Hengst, Karen Tay (2023) Healthcare accessibility In Singapore: The experience and health-seeking behaviour among low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore.
Kaur, Mandeep (2023) Bodies, “Love” and Kidneys: The Regulation of Living Donor Donation in India and its Social Repercussions.
Klippel, Anne Lotta Elisabeth (2023) Telemedicine in Pakistan: On and under the Surface.
Peshcherova, Daria (2023) Deconstructing pān: Betel quid’s journey from a medically beneficial snack to a cancerous drug.
Plessy, David (2023) Searching for a Master Plan: An Overview of the Art of Living Foundation and an Excursion into Its Social Initiatives.
Trasarti, Francesca (2023) Meditation in Prison: Rehabilitating Prisoners from India to Bangladesh.
Bright, Darius Adu ; Wolf, Hannah (2023) Philippinisch-deutsche Perspektiven auf die Klimakrise und Klimagerechtigkeit.
Delle, Arthur (2023) Zur Kriminalität gezwungen: Menschenhandel und Betrugsfabriken in Kambodscha.
May, Nyein Chan (2023) Myanmar: Feminismus in einem intersektionalen Widerstand?
May, Nyein Chan ; Wah, Mauk Kham (2023) Myanmar im Widerstand – Ein Rückblick in Bildern.
Neves, Guteriano (2023) Auf der Suche nach Wandel in der Politik von Timor-Leste.