Items where Year is 2012

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 96.

Annez, Patricia Clarke ; Bertaud, Alain ; Bertaud, Marie-Agnes ; Bhatt, Bijal ; Bhatt, Chirayu ; Patel, Bimal ; Phatak, Vidyadhar (2012) Ahmedabad: More but Different Government for “Slum Free” and Livable Cities.

Aturupane, Harsha ; Shojo, Mari (2012) Enhancing the Quality of Education in the Maldives: Challenges and Prospects. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 51 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Aturupane, Harsha ; Shojo, Mari (2012) Expanding Access and Enhancing the Economic Benefits of Education in the Maldives: Challenges and Prospects. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 54 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Bajracharya, Roshan Darshan ; Biletska, Nataliya ; Rajaram, Anand (2012) Reforms under Fiscal Stress: A Policy Note on the Priorities for Fiscal and Budget Reform in Nepal.

Ballard, Roger (2012) Processes of Religious Reconstruction among Britain’s South Asian minorities: a reflection on the contemporary dynamics of reverse colonisation.

Ballard, Roger (2012) The Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan: A historical Overview and an Assessment of their current Position.

Ballard, Roger (2012) The Christians of Pakistan: A historical Overview and an Assessment of their current Position.

Bell, Clive (2012) Estimating the Social Profitability of India's Rural Roads Program: A Bumpy Ride.

Bell, Clive (2012) The Benefits of India's Rural Roads Program in the Spheres of Goods, Education and Health: Joint Estimation and Decomposition.

Ura, Karma ; Chophel, Dendup, Hrsgg. (2012) Buddhism without Borders: Proceedings of the International Conference of Globalized Buddhism.

Butsch, Carsten ; Sakdapolak, Patrick ; Saravanan, V. S. (2012) Urban Health in India. In: Internationales Asienforum, 43 (2012), Nr. 1/2. pp. 13-32. ISSN 0020-9449

Carlin, Wendy ; Schaffer, Mark (2012) Understanding the Business Environment in South Asia.

Cnobloch, Stefania Rodica (2012) Determinants of Fertility, Women's Health and Employment Behaviour in Sri Lanka. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 38 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Delinic, Tomislav ; Schepp, Marcel (2012) Wasser für Südasien: Versorgungssicherheit erfordert regionale Kooperation. In: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (Hrsg.): KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 11 (2012), pp. 117-147. ISSN 0177-7521

De, Prabir ; Raihan, Selim ; Kathuria, Sanjay (2012) Unlocking Bangladesh-India Trade: Emerging Potential and the Way Forward.

De Silva, W. Indralal (2012) Sri Lankan Population Change and Demographic Bonus Challenges and Opportunities in the New Millennium.

Desmet, Klaus ; Ghani, Ejaz ; O'Connell, Stephen D. ; Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban (2012) The Spatial Development of India.

Egressy, Kinga (2012) Out of control? A qualitative study of diabetes management among Pakistani migrants in North-West England.

Eibach, Joachim ; Opitz, Claudia ; Juneja, Monica (2012) Kultur, Kulturtransfer und Grenzüberschreitungen: Joachim Eibach und Claudia Opitz im Gespräch mit Monica Juneja. In: Zeitenblicke: Online journal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 11 (2012), Nr. 1. . ISSN 1619-0459

Emran, M. Shahe ; Shilpi, Forhad (2012) Gender, Geography and Generations: Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Post-reform India.

Fischer, Karl ; Schultz, Ulrike (2012) USA und Pakistan: Eine wechselvolle Partnerschaft. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 4 (2012), pp. 87-110. ISSN 0177-7521

Flüchter, Antje (2012) Pater Pierre Martin – ein "Brahmane aus dem Norden": Jesuitische Grenzgänger in Südindien um die Wende zum 18. Jahrhundert. In: Zeitenblicke: Online journal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 11 (2012), Nr. 1. . ISSN 1619-0459

Fonseka, Daminda ; Pinto, Brian ; Prasad, Mona ; Rowe, Francis (2012) Sri Lanka: From Peace Dividend to Sustained Growth Acceleration.

Ganeshan, Swati (2012) Indien in Afrika: Ausbau von Energiebeziehungen und Aufbau einer strategischen Partnerschaft. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 4 (2012), pp. 69-86. ISSN 0177-7521

Ghani, Ejaz ; Kerr, William R. ; O’Connell, Stephen D. (2012) What Explains Big Gender Disparities in India? Local Industrial Structures and Female Entrepreneurship.

Gorawantschy, Beatrice ; Querner, Benjamin (2012) Indien im Rüstungswettlauf: Aktuelle außen-, sicherheits- und verteidigungspolitische Herausforderungen. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 6 (2012), pp. 40-67. ISSN 0177-7521

Gorawantschy, Beatrice ; Haring, Mareen (2012) Regionalwahlen 2012 in Indien: Die Kongresspartei auf dem Prüfstand.

