (2010) Nepal and Bangladesh - Transport and HIV Portfolio Review and Situation Analysis.

The World Bank (2014) Nepal Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2005) Nepal: Development Policy Review, Restarting Growth and Poverty Reduction.

The World Bank (2013) Nepal Early Childhood Development: SABER Country Report 2013.

The World Bank (2015) Nepal Earthquake Post Disaster Needs Assessment: Sector Reports.

The World Bank (2013) Nepal: Small Area Estimation of Poverty, 2011.

The World Bank (2012) Nepal Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2008) Pakistan - Balochistan Economic Report : From Periphery to Core.

The World Bank (2014) Pakistan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

The World Bank (2012) Pakistan: Export Diversification and Trade Policy.

The World Bank (2005) Pakistan: Punjab Economic Report, Towards a Medium-Term Development Strategy.

The World Bank (2002) Poverty in India: The Challenge of Uttar Pradesh.

The World Bank (2010) Poverty Maps of Bangladesh 2010: Key Findings.

The World Bank (2010) Promoting Nature-Based Tourism for Management of Protected Areas and Elephant Conservation in Sri Lanka.

The World Bank (2012) Punjab Province, Pakistan Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2015) Republic of India - Livelihoods in Intermediate Towns: Social Dynamics of Non-farm Economy.

The World Bank (2006) Service Delivery and Decentralization in Sri Lanka: Assessment and Options.

The World Bank (2012) Sindh Province, Pakistan Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2010) Small Area Estimation of Poverty in Rural Bhutan.

The World Bank (2014) Sri Lanka Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

The World Bank (2012) Sri Lanka Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2009) The Service Revolution in South Asia.

Trimble, Chris ; Yoshida, Nobuo ; Saqib, Mohammad (2011) Rethinking Electricity Tariffs and Subsidies in Pakistan.


Undeland, Charles ; Inchauste, Gabriela (2015) Sri Lanka: Ending Poverty and Promoting Shared Prosperity.


Van der Klaauw, Bas ; Wang, Limin (2004) Child Mortality in Rural India.

Vishwanath, Tara (2005) Pakistan: Country Gender Assessment, Bridging the Gender Gap, Opportunities and Challenges.

von Fritsch, Ferdinand (2016) Souveränität über Barbaren? Die Darstellung der sino-indischen Beziehungen in den Quellen des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts.


Wade, Paul (2009) Pakistan: NWFP Growth Policy Note.

Wein, Jan Tobias (2018) Same Same But Different: Die Ähnlichkeiten “zyklischer” und “linearer” Zeitvorstellungen.

Witzel, Michael (2008) Kalash Religion.

Witzel, Michael (1979) On Magical Thought in the Veda.


Yule, Paul (2003) Archival list of papers from the Orissa archaeological project 2000-2005.

Yule, Paul ; Borchert, Corinna (2005) Sisupalgarh/Orissa: Illegal building operations in the North-West area.

Yule, Paul (2014) Sisupalgarh/Bhubaneshwar, A Nationally Protected Monument.


Zaidi, Salman ; Reaz, M. Masrur ; Barbour, Paul Antony (2015) Bangladesh: More and Better Jobs to Accelerate Shared Growth and End Extreme Poverty.

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