Items where Year is 2014

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 91.

Master's thesis

Goebel, Linde S. (2014) Shvetapradara: Negotiating Ayurveda and Biomedicine in Contemporary Ayurvedic Gynecology.

Kramer, Max (2014) Sprachliche Imagination im Film: Tapori Hindi und die Verwendung sprachlicher Register im populären indischen Kino.


Poerting, Julia ; Lennartz, Thomas, Hrsgg. (2014) Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 4. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 24./25. Januar 2014, Freiburg.

Aturupane, Harsha ; Savchenko, Yevgeniya ; Shojo, Mari ; Larsen, Kurt (2014) Sri Lanka: Investment in Human Capital. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 69 (2014). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2014

Bajaj, Manka (2014) Thimphu's Growing Pains: Challenges of Implementing the City Plan.

Dorji, Kinzang (2014) Comprehensive Review of the Land Act of Bhutan, 2007 for Revision.

Dutta, Puja ; Murgai, Rinku ; Ravallion, Martin ; Walle, Dominique van de (2014) Right to Work? Assessing India's Employment Guarantee Scheme in Bihar.

Gauhar, Neha Ali (2014) Honour Crimes in Pakistan: Unveiling Reality and Perception.

Nagashima, Yoko ; Rahman, Mokhlesur ; Al-Zayed Josh, Syed Rashed ; Dhar, Subrata S. ; Nomura, Shinsaku ; Rahman, Muhammad Asahabur ; Mukherjee, Hena (2014) A Study on National University and Affiliated Colleges in Bangladesh. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 65 (2014). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2014

Olalde, Liudmila (2014) Zum Begriff 'nāmarūpa': das Individuum im Pāli-Kanon.

Pollock, Sheldon (2014) What is South Asian Knowledge Good For?

Sankar, Deepa ; Linden, Toby (2014) How much and what kind of teaching is there in elementary education in India? Evidence from three States. In: Discussion Paper Series , Bd. 67 (2014). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2014

(2014) Strengthening Teacher Capacity in Bihar through ICT: Designing Innovative Solutions to Unique Challenges. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 73 (2014). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2014


(2014) SAI-Newsletter, no. 4 (January 2014).

(2014) SAI-Newsletter, no. 5 (July 2014).

Weltbank (2014) Bhutan Poverty Assessment 2014.


Giménez, Lea ; Jolliffe, Dean ; Sharif, Iffath (2014) Bangladesh, a Middle Income Country by 2021: What Will it Take in Terms of Poverty Reduction?

Hanneder, Jürgen (2014) A Pandit’s Journey: Peri Sarveshvara Sharma in Germany. In: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 95 (2014), pp. 5-23. ISSN 0378-1143

Hanneder, Jürgen (2014) Karl Friedrich Geldner.

Hanneder, Jürgen (2014) The Legacy of Otto Stein - New Evidence. In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 164 (2014), Nr. 3. pp. 811-816. ISSN 0341-0137

Sausmikat, Nora ; Gebauer, Inga (2014) Twinning: Partnerships between Chinese and European NGOs - Green Financing - Right to Clean Water - Human Rights - Urban Youth Culture - Social Inclusion.

Schepp, Marcel (2014) Demokratie in Südasien: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, Nr. 4 Berlin (2014), pp. 54-93. ISSN 0177-7521

Schmidt, Lars Peter ; Gaier, Malte (2014) Innere Aufbruchstimmung und außenpolitische Neujustierung: Hintergründe und Perspektiven zur neuen indischen Regierung. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, Nr. 6 Berlin (2014), pp. 98-118. ISSN 0177-7521

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) India-Nepal relations and the Impact of Hindu-Nationalism.

Book Section

Hanneder, Jürgen (2014) Zum Konzept der religiösen Minderheit im Hinduismus. In: Franke, Edith (Hrsg.): Religiöse Minderheiten und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 28-35 . ISBN 978-3-447-10206-3

Kulke, Hermann (2014) Der Maurya-Staat ( 4.-2. Jh. v. Chr.): Gesamtindisches Großreich oder Imperium? In: Imperien und Reiche in der Weltgeschichte - Epochenübergreifende und globalhistorische Vergleiche. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 503-514 (Imperien des Altertums, Mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Imperien ; 1)

Stinzing, Sebastian (2014) Heiliger Rausch, berauschte Heilige. In: Wege zum Heil(igen)?: Sakralität und Sakralisierung im Hinduismus. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2014, pp. 187-194 . ISBN 978-3-447-10242-1

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) China’s Role in Pakistan: International and Domestic Implications. In: Mishra, Sylvia (Hrsg.): Studies in Pakistan: Responses, Articles. New Delhi, Foreign Policy Research Centre 2014

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) EU-Pakistan Relations and GSP Plus: Towards an End of Europe’s ‘Whitewashing’? In: Mishra, Sylvia (Hrsg.): Studies in Pakistan: Responses, Articles. New Delhi, Foreign Policy Research Centre 2014

Working paper

Ahmed, Ather Maqsood ; Ather, Robina (2014) Study on Tax Expenditures in Pakistan.

