Items where Year is 2020

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Number of items: 62.


Agarwal, Aakash (2020) Indian Urban Policy for Environmental Sustainability: The Role of Behavioural Economics.

Agarwal, Aakash (2020) Macro and Micro Evidence: Labour Reforms Do Not Facilitate Growth in the Manufacturing Sector.

Awasthi, Soumya (2020) Popular Front of India - Understanding the Propaganda and Agenda.


Banerjee, Rituparna (2020) Information Crises: the EU’s response and the South Asian digital media landscape.

Basu, Sweta (2020) Uzbekistan: India’s Strategic Gateway to Central Asia.

Bhattacharya, Ipshita (2020) The New Edge in India-Russia Relations: Probabilities.

Biswal, Sabyasachi (2020) The interpretation of religious texts and historical narratives around Hindu-Muslim conflict in contemporary India.

Bollée, Willem (2020) Gone to the dogs in ancient India.

Bollée, Willem (2020) Stylistic repetition in Bāṇaʼs Harṣacaritam and Kādambarī / Appendix: Bibliography of Gonda, Jan, Stylistic Repetition in the Veda. Amsterdam, 1959 / List of Loci citati in Gonda’s Stylistic repetition.

Bultmann, Daniel (2020) Wo sind all die Roten Khmer geblieben?

Bultmann, Daniel (2020) Wo sind all die Roten Khmer geblieben?


Casaca, Paulo (2020) A European water partnership with South Asia.

Casaca, Paulo (2020) ‘Hydropolitics’ in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region - The case for a unified, committed, multilateral effort.

Casaca, Paulo (2020) The Maldives in the face of recurrent Jihadism.


Das, Rahul Peter (2020) Lehrbuch der modernen bengalischen Hochsprachen.

De, Jaydip ; Bandyopadhyay, Sumana (2020) Smart Governance in times of extreme Natural Disasters: An Introspection. The ‘After Phase’ of Super Cyclone Amphan in India and Bangladesh.

Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce ; Bandyopadhyay, Sumana ; Harutyunian, Anahit ; Sarma, Hriday Ch. (2020) Prospects for Cooperation between India and Armenia.

Dohmen, Arno (2020) India’s perception of the EU-India Free trade agreement and military cooperation within the EU-India strategic partnership.

Dwivedi, Manan ; Richhariya, Katyayinee (2020) The Untold tale of an unending border.


Elapata, Deshika (2020) EU-Sri Lanka relations: A bond between trade and human rights.

(2020) EU-South Asia trade perspectives: State of play.


Glass, Nicola (2020) Ein erster Schritt zur Gerechtigkeit für die Rohingya.

Glass, Nicola (2020) Thailands junge Generation gegen das Establishment.

Grein, Christina ; Göpel, Raphael ; Keppel, Christina ; Overhoff, Mirjam ; Wongratanawin, Praphakorn (2020) Schleichende Eindämmung von Freiheiten - Ausbau von autoritären Strukturen während der Corona-Krise in Südostasiens Regimen.

Guarda, Susan ; Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Only an Afghan-led peace process can bring peace to Afghanistan.


Hamid Sheikh, Abdul (2020) The NSRI and the BRI: the Future of Central Asia.

Hazra, Arkoprabho (2020) Broadening Horizons of India's Act East Policy: Future Avenues.


Kahl, Axel-Wolfgang (2020) Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen, liberalen Wirtschaftsordnung? - Eine Untersuchung zum institutionellen Wandel im Britischen Weltreich am Beispiel der Charter-Act-Verhandlungen (1811-1813).

Khakimov, Obid (2020) Economic cooperation towards peace in Afghanistan.

Krahnstöver, Anne ; Overhoff, Mirjam (2020) Gesundheit, Macht und soziale Ungleichheit?! - Der Umgang mit der Corona-Pandemie in den Philippinen.

Kulke, Hermann (2020) Bibliography (November 2020).


Leonte, Andreea (2020) China, the Belt & Road Initiative and waste management.

Luthra, Rajan (2020) Rural India: The Country's Untapped Growth Engine.


Madatali, Hannah (2020) Understanding China’s policies towards its Muslim communities.

Mehendale, Atharva (2020) The Changing Face of Urban Informality - Class, Migration & Gender.


Nandy, Mrittika (2020) Coping up with the Corona Crisis: India Inc shows the way with Nobel Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives.

Nandy, Mrittika (2020) Crawling Back to Normalcy: The Super Cyclonic Storm ‘Amphan’ Brings West Bengal to a Complete Halt.


Overhoff, Mirjam (2020) Corona und OFWs in Deutschland - Von Arbeitserleichterung bis zur absoluten Prekarisierung.


Pandya, Abhinav (2020) China and Pakistan: Original Sinners of Gilgit-Baltistan and the ‘Azad Jammu and Kashmir’ - A tale of genocide, covert demographic engineering, slavery, and suppression.

Pandya, Abhinav (2020) Internationalisation - The Next Kashmir Conflict.

Pereira, Berta Antonieta Tilman (2020) Women of Timor-Leste: Unyielding in the fight against oppression and violence.

philippinenbüro e. V., Stiftung Asienhaus (2020) Corona in Asien: Menschenrechtsverletzungen und soziale Ungleichheit im Schatten der Pandemie-Bekämpfung.


Roychowdhary, Shrrijiet ; Agarwal, Shivani ; Singh, Mansi ; Singh, Vanshika (2020) An Ethnographic Insight on Border-Markets: Reflections from the Indo-Bhutan Border.


Sarkar, Sanghamitra ; Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce (2020) Covid-19 in South Asia: Space Matters.

Schaffar, Wolfram (2020) Die satirische Facebook-Gruppe Royalist Marketplace, queere TikToks und die neue Demokratiebewegung in Thailand - Interview mit Prof. Pavin Chachavalpongpun.

Sharma, Shivani (2020) Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Peace Agreement or a Mere Withdrawal Deal?

Sharma, Shivani (2020) The Challenge of Terrorism: An Impediment in US-Pakistan Relations.

Sivaramakrishnan, Lakshmi ; Bandyopadhyay, Sumana ; Sarkar, Sanghamitra ; Dentinho, Tomaz Ponce (2020) New or Renewed Town: Sustainable Urbanisation in Kolkata.

South Asia Collective (2020) South Asia State of Minorities Report 2018: Exploring the Roots.


(2020) Tablighi Jamaat and its role in the Global Jihad.


Ufen, Andreas (2020) Das vorläufige Ende der Demokratisierung in Malaysia?


Vasani, Krupa (2020) The Significance of Gender in Infrastructural Development.


Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Contextualising Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Parliamentary Eulogy of Osama Bin Laden.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) On the Asian Century, Pax Sinica & Beyond (X): The Sino Iranian Alliance: A roadmap for regional instability and authoritarianism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) On the Asian Century, Pax Sinica & Beyond (XIII): Pakistan’s state-terrorism and the plight of the Pashtuns.

Wolf, Siegfried (2020) Pakistan and the future of Afghanistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Pakistan’s bigger plans of narco-terrorism.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Pakistan’s Pandemic Policies.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2020) Resurgent Rebellion in Balochistan.

Wongratanawin, Praphakorn (2020) Seit Jahrzehnten: In Thailand verschwinden Menschen.


Yousaf, Farooq (2020) The Curious Case of Media ‘freedom’ in Pakistan.

Yousef, Ambreen (2020) EU-India Summit: Vision and Mission.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 01:49:13 2025 CET.