Items where Year is 2000

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 27.


Reinelt, Kurt Joachim (2000) Das Vivekadarpana: Textanalyse und Erläuterungen zur Philosophie und praktischen Erlösungslehre der Nathayogis in Maharashtra.

Witzens, Udo (2000) Kritik der Thesen Karl A. Wittfogels über den „Hydraulischen Despotismus“ mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des historischen singhalesischen Theravada-Buddhismus.

Master's thesis

Frei, Oliver Fabian (2000) Musik im Kolam: Darstellung und Analyse der musikalischen Aspekte in einem singhalesischen Maskenspiel.


Das, Rahul Peter (2000) Wie stellen wir uns der Herausforderung des neuen Südasiens?


(2000) Bibhaba, Vol. 21, no. 3 (1406).

(2000) Bibhaba, Vol. 22, no. 1 (1407).

(2000) Caturanga, Vol. 60, no. 1 (2000).

(2000) Caturanga, Vol. 60, no. 2 (2000).

Südasien-Institut (2000) SAI-Report 2000.


Ballard, Roger (2000) Common Law and Un-common Sense.

Ballard, Roger (2000) Culture and Communication.

Baumann, Martin (2000) Buddhism in Switzerland. In: Journal of Global Buddhism, 1 (2000), . ISSN 1527-6457

Baumann, Martin (2000) Hoffnungen, Projektionen, Idealisierungen - Buddhismus als Heil aus dem Osten?

Baumann, Martin (2000) Vows in Diasporic Context: Hindu Tamils in Germany.

Hanneder, Jürgen (2000) The Yogavāsiṣṭha and its Kashmirian Recension, The Mokṣopāya - Notes on their Textual Quality. In: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 44 (2000), pp. 183-210. ISSN 0084-0084

Kück, Gert W. (2000) Indien am Beginn des Jahres 2000. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 16 (2000), Nr. 1. pp. 4-22. ISSN 0177-7521

Reifeld, Helmut (2000) Bücher aus Indien: Soziale Probleme im politischen Kontext. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 16 (2000), Nr. 10. pp. 85-104. ISSN 0177-7521

Witzel, Michael (2000) The Home of the Aryans.

Witzel, Michael (2000) The Languages of Harappa: Early Linguistic Data and the Indus civilization.

Working paper

Das Gupta, Monica ; Lee, Sunhwa ; Uberoi, Patricia ; Wang, Danning ; Wang, Lihong ; Zhang, Xiaodan (2000) State Policies and Women's Autonomy in China, India, and the Republic of Korea, 1950-2000: Lessons from Contrasting Experiences.

Fonseka, Leo (2000) City Development Strategy: Colombo.

Lall, Somik V. ; Rodrigo, G. Chris (2000) Perspectives on the Sources of Heterogeneity in Indian Industry.

Mattoo, Aaditya ; Subramanian, Arvind (2000) India and the Multilateral Trading System after Seattle: Toward a Proactive Role.

Weltbank (2000) Parliamentary Control Over Public Expenditure in Bangladesh: The Role of Committees.

Rahman, Aminur ; Kisunko, Gregory ; Kapoor, Kapil (2000) Estimating the Effects of Corruption: Implications for Bangladesh.

Rao, Vijayendra ; Gupta, Indrani ; Jana, Samarajit (2000) Sex Workers and the Cost of Safe Sex: The Compensating Differential for Condom Use in Calcutta.


Suzuki, Hiroaki ; Amankwah-Ayeh, Kwabena ; Kawashima, Hiroaki ; Stevens, Gladys ; Menon, Bala (2000) City Development Strategy South Asia Region: Progress Report.

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