Two inscriptions of Tammusiddhi; Saka-Samvat 1129

Lüders, Heinrich

In: Epigraphia Indica Vol. 7, (1902), pp. 119-128

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The first of the following two stone inscriptions is engraved on the east wall of the Nataraja shriue in the Vataranyesvara temple at Tiruvalangadu, 3 miles N.-N.-E. of the Chinnamapet Railway Station in the North Arcot district. The second is on the north wall of the central shrine of the Vachisvara temple at Tiruppasur, 2 miles W.-S.-W. of Tiruvallur in the Tiruvallur taluka of the Chingleput district. They are now edited for the first time from inked estampages supplied to me by Dr. Hultzsch.

Document type: Article
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2018
Faculties / Institutes: Miscellaneous > Individual person
DDC-classification: General history of Asia Far East
Controlled Keywords: Südasien, Epigrafik, Geschichte
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tammusiddhi, Inschrift, Geschichte, Indien / Tammusiddhi, Inscription, History, India
Subject (classification): Indology
Countries/Regions: India
Series: Personen > Schriften von Heinrich Lüders
Volume: 11