Gyeltshen, Dorji (2012) Expository Verses on the Nine Domains of Gross National Happiness.

Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Accident and Edition - John Shore’s translation of the Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha. In: Steiner, Roland (Hrsg.): Highland Philology: Results of a Text-Related Kashmir Panel at the 31st DOT, Marburg 2010. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg 2012, pp. 143-154 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; 4) . ISBN 978-3-86977-040-6

Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Prākkathanama. In: Hanneder, Jürgen ; Broo, Måns (Hrsgg.): Studies on Modern Sanskrit Writings: Papers Presented in the Section on Modern Sanskrit Writings. Gretil 2012, pp. 21-24 (Proceedings of the World Sanskrit Conference ; 15)

Hanneder, Jürgen (2012) Präsenz in der indischen Philologie. In: Fielitz, Sonja (Hrsg.): Präsenz Interdisziplinär. Kritik und Entfaltung einer Intuition. Mit einem Vorwort von Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.. Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg 2012, pp. 287-303 (Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte ; 301) . ISBN 978-3-8253-6043-6

Hanneder, Jürgen ; Slaje, Walter (2012) Zur indologischen Streitkultur. In: Steiner, Roland (Hrsg.): Highland Philology: Results of a Text-Related Kashmir Panel at the 31st DOT, Marburg 2010. Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg 2012, pp. 143-154 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis ; 4) . ISBN 978-3-86977-040-6

(2012) Higher Education in Madhya Pradesh: The Way Forward. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 48 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Hoff, Karla ; Pandey, Priyanka (2012) Making Up People: The Effect of Identity on Preferences and Performance in a Modernizing Society.

Inchauste, Gabriela ; Winkler, Hernan (2012) Decomposing Distributional Changes in Pakistan.

(2012) India - Uttarakhand Economic Assessment.

Iyer, Lakshmi ; Santos, Indhira (2012) Creating Jobs in South Asia’s Conflict Zones.

Khandker, Shahidur R. ; Mahmud, Wahiduddin (2012) Seasonal Hunger and Public Policies: Evidence from Northwest Bangladesh.

Khandker, Shahidur R. ; Samad, Hussain A. ; Ali, Rubaba ; Barnes, Douglas F. (2012) Who Benefits Most from Rural Electrification? Evidence in India.

La Forgia, Gerard ; Nagpal, Somil (2012) Government-Sponsored Health Insurance in India: Are You Covered?

Linnarz, Paul (2012) Mit Samthandschuhen an der Tastatur: Beleidigungsklagen gefährden Meinungsfreiheit in Asien. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 8 (2012), pp. 126-143. ISSN 0177-7521

Loayza, Norman ; Wada, Tomoko (2012) Public Infrastructure Trends and Gaps in Pakistan.

López-Cálix, J. R. ; Srinivasan, T. G. ; Waheed, M. (2012) What Do We Know about Growth Patterns in Pakistan?

Mani, Muthukumara ; Markandya, Anil ; Sagar, Aarsi ; Sahin, Sebnem (2012) India’s Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability: What Are the Tradeoffs?

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 1 (Januar 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 2 (April 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 3 (Juli 2012).

(2012) Masala: Newsletter Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Südasien, Jg. 7, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2012).

Masud, Tayyeb ; Navaratne, Kumari Vinodhani (2012) The Expanded Program on Immunization in Pakistan: Recommendations for Improving Performance.

Mete, Cem (2012) Sri Lanka Demographic Transition: Facing the Challenges of an Aging Population with Few Resources.

Mols, Manfred (2012) "Staat", "Gesellschaft", "Entwicklung" und "governance" in Asien. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 8 (2012), pp. 104-125. ISSN 0177-7521

Mukim, Megha (2012) Geography and Exporting Behavior: Evidence from India.

Newman, John (2012) Human Opportunity Index - National: Equality of Children's Opportunities in Pakistan.

Newman, John (2012) Human Opportunity Index - Provinces: Equality of Children's Opportunities in Pakistan.

Nikitin, Denis ; De Silva, Indralal ; Jayasekara, Tissa (2012) National Transfer Accounts Analysis for Sri Lanka. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 39 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Parajuli, Dilip ; Acharya, Gayatri ; Chaudhury, Nazmul ; Thapa, Bishnu Bahadur (2012) Impact of Social Fund on the Welfare of Rural Households: Evidence from the Nepal Poverty Alleviation Fund.

