Items where Year is 2005

Group by: Author/Title/Year | Document type | No Grouping
Number of items: 71.

नाहिद (Nāhida), नुसरत (Nusarata) (2005) अमीरुद्दौला पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी के नवल किशोर कक्ष में उपलब्ध पुस्तकों की सूची: हिन्दी-संस्कृत.

Andrabi, Tahir ; Das, Jishnu ; Khwaja, Asim Ijaz ; Zajonc, Tristan (2005) Religious School Enrollment in Pakistan: A Look at the Data.

Aturupane, Harsha ; Deolalikar, Anil B. (2005) Sri Lanka: Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in Sri Lanka, How Likely and What Will it Take to Reduce Poverty, Child Mortality and Malnutrition, and to Increase School Enrollment and Completion?

Ballard, Roger (2005) Coalitions of reciprocity and the maintenance of financial integrity within informal value transmission systems: The operational dynamics of contemporary hawala networks.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Migration, Remittances, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Reflections on Some South Asian Developments.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Religion and the Legitimation of Violence in the Contemporary World: a comparative analysis.

Ballard, Roger (2005) Remittances and Economic Development in India and Pakistan.

Baumann, Martin (2005) Yoga, Krishna, Hindu-Tempel: Hinduismus in der Schweiz. In: Internationales Asienforum, 36 (2005), Nr. 3-4. . ISSN 0020-9449

Bhargava, Rajeev (2005) Die Unverwechselbarkeit des Säkularismus in Indien. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 21 (2005), Nr. 3. pp. 86-130. ISSN 0177-7521

(2005) Bibhaba, Vol. 26, no. 2 (1412).

(2005) Bibhaba, Vol. 26, no. 4 (1412).

Briscoe, John (2005) India's Water Economy, Bracing for a Turbulent Future.

Buddhadasa <Bhikkhu> (2005) Das buddhistische ABC: Dhamma-Prinzipien für kluge Leute.

Buddhadasa <Bhikkhu> (2005) Der Weg zu vollkommener geistiger Gesundheit: Eine kurze Einführung in buddhistische Lehrinhalte.

Bunker Roy, Sanjit (2005) Barefoot College: Its Experience. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 183-185 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

(2005) Caturanga, Vol. 64, no. 4 (2005).

Cortez, Rafael (2005) NGO Contracting Evaluation for the HNP Sector in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Options. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 7 (2005). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2005

Dahlmann, Carl ; Utz, Anuja (2005) India: India and the Knowledge Economy, Leveraging Strengths and Opportunities.

Danel, Isabella (2005) Pakistan's Public Health Surveillance System: A Call to Action. In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 11 (2005). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2005

Das Gupta, Monica (2005) Public Health in India: An Overview.

Das, Jishnu ; Hammer, Jeffrey (2005) Money for Nothing: The Dire Straits of Medical Practice in Delhi, India.

Das, Rahul Peter (2005) Eurocentrism and the Falsification of Perception: An Analysis with Special Reference to South Asia.

Deolalikar, Anil B. (2005) Attaining the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan: How Likely and What Will it Take to Reduce Infant Mortality, Child Malnutrition, Gender Disparities and to Increase School Enrollment and Completion? In: Discussion Paper Series, Bd. 8 (2005). Washington, D.C., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 2005

(2005) Die Singalaka Sutta – Der Laien-Vinaya: Zeitlose Lebenskunst.

Dohrmann, Jona Aravid (2005) Ernährungssicherung in Indien.

Dorji, Chencho (2005) The Myth Behind Alcohol Happiness. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 64-77

Dorji, Kinley ; Pek, Siok Sian (2005) The Bhutanese Media: In the Service of the Public. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 78-96

Dorji, Lham (2005) Voices of Bhutanese Youth: Through Their Dreams, Experiences, Struggles and Achievements.

Dorji, Lham (2005) Youth in Bhutan: Education, Employment, Development.

Falk, Rahel (2005) Industrial Sickness in Indian Manufacturing.

Glinskaya, Elena ; Lokshin, Michael (2005) Wage Differentials Between the Public and Private Sector in India.

Hanneder, Jürgen (2005) Noch einmal zur langen und kurzen Version des Yogavāsiṣṭha in ihrem Verhältnis zur Mokṣopāya-Rezension. In: Asiatische Studien, 59 (2005), Nr. 2. pp. 509-526. ISSN 0004-4717

Hanneder, Jürgen (2005) The Mokṣopāya: An Introduction. In: Hanneder, Jürgen (Hrsg.): The Mokṣopāya, Yogavāsiṣṭha and Related Texts. Shaker Verlag 2005, pp. 9-19 (Indologica Halensis ; 7) . ISBN 978-3-8322-4265-7

Hanneder, Jürgen (2005) The Mokṣopāyasaṅgraha. In: Hanneder, Jürgen (Hrsg.): The Mokṣopāya, Yogavāsiṣṭha and Related Texts. Shaker Verlag 2005, pp. 105-112 (Indologica Halensis ; 7) . ISBN 978-3-8322-4265-7

Holdschlag, Arnd (2005) "... a curious and intricate ethnological puzzle": Diversität und rezente interkulturelle Interaktionsprozesse im Hochgebirge Nordwestpakistans.

