Items where Author is "Ballard, Roger"

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Number of items: 59.

Ballard, Roger (2015) The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies: Reflections on the current State of Play in an Emergent Discipline.

Ballard, Roger (2012) The Ahmadiyyas of Pakistan: A historical Overview and an Assessment of their current Position.

Ballard, Roger (2012) The Christians of Pakistan: A historical Overview and an Assessment of their current Position.

Ballard, Roger (2012) Processes of Religious Reconstruction among Britain’s South Asian minorities: a reflection on the contemporary dynamics of reverse colonisation.

Ballard, Roger (2011) The History and Current Position of Afghanistan's Hindu and Sikh Population.

Ballard, Roger (2011) Transgressive initiatives ’from below’ and the defensive reinforcement of jurisdictional boundaries.

Ballard, Roger (2010) Law, the State and the Maintenance of Socio-Cultural Order.

Ballard, Roger (2009) Kinship, reciprocity and the dynamics of translocal/trans-jurisdictional networks: the foundations and significance of South Asian initiatives 'from below'.

Ballard, Roger (2009) Migration: the last frontier? 'Homeland Security' and the challenge of diasporic networks.

Ballard, Roger (2008) The Implementation of Value Transfers in an Era of Financial Volatility: meeting the logistical challenge.

Ballard, Roger (2008) Inside and Outside: Contrasting Perspectives on the Dynamics of Kinship and Marriage in Contemporary South Asian Transnational Networks.

Ballard, Roger (2008) The Logic of Cremation in Indic Contexts: An Anthropological Analysis.

Ballard, Roger (2007) First Solution: a safety-first plan backfires.

Ballard, Roger (2007) Living with a Difference: A Forgotten Art in Urgent Need of Revival?

Ballard, Roger (2007) Pakistan’s Crisis of Legitimacy.

Ballard, Roger (2006) Forced Marriages: Just who is conspiring against whom?

Ballard, Roger (2006) HM Treasury Review of The Regulation of Money Service Businesses: A response from Dr. Roger Ballard.

Ballard, Roger (2006) Hawala: criminal haven or vital financial network?

Ballard, Roger (2006) On the consequences of migration from below: ethnic colonization and the dynamics of transnational networks.

Ballard, Roger (2006) Popular Islam in northern Pakistan and its reconstruction in urban Britain.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Coalitions of reciprocity and the maintenance of financial integrity within informal value transmission systems: The operational dynamics of contemporary hawala networks.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Migration, Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Reflections on Some South Asian Developments.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Religion and the Legitimation of Violence in the Contemporary World: a comparative analysis.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Remittances and Economic Development in India and Pakistan.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Challenging Paradigms: Popular Religion in Punjab.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Delivering migrant workers' remittances.

Ballard, Roger ; Parveen, Tahirah (2004) Minority Professionals' Experience of Marginalisation and Exclusion: The Rules of Ethnic Engagement.

Ballard, Roger (2004) Riste and Ristedari: the significance of marriage in the dynamics of transnational kinship networks.

Ballard, Roger (2003) A Background Report On The Operation Of Informal Value Tranfer Systems (Hawala).

Ballard, Roger (2003) Continuity and Variety in Islamic Thought and Practice: A cosmologically grounded Overview.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Hawala Transformed: Remittance-driven Transnational Networks in the post-Imperial economic order.

Ballard, Roger (2003) The Implications of Cultural Diversity for Health Care Practice: an Anthropological Perspective.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Processes of consolidation and settlement in remittance-driven Hawala transactions between the UK and South Asia.

Ballard, Roger (2003) Remittances And Economic Development.

Ballard, Roger (2003) A case of capital-rich underdevelopment: The paradoxical consequences of successful transnational entrepreneurship from Mirpur.

Ballard, Roger (2002) The Conceptual Foundations of the Hindu Cosmological Vision: An Introductory Glossar.

Ballard, Roger (2002) Race, Ethnicity and Culture.

Ballard, Roger (2002) The South Asian Presence in Britain and its Transnational Connections. In: Culture and Economy in the Indian Diaspora. London, Routledge 2002

Ballard, Roger (2001) The Impact of Kinship on the Economic Dynamics of Transnational Networks: reflections on some South Asian developments.

Ballard, Roger (2000) Common Law and Un-common Sense.

Ballard, Roger (2000) Culture and Communication.

Ballard, Roger (1999) Britain's visible minorities: a demographic overview.

Ballard, Roger (1999) Panth, Kismet, Dharm te Qaum: continuity and change in four dimensions of Punjabi religion. In: Punjabi Identity in a Global Context. New Delhi, Oxford University Press 1999 . ISBN 0-19-564864-1

Ballard, Roger (1999) Polyethnic Britain: a comparative and historical perspective.

Ballard, Roger (1999) Upward mobility: the socio-economic and educational achievements of Britain's visible minorities.

Ballard, Roger (1998) Asking Ethnic Questions: some hows, whys and wherefores.

Ballard, Roger (1996) The Development of the Sikh Tradition.

Ballard, Roger (1996) Islam and the Construction of Europe. In: Muslims in the Margin: Political Responses to the Presence of Islam in Western Europe, Kampen (1996),

Ballard, Roger (1996) Negotiating Race and Ethnicity: exploring the implications of the 1991 Census.

Ballard, Roger (1994) The Emergence of Desh Pardesh: Introduction. In: Desh Pardesh: The South Asian Presence in Britain. London, Hurst and Co. 1994

Ballard, Roger (1992) New Clothes For The Emperor? The conceptual nakedness of Britain’s race relations industry.

Ballard, Roger (1991) The Kashmir Crisis: A View From Mirpur.

Ballard, Roger (1991) The Politicization of the Punjab: 1849-1991.

Ballard, Roger (1990) Migration and kinship: the differential effect of marriage rules on the processes of Punjabi migration to Britain. In: South Asians Overseas: Contexts and Communities. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1990 219 – 249

Ballard, Roger (1987) The political economy of migration: Pakistan, Britain, and the Middle East.

Ballard, Roger (1985) Punjab's Uneasy Calm.

Ballard, Roger (1984) The Bitter Drama of the Sikhs.

Ballard, Roger (1983) The context and consequences of migration: Jullundur and Mirpur compared.

Ballard, Roger (1982) South Asian Families.

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