Rao, Krishna D. ; Shroff, Zubin ; Ramani, Sudha ; Khandpur, Neha ; Murthy, Seema ; Hazarika, Indrajit ; Choksi, Maulik ; Ryan, Mandy ; Berman, Peter ; Vujicic, Marko (2012) How to Attract Health Workers to Rural Areas? Findings from a Discrete Choice Experiment from India.

Robalino, David ; Cho, Yoonyoung (2012) Labor Market Policies under a Youth Bulge: How to Benefit from Demographic Dividend in Pakistan.

(2012) SAI-Newsletter, no. 1 (February 2012).

(2012) SAI-Newsletter, no. 2 (November 2012).

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma during the Second World War: Articles in periodicals, multiauthor publications, etc.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma during the Second World War: Monographs, Multiauthor works, Series, Periodicals.

Schwertner, Siegfried M. (2012) Burma / Myanmar Bibliographic Project: Articles in periodicals, Festschriften or other multi-author publications.

Sen, Soham G. ; Hook, Mikael (2012) Gender-Inclusive Nutrition Activities in South Asia: Mapping Report.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2012) Pakistan Afghanistan Relation & Regional Stability Scenario.

Shinwari, Naveed Ahmad (2012) Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Religion and Society in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Volume V).

Singh, Suneeta ; Dasgupta, Sangita ; Patankar, Pallav ; Hiremath, Vijay ; Chhabra, Vibha ; Claeson, Mariam (2012) Charting a Programmatic Roadmap for Sexual Minority Groups in India. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 55 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Sinha, Nistha (2012) Demographic Transition and the Labor Market in Sri Lanka. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 41 (2012). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2012

Speakman, John ; Afzal, Kiran ; Yuge, Yasuhiko ; Hanna, James (2012) Toward an Innovation Policy for Pakistan.

Strauch, Ingo (2012) Foreign Sailors on Socotra: The inscriptions and drawings from the cave Hoq. In: Vergleichende Studien zu Antike und Orient, Bd. 3 (2012). Bremen, Hempen Verlag 2012 . ISBN 978-3934106-91-8

The World Bank (2012) Nepal Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2012) Pakistan: Export Diversification and Trade Policy.

The World Bank (2012) Punjab Province, Pakistan Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2012) Sindh Province, Pakistan Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

The World Bank (2012) Sri Lanka Student Assessment: SABER Country Report 2012.

Ura, Karma ; Alkire, Sabina ; Zangmo, Tshoki ; Wangdi, Karma (2012) An Extensive Analysis of GNH Index.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Betwixt and Between: Bangladesh Military in Business. A Comment from an International Perspective.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Bhutan's peculiar road to democracy. In: The Independent, April 13, Dhaka (2012), pp. 25-26

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Bhutan's Political Transition: Between Ethnic Conflict and Democracy.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Calling the Gravediggers? Hindu-Nationalism - India's Bêtes Noires under Stress.

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Can it muddle through? Some thoughts on future scenarios for Afghanistan. In: The Independent, September 7, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Clash of the Paladins: India's Hindu-nationalism in decline? In: The Independent, November 30, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Forgotten promises in Afghanistan. The situation of women and their rights since the fall of the Taliban. In: The Independent, October 5, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) From bad to worse: sectarian conflict, socio-economic neglect and political deprivation in Gilgit-Baltistan. In: The Independent, December 14, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) From conflict to cooperation? India-Pakistan relations and the shadows of Mumbai. In: The Independent, November 16, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) India in Afghanistan - Looking for the right approach. In: The Independent, April 27, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) In search of Pythagoras. The India-Afghanistan-Pakistan triangle under stress. In: The Independent, May 4, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Iran-Afghanistan Relations: A dangerous balancing act. In: The Independent, May 11, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) No calm for Balochistan? Islamabad's political plexus , enduring anxieties and the fruitlessness of regional aspirations. In: The Independent, November 16, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Regional cooperation - a view from Bangladesh. In: The Independent, August 10, Dhaka (2012), p. 14

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Shifting or shirking responsibility? Bonn's Second Afghanistan Conference in Perspective. In: The Independent, January 20, Dhaka (2012), p. 26

Wolf, Siegfried O. ; Sauerborn, Djan (2012) The EU story: Can it offer inspiration for SAARC? In: The Independent, March 9, Dhaka (2012),

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) The Good Neighbour: China's alternative strategy in Afghanistan. In: The Independent, May 18, Dhaka (2012), p. 26

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) The Maldives in a stalemate. In: The Independent, March 30, Dhaka (2012), p. 25

Wolf, Siegfried O. (2012) Trapped in Old Patterns? The Future of Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations. In: The Independent, April 20, Dhaka (2012), pp. 25-26

Yuen, Belinda ; Choi, Songsu (2012) Making Spatial Change in Pakistan Cities Growth Enhancing.

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