Items where Division is "Individual person" and Year is 2007

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 30.

Master's thesis

Slouber, Michael J. (2007) The Cult of Khadgaravana.


(2007) A Catalog of Nepalese Manuscripts in the Asha Archives.

Ajwad, Mohamed Ihsan (2007) Attaining the Health and Education Millennium Development Goals in Nepal. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 12 (2007). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2007

Heltberg, Rasmus (2007) Helping South Asia Cope with Natural Disasters: The Role of Social Protection. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 20 (2007). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2007


Betz, Joachim (2007) Hintergründe des anhaltenden indisch-pakistanischen Dialogs. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 39 (2007), pp. 39-46. ISSN 0479-611x

Hanneder, Jürgen (2007) Some common errors concerning water-lilies and lotuses. In: Indo-Iranian Journal, 50 (2007), pp. 162-164. ISSN 1572-8536

Mukherjee, Aditya (2007) The Return of the Colonial in Indian Economic History: The Last Phase of Colonialism in India (Presidential Address at the 68th Session of the Indian History Congress). In: Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, 68 (2007), Nr. 1. pp. 496-538

Reifeld, Helmut (2007) Bücher über Indien: Weltmacht trotz Armut: Indien gibt es nur im Plural. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 23 (2007), Nr. 2. pp. 79-104. ISSN 0177-7521

Rieck, Andreas (2007) Pakistan zwischen Demokratisierung und "Talibanisierung". In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 39 (2007), pp. 24-31. ISSN 0479-611x

Wagner, Christian (2007) Außenpolitik Pakistans zwischen Kaschmir und Afghanistan. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 39 (2007), pp. 32-39. ISSN 0479-611x

Wolff, Jörg (2007) Indien: Eine Demokratie lebt mit dem Islam. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 23 (2007), Nr. 12. pp. 50-65. ISSN 0177-7521

Book Section

Hanneder, Jürgen (2007) Vasubandhus Viṃśatikā 1-2 anhand der Sanskrit- und tibetischen Fassungen. In: Klaus, Konrad ; Hartmann, Jens-Uwe (Hrsgg.): Indica et Tibetica. Festschrift für Michael Hahn zum 65. Geburtstag von Freunden und Schülern überreicht.. Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien 2007, pp. 207-214 (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde ; 66)

Working paper

Baker, Judy L. (2007) Bangladesh - Dhaka: Improving Living Conditions for the Urban Poor.

Blunch, Niels-Hugo ; Das, Maitreyi Bordia (2007) Changing Norms about Gender Inequality in Education: Evidence from Bangladesh.

Chatterjee, Meera ; Levine, Ruth ; Rao-Seshadri, Shreelata ; Murthy, Nirmala (2007) Better Reproductive Health for Poor Women in South Asia.

Do, Quy-Toan ; Iyer, Lakshmi (2007) Poverty, Social Divisions, and Conflict in Nepal.

Jacoby, Hanan G. ; Mansuri, Ghazala (2007) Watta Satta: Bride Exchange and Women's Welfare in Rural Pakistan.

Korf, Benedikt ; Lavadenz, Isabel (2007) Sri Lanka: Land and Conflict in the North and East: Policy Note.

Lokshin, Michael ; Bontch-Osmolovski, Mikhail ; Glinskaya, Elena (2007) Work-Related Migration and Poverty Reduction in Nepal.

Narayan, Ambar ; Ventura, Princess ; Yoshida, Nobuo (2007) Sri Lanka - Poverty Assessment: Engendering Growth with Equity, Opportunities and Challenges.

(2007) Social Protection in Pakistan: Managing Household Risks and Vulnerability.

(2007) South Asia - Policy Paper for Regional Energy Trade: Trading Arrangements and Risk Management in International Electricity Trade.

Subramanian, P. K. ; Wickramasinghe, Jiwanka ; Points, Ronald ; Jacobs, Michael (2007) Sri Lanka - Public Sector Accounting and Auditing: A Comparison to International Standards.

Vodopivec, Milan (2007) Sri Lanka: Strengthening Social Protection.

Wilson, John S. ; Otsuki, Tsunehiro (2007) Regional Integration in South Asia: What Role for Trade Facilitation?


(2007) India - Development and Growth in Northeast India: The Natural Resources, Water, and Environment Nexus.

Islam, Zafrul ; Campos, Jose E. (2007) Bangladesh - Civic Engagement in Procurement Reform: Policy Note.

Remi, Leopold ; Lhazom, Pema ; Al-Zayed Josh, Syed Rashed (2007) Education for all in Bangladesh: Where does Bangladesh Stand in Terms of Achieving the EFA Goals by 2015?

Shekar, Meera ; Somanathan, Aparnaa ; Du, Lidan (2007) Malnutrition in Sri Lanka: Scale, Scope, Causes, and Potential Response.

The World Bank (2007) Jharkhand : Addressing the Challenges of Inclusive Development.

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