Items where Year is 2016

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 68.

Master's thesis

Al-Kebsi, Huda (2016) A qualitative study of Pakistani immigrant women's experiences of childbirth in Germany.

Dutta, Kaberi (2016) Puffed rice to potato chips: malnutrition & changing food culture in India.

Höfle, Alexandra (2016) Farmers' suicides in India: a methodological and thematic analysis in the state of Maharashtra.


Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce (2016) Attitudes on Trans-Himalayan Cooperation.

Hariprasad, Pidaparty Purna Satya (2016) Vishuvat Chalana (Procession of Equinoxes): a brief and authentic journey from Vedic times to the present.

Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys ; Robertson, Raymond (2016) Stitches to riches?: Apparel employment, trade, and economic development in South Asia.

Wintgens, Thomas ; Nättorp, Anders ; Elango, Lakshmanan ; Asolekar, Shyam R., Hrsgg. (2016) Natural water treatment systems for safe and sustainable water supply in the Indian context - Saph Pani.

South Asia State of Minorities Report Collective (2016) South Asia State of Minorities Report 2016 - Mapping the Terrain.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: An assessment of its feasibility and impact on regional cooperation.


(2016) SAI-Newsletter, no.8 (February 2016).

(2016) SAI-Newsletter, no.9 (November 2016).


Ahmad, Afroz (2016) The evolution of Lashkar-E-Tayyiba in India and the road to 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

Breininger, Lilli (2016) Das Phänomen Duterte und die philippinische Gesellschaft.

Breininger, Lilli (2016) Signs of Peace An Interview with Peace Advocate Joeven Reyes.

De Geest, Sarah (2016) The future of regional cooperation in South Asia: Lessons from the EU and ASEAN.

Duile, Timo (2016) Aufmarsch der Islamist*innen in Indonesien: Religion als politisches Kapital im Wahlkampf.

Duile, Timo (2016) Gender Trouble in Indonesien Diskurse der nationalen Identität.

Fritsche, Klaus (2016) Investitionsschutzabkommen mit China Handelsabkommen als Instrument der Geopolitik.

Glass, Nicola (2016) Per Volksabstimmung zur Langzeit-Diktatur.

Grein, Christina (2016) Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Myanmars Rakhine-Staat Terrorismusbekämpfung als Vorwand für militärische »Säuberungsaktion«?

Guerrero, Dorothy Grace (2016) Germany’s Geo-economic Power, the New MDB landscape and the Asian Development Bank.

Hanneder, Jürgen ; Steiner, Roland (2016) Claus Vogel (1933-2012). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 166 (2016), Nr. 1. pp. 1-4. ISSN 0341-0137

Horta, Korinna ; Wang, Wawa ; Sausmikat, Nora (2016) The new China-led investment bank AIIB and its geo-strategical meaning.

Jash, Amrita (2016) South China Sea in India’s Strategic Gambit: Interests and Policies.

Keller, Anett (2016) Das Stigma der »wilden Weiber« in Indonesien.

Mohan, Deepanshu (2016) Re-Engineering Ideas in Developmental Growth.

Mohan, Deepanshu ; Sinha, Samrat (2016) The Analytics of Conflict and Studying its Economic Impact.

Rodriguez Stimson, Julio I. (2016) The Chipko movement: a pragmatic, material & spiritual reinterpretation.

Sarma, Hriday Ch. (2016) Prospecting energy cooperation between SAARC and ASEAN.

Sausmikat, Nora (2016) Soziale Bewegungen in Taiwan: Arbeiter-, Frauen- und Agrarbewegung.

Sausmikat, Nora ; Gebauer, Inga (2016) Twinning: Partnerships between European and Chinese NGOs - Social & Environmental Justice - Climate Change & Low Carbon Development.

Seib, Roland (2016) Das Paradox vom Wohlstand ohne Entwicklung: Papua-Neuguinea und der Bergbau.

Sharma, Sadhvi (2016) Fractured Narratives: Identities in a Political Vacuum.

Singh Maini, Tridivesh (2016) FDI in India: Do New Delhi and state governments need to re-think strategies?

Stiftung, Asienhaus ; Forum, Arbeitswelten e.V. (2016) Chinesische Arbeitswelten – in China und in der Welt.

Werning, Rainer (2016) Kontrollierte Konterrevolution.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Ansarullah Bangla Team: A Major Threat for Bangladesh’s Democracy.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Bangladesh's Counter-Terror Act : Need for a Political Solution.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Crackdown on Islamists: Bangladesh’s new campaign against Jihadi terror in perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Delusive Semblance of Democracy: CPEC, Military and The Latest Truncation of Democratic Transition in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From Dhaka to Singapore: The Growing Involvement of Bangladesh in the "World of Global Jihad".

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Hindutva and Citizenship in India: Helping Refugees or Building Vote Banks?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Islamic State's Terror in Afghanistan: The Latest Killing of Hazara in Perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Rising Islamism in Bangladesh is a European concern too.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The Fallacy of State Rhetoric: Pakistan, Haqqani Network and Terror in Afghanistan.

Yousaf, Farooq (2016) The plight of Religious Minorities in Pakistan.

Book Section

Hanneder, Jürgen (2016) Der Erste Indologe. In: Strobel, Jochen (Hrsg.): August Wilhelm Schlegel im Dialog. Epistolarität und Interkulturalität. Ferdinand Schöningh 2016, pp. 67-80 . ISBN 978-3-506-78593-0

Working paper

Jash, Amrita (2016) China's Membership in SAARC: An Anxiety for India.

Malhotra, Shairee (2016) India's Recurring Pak Conundrum: To talk or not to talk?

(2016) Pakistan’s cross-border terrorism - The Pathankot attack.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Betwixt and Between: The FATA Reform Process and the China- Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) BREXIT: what does it mean for regional integration and South Asia?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Change of Guards, Change of politics? A look at Pakistan’s latest reshuffle of its top brass.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its impact on Gilgit-Baltistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From China to Turkey: The Uighurs in a Position of a New Asia’s Rising Force in the Global Jihad.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) From Feint to Strategy: Revealing the Taliban’s Rationale in Joining the Peace Talks.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) In the shadow of Syria: Contextualising Islamic State attacks against Shias in Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) More Cooperation, More Terror? Enhanced Kabul-New Delhi Military Ties, Increasing Taliban Attacks, and the Role of Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) New Civilian Cheekiness or back to Old Patterns? Cyril Almeida Case and Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Pakistan - Friend or Foe?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): feasibility and the need for an assessment of India’s role.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Trump’s Upcoming Presidency: Will South Asia witness a new US Af-Pak policy?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2016) Will Pakistan Ever Change its Foreign Policy?

Conference Item

Mey, Wolfgang (2016) Dying Demons, Rising Gods and the Rupavahini: An Essay on the Production of Identity in Sri Lanka.


Herzog, Richard (2016) Die Legende der Rani von Jhansi und ihre Verwendung in indischem Nationalismus.

Johnstone, Alexander (2016) Religiöse Minderheiten im Indienhandel und ihre Handelspraxen: Untersuchung einiger Geschäftsbeziehungen der christlichen und jüdischen Indienhändler im Früh- und Hochmittelalter.

von Fritsch, Ferdinand (2016) Souveränität über Barbaren? Die Darstellung der sino-indischen Beziehungen in den Quellen des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts.

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