Items where Year is 2003

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 56.


Lehr, Peter (2003) 'Region Indischer Ozean': Illusion oder Realität?

Ottinger, Peter Christian (2003) Rutschungen im südwestlichen Annapurna-Massiv des zentralen Nepal-Himalaya: Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Hazardforschung.

Steinmetz, Anne Margret (2003) Three Essays on Groundwater and Tenancy Contracts in Rural Economies.

Master's thesis

Weber, Fredy P. (2003) Transparenz visueller Repräsentation.


Bashir, Sajitha (2003) A Policy Note on the Grant-in-Aid System in Indian Education: Main Issues and Options for Reform. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 3 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

Buddhadasa <Bhikkhu> (2003) Dhamma-Sozialismus.

Burling, Robbins (2003) The Language of the Modhupur Mandi (Garo) Vol. II: The Lexicon ; Vol. III: Glossary.

Choden, Tashi (2003) Traditional Forms of Volunteerism in Bhutan.

Dorji, Lham (2003) Sergamathang Kothkin and other Bhutanese Marriage Customs.

Mann, Michael, Hrsg. (2003) Festschrift zum 50-jährigen Bestehen der Deutsch-Indischen Gesellschaft 1953-2003.

Gödem, Rikzin (2003) The Prayer of Great Power.

(2003) Indien heute: Brennpunkte seiner Innenpolitik.

Nanananda <Bhikkhu> (2003) Der Zauber des Geistes oder: Viel Lärm um Nichts.

Norbu, Choeten (2003) Slob-dpon Chos-rten Nor-bu gyis mdzad-pavi Vkhar-gdung Rgyal-povi lo-rgyus rgyal-rabs yid-dbang vphel-bavi skyed-tshal.

Penjore, Dorji (2003) On the Mule Track to Dagana.

Rao, Ursula (2003) Kommunalismus in Indien: Eine Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion über Hindu-Muslim-Konflikte.

Saha, Varisa (2003) The Adventures of Hir and Ranjha.

Sangay Dorji, Dungchen ; Ura, Karma (2003) Historical Profile of Dechenphu Geynyen Neykhang.

Sankar, Deepa ; Sundararaman, Venkatesh (2003) Equity in Enrolment and Completion in Elementary Schooling in India: Evidence from Recent Household Surveys. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 4 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

Sipahimalani-Eao, Vandana ; Clarke, Prema (2003) A Review of Educational Progress and Reform in the District Primary Education Program (Phases I and II). In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 1 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

Thaye, Je Yonten ; Gyamtsho, Kunga (2003) Rje Yon-tan-mtha'-yas dan Kun-dga'-rgya-mtshos mdzad pa'i chos rje Ses-rab-dban-phyug gi dge ba'i cho ga rab tu gsal ba'i gtam mu tig do sal zes bya ba bzugs so.

Ueda, Akiko (2003) Culture and Modernisation: From the Perspectives of Young People in Bhutan.

Voll, Klaus (2003) Geopolitik, atomare Kriegsgefahr und indische Sicherheitsinteressen.

Werner, Wolfgang (2003) Toasted forests - Evergreen rain forests in tropical Asia under drought stress.


Südasien-Institut (2003) SAI-Report 2003.


Ballard, Roger (2003) A Background Report On The Operation Of Informal Value Tranfer Systems (Hawala).

Ballard, Roger (2003) A case of capital-rich underdevelopment: The paradoxical consequences of successful transnational entrepreneurship from Mirpur.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Continuity and Variety in Islamic Thought and Practice: A cosmologically grounded Overview.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Hawala Transformed: Remittance-driven Transnational Networks in the post-Imperial economic order.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Processes of consolidation and settlement in remittance-driven Hawala transactions between the UK and South Asia.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Remittances And Economic Development.

Ballard, Roger (2003) The Implications of Cultural Diversity for Health Care Practice: an Anthropological Perspective.

Baumann, Martin (2003) Organising Hindu traditions in Europe, the case of Tamil Migrants from Sri Lanka.

Berkemer, Georg (2003) Borders, Lines and Cases: From Sima to Simanta in South Orissa and Beyond.K. C. Panigrahi Lecture, Ravenshaw College, February 2002. In: Ravenshaw Historical Journal, 3 (2003),

Geaves, Ron ; Geaves, Catherine (2003) The Legitimization of a Regional Folk Cult: The Transmigration of Baba Balaknath from Rural Punjab to Urban Europe.

Michaels, Axel (2003) Zur Dynamik von Ritualkomplexen. In: Forum Ritualdynamik, 3 (2003),

Noonan, Michael (2003) Motion Events in Chantyal.

Book Section

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2003) India: A Westminster Model of Democracy? In: The Indian Parliament: A Comparative Perspective. Delhi, Konark Publishers 2003, pp. 42-55 . ISBN 81-220-0654-X


Noonan, Michael (2003) Recent Language Contact in the Nepal Himalaya.

Working paper

Afaal, Ahmed ; Shareef, I. Riaz (2003) Economics of Tobacco Control: The Maldives.

Ali, Zulfiqar ; Rahman, Atiur ; Rahman, Taifur (2003) Appetite for Nicotine: An Economic Analysis of Tobacco Control in Bangladesh.

Arunatilake, Nisha ; Opatha, Maduwanthi (2003) The Economics of Tobacco in Sri Lanka.

Chaudhury, Nazmul ; Hammer, Jeffrey (2003) Ghost Doctors: Absenteeism in Bangladeshi Health Facilities.

Clarke, Prema (2003) Secondary Education in India.

Das, Jishnu ; Sánchez-Páramo, Carolina (2003) Short but not Sweet: New Evidence on Short Duration Morbidities from India.

Karki, Yagya B. ; Pant, Kiran Dev ; Pande, Badri Raj (2003) A Study on the Economics of Tobacco in Nepal.


Gupta, Pawan Kumar (2003) Learnings - an educational experience in India.

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Avatars of Hinduism.

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Ruins of Memory: Kanipayyur Sankaran Nambudiripad and the loss of a Brahmin Self.

Paranjape, Makarand (2003) Unauthorized Modernities: the strange and familiar in contemporary India.

Sheriff, Abdul (2003) The Longue Durée in Socio-Cultural Integration in the Western Indian Ocean.


Ahsan, Ahmad ; Chapman, Ross (2003) Nepal: Trade and Competitiveness Study.

Noonan, Michael (2003) A crosslinguistic investigation of referential density.

(2003) Sri Lanka: Country Financial Accountability Assessment.

Textor, Christian (2003) Gandhis Kontakte zu chinesischen Repräsentanten in den 30er und 40er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Yule, Paul (2003) Archival list of papers from the Orissa archaeological project 2000-2005.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 01:52:14 2025 CET.