Browse by Paper series

  • Series (3309)
    • Subjects (410)
      • Health and Society in South Asia Series (21)
Number of items at this level: 21.

1 "Unberührbare Körper" - Ethnologische Überlegungen zu Kaste und embodiment Sieler, Roman 2006

2 HIV/AIDS und 'traditionelle' Medizin in Indien: Dynamiken des Spannungsfelds von globaler Epidemie und lokalem Handeln Cyranski, Christoph 2008

3 Undocumented Migrants' Access to Healthcare in Germany: Limitations and Strategies Kunwar, Rajiv 2010

4 Experiences with HIV/AIDS and the HIV/AIDS-related stigma among infected and affected children in India Petney, Ariane 2010

5 Drowning in Enchanted Waters: The Role of Practiced Islam in Mental Health Nosology and Treatment Seeking Behaviors Demonstrated in Urban Bangladesh Studer, Genevieve 2010

6 Infertility in Pakistan: Experience and Health Seeking Behavior among Baloch Women in a Karachi Slum Schmidt Stiedenroth, Kira Natalia 2010

7 Masculinity in Majma: An Ethnography of Street Healing in Bangladesh Anam, Mujibul 2010

8 Disability and Rehabilitation: An Ethnography of the "Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed" in Bangladesh Malek, Farjina 2010

9 Marunnum Mantravum - an ethnographic enquiry into the patterns of affliction and therapeutics in a traditional healing practice in Malabar, north Kerala Bhaskaran Nair, Hari Kumar 2010

10 Out of control? A qualitative study of diabetes management among Pakistani migrants in North-West England Egressy, Kinga 2012

11 Shvetapradara: Negotiating Ayurveda and Biomedicine in Contemporary Ayurvedic Gynecology Goebel, Linde S. 2014

12 Farmers' suicides in India: a methodological and thematic analysis in the state of Maharashtra Höfle, Alexandra 2016

13 Puffed rice to potato chips: malnutrition & changing food culture in India Dutta, Kaberi 2016

14 A qualitative study of Pakistani immigrant women's experiences of childbirth in Germany Al-Kebsi, Huda 2016

15 Telemedicine in Pakistan: On and under the Surface Klippel, Anne Lotta Elisabeth 2023

16 Bodies, “Love” and Kidneys: The Regulation of Living Donor Donation in India and its Social Repercussions Kaur, Mandeep 2023

17 Meditation in Prison: Rehabilitating Prisoners from India to Bangladesh Trasarti, Francesca 2023

18 Deconstructing pān: Betel quid’s journey from a medically beneficial snack to a cancerous drug Peshcherova, Daria 2023

19 Healthcare accessibility In Singapore: The experience and health-seeking behaviour among low-skilled migrant workers in Singapore Hengst, Karen Tay 2023

20 Searching for a Master Plan: An Overview of the Art of Living Foundation and an Excursion into Its Social Initiatives Plessy, David 2023

21 Workplace violence against medical practitioners in India before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of their experiences, coping processes and the media on doctor-patient relationships Kamat, Aditi 2024

This list was generated on Thu Mar 27 02:07:51 2025 CET.