Ananthpur, Kripa ; Malik, Kabir ; Rao, Vijayendra (2014) The Anatomy of Failure: An Ethnography of a Randomized Trial to Deepen Democracy in Rural India.

Andrés, Luis ; Biller, Dan ; Herrera Dappe, Matías (2014) Infrastructure Gap in South Asia: Infrastructure Needs, Prioritization, and Financing.

Ayyagari, Meghana ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Maksimovic, Vojislav (2014) Does Local Financial Development Matter for Firm Lifecycle in India?

Basu, Kaushik ; Eichengreen, Barry ; Gupta, Poonam (2014) From Tapering to Tightening: The Impact of the Fed's Exit on India.

Bergkvist, Sofi ; Wagstaff, Adam ; Katyal, Anuradha ; Singh, Prabal V. ; Samarth, Amit ; Rao, Mala (2014) What a Difference a State Makes: Health Reform in Andhra Pradesh.

Biller, Dan ; Andrés, Luis ; Herrera Dappe, Matías (2014) Infrastructure Gap in South Asia: Inequality of Access to Infrastructure Services.

Calì, Massimiliano ; Farole, Thomas ; Kunaka, Charles ; Waglé, Swarnim (2014) Integrating Border Regions: Connectivity and Competitiveness in South Asia.

Choden, Tashi ; Tshering, Sonam ; Wangmo, Tshering ; Zangmo, Dechen (2014) The Education Resilience of Out-of-school Children in Bhutan: A Methodology and Pilot Study.

Dahal, Mahesh ; Nguyen, Quynh (2014) Private Non-State Sector Engagement in the Provision of Educational Services at the Primary and Secondary Levels in South Asia: An Analytical Review of Its Role in School Enrollment and Student Achievement.

Das, Ashis ; Friedman, Jed ; Kandpal, Eeshani (2014) Does Involvement of Local NGOs Enhance Public Service Delivery? Cautionary Evidence from a Malaria-Prevention Evaluation in India.

Das, Ashis ; Friedman, Jed ; Kandpal, Eeshani ; Ramana, G. N. V. ; Das Gupta, R. K. ; Pradhan, Madan M. ; Govindaraj, Ramesh (2014) Strengthening Malaria Service Delivery through Supportive Supervision and Community Mobilization in an Endemic Indian Setting: An Evaluation of Nested Delivery Models.

Dasgupta, Susmita ; Hossain, Md. Moqbul ; Huq, Mainul ; Wheeler, David (2014) Climate Change, Groundwater Salinization and Road Maintenance Costs in Coastal Bangladesh.

Dasgupta, Susmita ; Hossain, Md. Moqbul ; Huq, Mainul ; Wheeler, David (2014) Facing the Hungry Tide: Climate Change, Livelihood Threats, and Household Responses in Coastal Bangladesh.

Deininger, Klaus ; Monchuk, Daniel ; Nagarajan, Hari K. ; Singh, Sudhir K. (2014) Does Land Fragmentation Increase the Cost of Cultivation? Evidence from India.

Deininger, Klaus ; Xia, Fang ; Jin, Songqing ; Nagarajan, Hari K. (2014) Inheritance Law Reform, Empowerment, and Human Capital Accumulation: Second-Generation Effects from India.

Drake, L. J. ; Peiris, R. ; Dixon, R. ; Palfreyman, A. ; Ebenezer, R. ; Lokubalasuriya, A. ; Kwon, J. ; Medagama, R. S. ; Bundy, D. A. P. ; Aturupane, H. ; De Silva, N. (2014) School Health and Nutrition in Sri Lanka.

El-Saharty, Sameh ; Zunaid-Ahsan, Karar ; May, John F. (2014) Population, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Policy Harmonization in Bangladesh.

Emran, Shahe ; Shilpi, Forhad (2014) Agricultural Productivity, Hired Labor, Wages and Poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh.

Ferré, Céline ; Sharif, Iffath (2014) Can Conditional Cash Transfers Improve Education and Nutrition Outcomes for Poor Children in Bangladesh? Evidence from a Pilot Project.

Gajwani, Kiran ; Zhang, Xiaobo (2014) Gender and Public Goods Provision in Tamil Nadu's Village Governments.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; Tewari, Ishani (2014) Regional Diversity and Inclusive Growth in Indian Cities.

