Somprakash, 1880
Online-Ressource, Bengali |
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This important weekly newspaper on political and cultural subjects, was first published in 1858 from Calcutta, with the support of Ishvarchandra Bidyasagar. The press was transferred to Changripota, Dvarakanath's own village in 1862. Somaprakasa first entered the arena of politics with much nationalist zeal and was subsequently banned under the "Vernacular Press Regulation Act of 1878" in March 1878. After two years silence, it started again from April 1880 and continued until Dvarakanath's death in 1886. Only a few issues are available from the above mentioned years.
Document type: | Periodical |
Date: | 1880 |
Language ot external resource: | Bengali |
Version: | Secondary publication |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2010 11:11 |
Faculties / Institutes: | Research Organisations / Academies > Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta |
DDC-classification: | General serials and their indexes |
Controlled Keywords: | Bengali, Politik, Geschichte 1861-1880, Zeitschrift |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Bengali , Politik , Geschichte 1861-1880 , Zeitschrift, Bengali , Politics, History 1861-1880 |
Subject (classification): | Politics |
Countries/Regions: | India |
Series: | Zeitschriften - Bengali und Assamesisch > Somaprakasa |
Volume: | 1880 |