Prolegomena to Pursuing Gross National Happiness: The Bhutanese Approach

Tenzin, Pema

In: Gross National Happiness and Development - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Operationalization of Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2004, pp. 555-559 . ISBN 99936-14-22-X

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The Royal Government of Bhutan has proclaimed Gross National Happiness (GNH) the Kingdom's vision of development. GNH rests on "four pillars" or objectives economic development, environmental preservation, cultural promotion and good governance. An important question is: "Can this vision sustain, or be operational without, religious values?" First, this paper argues that if the concept of GNH is to be sustained or become operational as a vision of practical development, we will need to consider religious values, because they can provide the inner strength and guiding principles for living and can motivate development activities. Second, the paper will highlight the values to that need to be cultivated, the defects that need to be avoided, and the methods that need to be used in pursuit of GNH. This paper is a summary of an original paper bu Khenpo Jangem Tashi. The original paper is the first long work to have been written in Dzongkha about GNH and will be published as a separate volume, along with an English translation.

Document type: Book Section
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 24 Mar 2010 13:28
ISBN: 99936-14-22-X
Faculties / Institutes: Research Organisations / Academies > Centre for Bhutan Studies
DDC-classification: Social sciences
Controlled Keywords: Bhutan, Bruttonationalglück, Konzept
Uncontrolled Keywords: Religiöser Wert, Bhutan , Gross National Happiness , Concept , Religious Value
Subject (classification): Religion and Philosophy
Countries/Regions: Bhutan