Ghani, Ejaz ; Goswami, Arti Grover ; Kerr, William R. (2014) Spatial Dynamics of Electricity Usage in India.

Giné, Xavier ; Mansuri, Ghazala (2014) Money or Ideas? A Field Experiment on Constraints to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan.

Govindaraj, Ramesh ; Navaratne, Kumari ; Cavagnero, Eleonora ; Seshadri, Shreelata Rao (2014) Health Care in Sri Lanka: What Can the Private Health Sector Offer?

Gupta, A. ; Prennushi, G. (2014) Women's Empowerment and Socio-Economic Outcomes: Impacts of the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program.

(2014) India: Women, Work and Employment.

Krishan, Anjali ; Rastogi, Apurva ; Singh, Suneeta ; Malik, Lakshita (2014) The Resilience of LGBTQIA Students on Delhi Campuses.

La Forgia, Gerard ; Raha, Shomikho ; Shaik, Shabbeer ; Maheshwari, Sunil Kumar ; Ali, Rabia (2014) Parallel Systems and Human Resource Management in India's Public Health Services: A View from the Front Lines.

Lawson, Nicholas ; Spears, Dean (2014) What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Poorer: Adult Wages and the Early-Life Disease Environment in India.

Lopez-Calix, José (2014) Pakistan: Country Development Landscape.

Lopez-Calix, José ; Meija, Carolina ; Newhouse, David ; Sobrado, Carlos (2014) Pakistan Poverty Trends, Scenarios and Drivers.

Luitel, Bal Chandra ; Rai, Indra Mani ; Gautam, Suresh ; Pant, Binod Prasad ; Gautam, Santosh (2014) The Educational Resilience of Children in Urban Squatter Settlements of Kathmandu.

Milazzo, Annamaria (2014) Why Are Adult Women Missing? Son Preference and Maternal Survival in India.

Nguyen, Quynh ; Raju, Dhushyanth (2014) Private School Participation in Pakistan.

Pawlak, Piotr ; Ghosh, Parthapriya ; El-Horr, Jana ; Smith, Dustin ; Correia, Maria (2014) Youth in the Maldives : Shaping a New Future for Young Women and Men through Engagement and Empowerment.

Saleman, Yannick ; Jordan, Luke (2014) The Implementation of Industrial Parks: Some Lessons Learned in India.

Shilpi, Forhad ; Sangraula, Prem ; Li, Yue (2014) Voting with their Feet? Access to Infrastructure and Migration in Nepal.

Walker, Thomas ; Sahin, Sebnem ; Saqib, Mohammad ; Mayer, Kristy (2014) Reforming Electricity Subsidies in Pakistan: Measures to Protect the Poor.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) China’s Strategic Interests and its impacts on Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Drone Strikes and Terrorism in Pakistan: Rather a Part of the Problem than a Solution?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) From Post- to Pre-Elections: Are new polls the way forward in Bangladesh?

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Just Another Carte Blanche? EU GSP Plus Status and Human Rights in Pakistan.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Old Habits Die Hard!: First year of Nawaz Sharif's third tenure.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) Suffering from Statelessness: Rohingyas in Bangladesh.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2014) The Rohingyas Crisis: A Security Perspective from Bangladesh.


Aspin, Jonathan (2014) Universal Health Coverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Country Summary Report for Bangladesh.

Badgett, M. V. Lee (2014) The Economic Cost of Stigma and the Exclusion of LGBT People: A Case Study of India.

Brunk, Tobias (2014) Kolonialismus - Imperialismus: Der Prozess der Europäisierung der Welt.

Felzer, Sharon ; Guo, Jing ; Cameron, Jessica ; Markova, Svetlana (2014) Maldives: The World Bank Group Country Opinion Survey FY 2014.

Höfer, András (2014) Nepal: Tamang (West-Tamang, Dhading District) 1968 - 1983: Archiv András Höfer.

(2014) Inclusive Heritage-Based City Development Program in India.

Narain, Urvashi ; Toman, Michael ; Jiang, Zhiyun (2014) Note on Green Growth for Bhutan.

Schuler, Henning (2014) The political integration of Indian Ocean Ports-of-Trade.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2014) CAMP's Decade of Change in Pakistan, 2002-2013.

The World Bank (2014) Bangladesh Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2014) Bhutan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2014) Local Service Delivery in Nepal.

The World Bank (2014) Nepal Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2013 - June 2014).

The World Bank (2014) Pakistan Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

The World Bank (2014) Sri Lanka Country Opinion Survey Report (July 2012 - June 2013).

Yule, Paul (2014) Sisupalgarh/Bhubaneshwar, A Nationally Protected Monument.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 01:49:30 2025 CET.