Hunger, Uwe (2005) Vier Thesen zur deutschen Entwicklungshilfepolitik für Indien.

Jha, Saumitra ; Rao, Vijayendra ; Woolcock, Michael (2005) Governance in the Gullies: Democratic Responsiveness and Leadership in Delhi’s Slums.

Kiessling, Hein G. (2005) Der pakistanische Geheimdienst ISI. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen, 21 (2005), Nr. 5. pp. 71-92. ISSN 0177-7521

Kojo, Naoko C. (2005) Bhutan: Power Exports and Dutch Disease.

Kropf, Marianna (2005) Rituelle Traditionen der Planetengottheiten (Navagraha) im Kathmandutal: Strukturen – Praktiken – Weltbilder.

Kulke, Hermann (2005) Bibliography of India History up to 1750.

Kulke, Hermann (2005) Maritimer Kulturtransfer im Indischen Ozean: Theorien zur „lndisierung" Südostasiens im 1. Jahrtausend n. Chr. In: Saeculum, 56 (2005), pp. 173-198. ISSN 0080-5319

Lasagabaster, Esperanza ; Munzele Maimbo, Samuel ; Hulugalle, Sriyani (2005) Sri Lanka's Migrant Labor Remittances: Enhancing the Quality and Outreach of the Rural Remittance Infrastructure.

Maimbo, Samuel Munzele ; McKechnie, Alastair ; Ghani, Ejaz Syed ; Del Mar Pernia, Joseph ; Bell, Simon C. (2005) Migrant Labor Remittances in the South Asia Region.

Malhotra, Anju ; Mathur, Sanyukta ; Pande, Rohini ; Roca, Eva (2005) Nepal: The Distributional Impact of Participatory Approaches on Reproductive Health for Disadvantaged Youth.

Mann, Michael (2005) Ritualisierte Staatlichkeit: Die "Delhi Darbars" 1876-1912.

(2005) Menschenrechte in Indien.

Mukherji, Supriya ; Priyadarshi, Meera ; Singh, Suneeta (2005) Communication in Public Health Programs: The Leprosy Project in India.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Language Documentation and Language Endangerment in Nepal.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Recent Adaptions of the Devanagari Script for the Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nepal.

Noonan, Michael (2005) Spatial Reference in Chantyal.

Penjore, Dorji (2005) Folktales and Education: The Role of Bhutanese Folktales in Value Transmission. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 258-277 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

Powdyel, Thakur S. (2005) The University as an Instrument of Gross National Happiness: Some reflections. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 166-182 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

Radwan, Ismail (2005) India: Private Health Services for the Poor.

Rösel, Jakob (2005) Indische Speiserituale und die Speise des Herrn der Welt.

Schneider, Nadja-Christina (2005) Die "revolutionäre" Expansion des indischen Zeitungssektors.

Schnepel, Cornelia (2005) Odissi: Eine ostindische Tanzform im Kontext der Debatte um regionale Tradition und kulturelle Identität.

Shah, Prakash (2005) Globalisation and the Challenge of Asian Legal Transplants in Europe.

Siaens, Corinne (2005) Bhutan Human Development Indicators: Analysis of Current Situation using the BLSS.

Srikantaiah, Deepa (2005) Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Indigenous Systems of Medicine.

Südasien-Institut (2005) SAI-Report 2005.

Tashi, Khenpo Phuntsok (2005) The Positive Impact on Gomchen Tradition on Achieving and Maintaining Gross National Happiness. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness. Thimphu, Centre for Bhutan Studies 2005, pp. 211-241 . ISBN 99936-14-38-6

The World Bank (2005) Bangladesh: Updating Poverty Maps of Bangladesh.

The World Bank (2005) Nepal: Development Policy Review, Restarting Growth and Poverty Reduction.

The World Bank (2005) Pakistan: Punjab Economic Report, Towards a Medium-Term Development Strategy.

Ura, Karma (2005) Beneficiary Labour Contribution (Woola).

Ura, Karma (2005) The Bhutanese Development Story.

Vishwanath, Tara (2005) Pakistan: Country Gender Assessment, Bridging the Gender Gap, Opportunities and Challenges.

Weigl, Constanze (2005) Der Umgang mit Krankheiten und deren Ursachen bei tamilischen Familien im Kreis Südliche Weinstrasse.

Witzel, Michael (2005) Vala and Iwato: The Myth of the Hidden Sun in India, Japan and beyond.

Yule, Paul ; Borchert, Corinna (2005) Sisupalgarh/Orissa: Illegal building operations in the North-West area.

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