Items where Year is 2018

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Number of items: 36.


Altaf Qadeer, Bariah (2018) A South Asian strives for Social Justice and Environmental Justice.

Arshad (2018) China’s interventions in the Indian subcontinent: Challenges for Modi’s foreign policy.


Bhat, Tawseef A ; Kaw, Mushtaq A (2018) Challenges of the New Silk Route Initiative (NSRI) for Afghanistan.

Breininger, Lilli (2018) Dutertismo – Aufstieg des populistischen Autoritarismus – Teil II.


Casaca, Paulo ; Guarda, Susan (2018) Crimes against humanity - An assessment of Bangladesh’s response in a comparative perspective; the cases of Cambodia and Iraq.


Das, Rahul Peter (2018) Lehrbuch der modernen bengalischen Hochsprachen.


Faludi, Laura (2018) Timor-Leste: Das historische Narrativ ausgleichen - Die Gründung des Institut Centro Nacional Chega!


Ganesan, Narayanan (2018) Chinese infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia and their implications for the region.

Grein, Christina (2018) Time to renew outdated strategies - Current State of the Peace Process in Myanmar.

Grein, Christina (2018) Zeit für neue Strategien - Gegenwärtiger Stand des Friedensprozesses in Myanmar.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) Growing Nepal-China security cooperation and its ramifications for India.


Hariprasad, Pidaparty Purna Satya (2018) How ancient are Vedas, Vedanga Jyotisha and Surya Siddhanta?

Hoering, Uwe (2018) China’s Long March 2.0 - The Belt and Road Initiative as development model.

Höfer, András (2018) Photoarchiv Höfer digital, Version 2016, Bildbeschreibungen.


Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) India-Thailand Security and Economic Co-operation and its Impacts on Regionalization.


Kaewkhunok, Suppawit (2018) Public Participation and Ecotourism: The role and the right of people in Sikkim.

Kaewkhunok, Suppawit (2018) The Battery of ASEAN: The opportunity and lesson of India’s energy security.

Klabisch, Joanna (2018) China’s Social Credit Score – rating a people.


Masood, Asma (2018) Cultural exchange rate: role of India’s soft power in binding SAARC nations.

Michaels, Axel (2018) Nepal in the World.

Mukherji, Rahul (2018) Governing India: What do we know and need to know?

Müller, Gotelind (2018) Between History, Heritage, and Foreign Relations: Extant Westerners’ cemeteries in Guangzhou and Shanghai.

Müller, Gotelind (2018) Challenging Dead: A Look into Foreigners’ Cemeteries in Macau, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.


(2018) Persecution of Christian minorities in Pakistan: Roots, development and present-day realities.


Rai, Shivkrit ; Kaya, Purvi ; Mohan, Deepanshu (2018) Between law and practice: Reflections from the sealing drive across Delhi.


Saegert, Jannick ; Grossman, Gregor (2018) Human Rights Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains: International Developments and Chinese Efforts.

(2018) SAI-Newsletter, no.12 (June 2018).

Stiftung Asienhaus (2018) Development at the expense of the local population: A case study from Boeung Tumpun Lake, Phnom Penh (Cambodia).


Thotempudi, Sree Ganesh (2018) Typological Features Template for Telugu.


Ufen, Andreas (2018) Regimewechsel durch Wahlen? Der malaysische Tsunami im Mai 2018.


(2018) War on drugs for peace in Afghanistan: Lessons from South America.

Wein, Jan Tobias (2018) Same Same But Different: Die Ähnlichkeiten “zyklischer” und “linearer” Zeitvorstellungen.

Werning, Rainer (2018) Dutertismo in Aktion - Teil I.

Wichterich, Christa (2018) Transnationale Geschäfte mit Wunschkindern.

Wolf, Siegfried O. ; Guarda, Susan (2018) Coup d'état? Democracy and National Reconciliation in Sri Lanka once again at stake.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2018) South Asia at the crossroads: Connectivity, security and sustainable development (Special issue).

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