Some Aspects of Geography and the Fragmented Polity in Karnataka (16th to 18th century)

Setty, Govinda

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Geography and history are interrelated and they are contributory to each other. Geography influences the historical events. Geography moulds our culture, mind and history. We have seen how geography played an important role in the formation of Indian history. Geography includes the land, water, climate, mountains and other features, which are essentially utilized by the human beings to form the state, polity, economy, society, culture, religion etc. Hence, it is proved beyond that geography is a tool to reconstruct the history of any country. During the 16th to 18th centuries we see many Nayaks, Paleyagars, Nadaprabhus and other chieftains who established their chiefdoms or the Paleyapattus. For their activities geography helped them a lot. Because most of the Paleyapattus were very small and tiny principalities, but still these Paleyagars and Nayaks were able to sustain their rule due to the fact that the places where they have established their rule were situated at strategic places. It is quite interesting to go into the deep study of geography and its place in the formation of the fragmented polity during the above mentioned period.

Document type: Conference Item
Date: 2008
Version: Primary publication
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2008 16:21
DDC-classification: General history of Asia Far East
Controlled Keywords: Karnataka, Geographie, Geschichte
Uncontrolled Keywords: Karnataka , Geographie , Geschichte, Karnataka , Geography , History
Subject (classification): History and Archaeology
Countries/Regions: India
Additional Information: Vortrag, gehalten auf der 20th ECMSAS, Panel 22: Karnataka Studies, Fragmented Polity, its Formation, Legitimization and Upward Mobility of Backward Classes in South India - with special reference to Karnataka