Items where Year is 2003

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 56.

Afaal, Ahmed ; Shareef, I. Riaz (2003) Economics of Tobacco Control: The Maldives.

Ahsan, Ahmad ; Chapman, Ross (2003) Nepal: Trade and Competitiveness Study.

Ali, Zulfiqar ; Rahman, Atiur ; Rahman, Taifur (2003) Appetite for Nicotine: An Economic Analysis of Tobacco Control in Bangladesh.

Arunatilake, Nisha ; Opatha, Maduwanthi (2003) The Economics of Tobacco in Sri Lanka.

Ballard, Roger (2003) A Background Report On The Operation Of Informal Value Tranfer Systems (Hawala).

Ballard, Roger (2003) A case of capital-rich underdevelopment: The paradoxical consequences of successful transnational entrepreneurship from Mirpur.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Continuity and Variety in Islamic Thought and Practice: A cosmologically grounded Overview.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Hawala Transformed: Remittance-driven Transnational Networks in the post-Imperial economic order.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Processes of consolidation and settlement in remittance-driven Hawala transactions between the UK and South Asia.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Remittances And Economic Development.

Ballard, Roger (2003) The Implications of Cultural Diversity for Health Care Practice: an Anthropological Perspective.

Bashir, Sajitha (2003) A Policy Note on the Grant-in-Aid System in Indian Education: Main Issues and Options for Reform. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 3 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

Baumann, Martin (2003) Organising Hindu traditions in Europe, the case of Tamil Migrants from Sri Lanka.

Berkemer, Georg (2003) Borders, Lines and Cases: From Sima to Simanta in South Orissa and Beyond.K. C. Panigrahi Lecture, Ravenshaw College, February 2002. In: Ravenshaw Historical Journal, 3 (2003),

Buddhadasa <Bhikkhu> (2003) Dhamma-Sozialismus.

Burling, Robbins (2003) The Language of the Modhupur Mandi (Garo) Vol. II: The Lexicon ; Vol. III: Glossary.

Chaudhury, Nazmul ; Hammer, Jeffrey (2003) Ghost Doctors: Absenteeism in Bangladeshi Health Facilities.

Choden, Tashi (2003) Traditional Forms of Volunteerism in Bhutan.

Clarke, Prema (2003) Secondary Education in India.

Das, Jishnu ; Sánchez-Páramo, Carolina (2003) Short but not Sweet: New Evidence on Short Duration Morbidities from India.

Dorji, Lham (2003) Sergamathang Kothkin and other Bhutanese Marriage Customs.

Mann, Michael, Hrsg. (2003) Festschrift zum 50-jährigen Bestehen der Deutsch-Indischen Gesellschaft 1953-2003.

Geaves, Ron ; Geaves, Catherine (2003) The Legitimization of a Regional Folk Cult: The Transmigration of Baba Balaknath from Rural Punjab to Urban Europe.

Gödem, Rikzin (2003) The Prayer of Great Power.

Gupta, Pawan Kumar (2003) Learnings - an educational experience in India.

(2003) Indien heute: Brennpunkte seiner Innenpolitik.

Jürgenmeyer, Clemens (2003) India: A Westminster Model of Democracy? In: The Indian Parliament: A Comparative Perspective. Delhi, Konark Publishers 2003, pp. 42-55 . ISBN 81-220-0654-X

Karki, Yagya B. ; Pant, Kiran Dev ; Pande, Badri Raj (2003) A Study on the Economics of Tobacco in Nepal.

Lehr, Peter (2003) 'Region Indischer Ozean': Illusion oder Realität?

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Avatars of Hinduism.

Menon, Dilip (2003) The Ruins of Memory: Kanipayyur Sankaran Nambudiripad and the loss of a Brahmin Self.

Michaels, Axel (2003) Zur Dynamik von Ritualkomplexen. In: Forum Ritualdynamik, 3 (2003),

Nanananda <Bhikkhu> (2003) Der Zauber des Geistes oder: Viel Lärm um Nichts.

Noonan, Michael (2003) A crosslinguistic investigation of referential density.

Noonan, Michael (2003) Motion Events in Chantyal.

Noonan, Michael (2003) Recent Language Contact in the Nepal Himalaya.

Norbu, Choeten (2003) Slob-dpon Chos-rten Nor-bu gyis mdzad-pavi Vkhar-gdung Rgyal-povi lo-rgyus rgyal-rabs yid-dbang vphel-bavi skyed-tshal.

Ottinger, Peter Christian (2003) Rutschungen im südwestlichen Annapurna-Massiv des zentralen Nepal-Himalaya: Ein Beitrag zur geographischen Hazardforschung.

Paranjape, Makarand (2003) Unauthorized Modernities: the strange and familiar in contemporary India.

Penjore, Dorji (2003) On the Mule Track to Dagana.

Rao, Ursula (2003) Kommunalismus in Indien: Eine Darstellung der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion über Hindu-Muslim-Konflikte.

Saha, Varisa (2003) The Adventures of Hir and Ranjha.

Sangay Dorji, Dungchen ; Ura, Karma (2003) Historical Profile of Dechenphu Geynyen Neykhang.

Sankar, Deepa ; Sundararaman, Venkatesh (2003) Equity in Enrolment and Completion in Elementary Schooling in India: Evidence from Recent Household Surveys. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 4 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

Sheriff, Abdul (2003) The Longue Durée in Socio-Cultural Integration in the Western Indian Ocean.

Sipahimalani-Eao, Vandana ; Clarke, Prema (2003) A Review of Educational Progress and Reform in the District Primary Education Program (Phases I and II). In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 1 (2003). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2003

(2003) Sri Lanka: Country Financial Accountability Assessment.

Steinmetz, Anne Margret (2003) Three Essays on Groundwater and Tenancy Contracts in Rural Economies.

Südasien-Institut (2003) SAI-Report 2003.

Textor, Christian (2003) Gandhis Kontakte zu chinesischen Repräsentanten in den 30er und 40er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Thaye, Je Yonten ; Gyamtsho, Kunga (2003) Rje Yon-tan-mtha'-yas dan Kun-dga'-rgya-mtshos mdzad pa'i chos rje Ses-rab-dban-phyug gi dge ba'i cho ga rab tu gsal ba'i gtam mu tig do sal zes bya ba bzugs so.

Ueda, Akiko (2003) Culture and Modernisation: From the Perspectives of Young People in Bhutan.

Voll, Klaus (2003) Geopolitik, atomare Kriegsgefahr und indische Sicherheitsinteressen.

Weber, Fredy P. (2003) Transparenz visueller Repräsentation.

Werner, Wolfgang (2003) Toasted forests - Evergreen rain forests in tropical Asia under drought stress.

Yule, Paul (2003) Archival list of papers from the Orissa archaeological project 2000-2005.

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