Tattvabodhini Patrika, 1870

Tattwabodhini Patrika, 1870

Online-Ressource, Bengali
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This monthly periodical was an organ of the Brahmo Samaj and most of the social reform activities, like women's education, religious reformation, science education, were strongly supported in this journal. A very important periodical for the propagation of science and modern thought in Bangla.

Document type: Periodical
Date: 1870
Language ot external resource: Bengali
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 18 Mar 2010 15:49
Faculties / Institutes: Research Organisations / Academies > Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
DDC-classification: General serials and their indexes
Controlled Keywords: Bengali, Religion, Brahmasamaj, Geschichte 1843-1931, Zeitschrift
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bengali , Religion , Brahmasamaj , Geschichte 1843-1931 , Zeitschrift, Bengali , Religion , Brahmo Samaj , History 1843-1931
Subject (classification): Religion and Philosophy
Countries/Regions: India
Series: Zeitschriften - Bengali und Assamesisch > Tattvabodhini Patrika
Volume: 1870