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Number of items: 7.


Aryal, Saroj Kumar ; Nair, Adithyan (2021) 'SAARC's dysfunctionality and China's foot at South Asia's Door.

Jolly, Julius (1883) Buddha's Bettlerschale. In: Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung, 76 (1883), Nr. 33. pp. 473-474

Jolly, Julius (1896) Professor Weber's Anniversary. In: The Indian Antiquary, 25 (1896), p. 343

Jolly, Julius (1885) The re-marriage of Hindu women. In: The Indian Evangelical Review, 11 (1885), pp. 409-414

Schaffar, Wolfram (2020) Die satirische Facebook-Gruppe Royalist Marketplace, queere TikToks und die neue Demokratiebewegung in Thailand - Interview mit Prof. Pavin Chachavalpongpun.

Wongratanawin, Praphakorn (2020) Seit Jahrzehnten: In Thailand verschwinden Menschen.

Working paper

Deininger, Klaus ; Goyal, Aparajita ; Nagarajan, Hari (2010) Inheritance Law Reform and Women’s Access to Capital : Evidence from India’s Hindu Succession Act.

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